Archived More Local Chat Commands

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Apr 13, 2013
Reaction score
I have a suggestion for local chat:

This command shows your nickname you used in the local chat, which puts your status as "in character"

This commands displays your USERNAME in the local chat, showing you are out of character, and just talking in local chat. Your words will also have ((THIS)) around it.

This command is to be exactly like /me, but is a toggle, so once you type /action, that is what you will do until you type any other chat switch command.

I also think these should be toggled commands, so your chat will stay that way until you change it, like using the other chat switch commands.
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I find that it would be a hassle to constantly be using all these commands. Although it's a good idea!
I agree too, I think this was due to be added in since the dawn of man
Lady Rose, it will be usable like the f: or a: chat like commands. It can a hassle at first, but a bit of adjusting will make it perfect.
I like... But it'd be sooo much easier to just double parenthesize the text...
I am happy just using (()) for ooc text. I do miss /me and would love to see it able to be used locally. I find it adds a lot to the RP.
I like... But it'd be sooo much easier to just double parenthesize the text...

Well i dont mean just to say like ONE thing out of roleplay, i mean in like every sentence, and just talking in local chat, so that way every sentence you talk with someone it you wont have to add the (()) yourself. its sort of for more than just one thing to say, like its own category.
I do miss /me and would love to see it able to be used locally. I find it adds a lot to the RP.
I feel ya man.
/me is a command that they're looking into adding. ;)
/me is a command that they're looking into adding. ;)

My idea is almost exactly the same thing, but its toggle so when you type ./action then thats what you are doing until you type something else. I missed it too, thats why i wanted at least something LIKE it 8-)
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