Archived More Player Models - Character Heights (similar To A Scale)

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Brasil acima de tudo, Deus acima de todos!
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
São Paulo, Brazil
Hey! Now with the addition of the new "More Player Models Mod" i have noticed that players are each taking what they think to be the correct height corresponding to their players, and others think the same height to be much smaller. Now we have humans as tall as elves and even orcs. I was thinking: Since people in medieval ages were on average 6cm smaller than today (About... 1m 74cm or 1m 66cm) why couldn't we/the staff set an actual, concrete % for the body parts variations to be equivalent to a certain height IRL.
I was thinking that 100% (the original template size) to be around 1m 76cm (Sorry i dont know in Inches.) and maybe 110% to be 1m 80cm or 1m 85cm.
I dont know what you all think. It just bothers me people using the templates for human females and human males to be a certain height they imagine to be, whilst others are using 120% imagining it to be the same height. (Sorry. My grammar for this was awful. I'm extremely tired but i felt like i had to finish this off before i sleep x3, pardon me.)
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I think he means to suggest that the visibility/player height be changeable depending on the size of your race.
eg: Children and other 1 block tall races see at the one block level and fit through 1x1 spaces, and elves and other 3 block tall races see at the three block level, and fit through spaces 3 blocks tall or higher. That is what I think he/she means, though I do not think it is code able.
Looks more like the op wasn't quite finished typing.
Valmyr I am confused as to why you rated my comment "disagree," as I was only stating my interpretation on what I thought he had meant, since people were asking what the thread was about.
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