Archived More Maiar Suggestions

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look at my BLOUSE
Aug 12, 2013
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I've been playing Maiar for a few days. I am in love with this race, it's great.
...But I have a few suggestions (don't we all?)
Come the arrival of the new race plugin (?) Maiar should have a few more perks whilst being in water, and some more downfalls while on land.
Perks of being in water
  • Strength I - Maiar are faster, more agile in water, and more capable of swinging a claw or weapon faster
  • Haste I - To make up for a lack of aqua affinity, Maiar should be able to dig/mine faster underwater.
  • Better sight/nightvision/less water opacity - While underwater, Maiar should be able to see better. Passing around 7 blocks without optifine is hard to see, especially in covered rooms and at night. Maiar should have better underwater vision.
Downfalls of being on land
  • After the food bar completely diminishes, or is at only two hunger, add the nausea effect.
  • Weakness I on land - skin/scales will begin to dry up, causing creaky and painful movement
  • Mining fatigue - again, creaky and painful movement of dry skin
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Being a fellow Maiar, (totally not being bias or anything pfff..) I fully support this idea! It's creative, and actually pretty logical for what us Maiars would deal with when on land/under water. Earlier today when we were rping I was thinking "Wow, it's really dark down here." So I specifically like the idea of the sight suggestion.

+1 Support!!!
I like this..Hate being maiar because all I can do is move fast. I can't see too deep, takes forever to mind...and on land? Sheesh, all i have to do is wade around in fountains for a bit or let myself starve (the health decrease isn't all that fast) until I find water.

I like your suggestions! 1+ Support!!!
But I hate doing supports like this because I don't want to seem..uncaring about the staff who have to deal and manage with this..also there's that thing when people start suggesting stuff, the Races become op(?) or sometimes seem to be more focused on the PvP benefits of this suggestion then the Role-play..I mean, seriously, do those things really affect how people role-play with Maiars? Not in my opinion, no, it only makes your gameplay as a Maiar easier (which isn't a bad thing..) So I just wanted to spit some opinions out and point a few things out but..Great job on this thread :D *THUMBS UP*
Even though I don't use the maiar plugin this would be kinda cool.

Being a fellow Maiar, (totally not being bias or anything pfff..) I fully support this idea! It's creative, and actually pretty logical for what us Maiars would deal with when on land/under water. Earlier today when we were rping I was thinking "Wow, it's really dark down here." So I specifically like the idea of the sight suggestion.

+1 Support!!!

But...can fish actually see in the dark? Or is that only certain species of fish..?
But...can fish actually see in the dark? Or is that only certain species of fish..?

Well I believe that over time certain species of fish eventually adapt to see in the dark or at least pressured water. That being said, most fish have a lateral line that runs down the side of body which house Neuromasts. For the most basic description the fish can sense what is around them through these neuromasts. Most fish in their natural settings do not recieve as much light as we give them aquaruims, the water depths are deep and dark and the fish have to have a way to find food, sheltering areas,ect...
I remember when one of my friends started off, He thought the maiar would be the most amazing race to start off as... and i'm pretty sure we all know how that ended up.

Personally i would think adding changes like these while also causing them to be weaker on land is an amazing idea!

+1 Support
Well that would make it terrifying for a Maiar to be stranded on land without a bucket. I'm torn in between yes and no. On one hand it would make us demons underwater, just like how Dakkars where demons in the nether (literally). But on the other it would make it more frightening for Maiars to socialize outside of water. Forget about pools or houses filled with water on land, I would want to live at the bottom of the ocean where its safe.
On the whole I agree but perhaps the addition of a 'water' breathe cap? Like the dude in Hellboy.
But humans get an item that allows them to survive under water. 3+ items to be exact. So what's your point?

I agree with that. It's the medieval times, modern stuff like that wasn't invented.
The regalian time is currently 301, so..
But humans get an item that allows them to survive under water. 3+ items to be exact. So what's your point?
Well I don't know then. Maybe it is makes more sense that the can create a air bubble for a helmet than a fish bowl for a hat.
I played mainly as a Maiar first time on the server, I love this idea. Mostly because my house was a choice of words to build underwater, but this could help so much!
Fianlly a suggestion that makes sense! Hurrah for le maiar. Perhaps add slowness 1 on land also @raynesummer just an idea
Despite the fact that we'd all be doomed if @raynesummer could swim faster or deal more damage, I think its a brilliant idea.

I rated you "Please read the subject again, you might come to a different conclusion" because you haven't familiarized yourself enough with the topic at hand. Maiar water bottles has been suggested almost as much as werewolves, and has been denied every time because it doesn't make logical sense. I will remove the rating now that I have explained myself.
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