Archived More Faction Ranks

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Jun 27, 2013
Reaction score
The last thread about this is dead. It lives on in spirit.

Let's talk Factions; probably the biggest annoyance in a large faction is the small hierarchy. Sure, you could assign 'titles' to make a hierarchy, but there's really no effective administrative power over those people. Currently, there are four ranks; leader, officer, member, and recruit.

Let's break them down:
Leader - There is only one of these at a time. Effectively the God of the faction.

Officer - These are usually small in number, since they usually have many permissions. If the leader chooses to revoke their traditional permissions, it affects ALL officers. Typically, less permissions means more officers, because you can trust more people if they have a smaller metaphorical gun pointed at you.

Member - These guys can build and stuff. Usually no administrative permissions.

Recruit - Scum.
This model works well enough with smaller factions. It becomes a stretch in medium factions, and becomes risky in a large one. Why risky, you say? The problem lies in the tiny hierarchy that we're forced make use of. This is because for every certain number of members you have you need an officer.

This proportion is ultimately up to the faction leader, but if you have too many then there is a security issue among other problems. To counteract this, the leader either needs trustworthy officers, which are hard to come by on the internet, or needs to take some permissions away. Like kicking and stuff. You know, those things that send griefers and trolls to hell?

If you have too few officers, then most of the time the faction can't keep itself active. They can't be on enough to keep the faction alive. Soon enough, logins dwindle until soon enough the members drain out the inactive door into the Wilderness faction.

What can be done to fix this?

I'm glad you asked! The faction plugin needs a new command to add additional layers to a customizable hierarchy.

Here's how it will work:
Rank 3 - Leader
Rank 2 - Officer
Rank 1 - Member
Rank 0 - Recruit

"Oh dearie me, I've reached one hundred and twenty member! What shall I do?"

"Use the new faction command, that the wonderful staff made for the server."

"That's a brilliant idea! /f rank create uber-officer 2"

"Huzzah, all of our problems are solved!"

I have absolutely no knowledge pertaining to modding plugins.
I imagine the command could work like this:
/f rank create rankname rank-the-new-rank-is-above (if it was 1, then the new rank would be above member but below officer.)
and then; /f rank remove rankname (self-explanatory)

Now, for some common responses and their respective answers.
A: I think this whole thing is largely unnecessary. I mean, I get along just fine with the rank system we have.

I'm glad you have friends you can trust. We could be more than just fine, though. You know that stress you sometimes get when you can't log onto minecraft and you hope nothing has gone horribly wrong? That can be easily alleviated if you know that you have people with custom co-leader ranks or higher ranking officers to manage the plebeian officers.
A: You're a hero.

I know.
A: + support
A: I think that this would encourage larger factions and discourage smaller factions .

Is that such a bad thing? Larger factions can easily integrate newer players into roleplay. You get that large metropolis feel and players there to help you out. Small factions can still easily exist, but they won't out of necessity.
A: Are you sure you're not thinking of Towny? This sounds like Towny.
B: No. This is factions.
A: There are factions that are doing just fine.

They are a vast minority. Have you seen how many pages there are on the faction list? And even they are barely doing just fine. It's a constant struggle to keep members active. I've been in several factions where there may be sixty or seventy people, but nearly half are dead weight that are waiting to be auto-kicked, a fourth are semi-active and only come on to refresh that timer, and the last fourth are the people who are active. If you'd just implement a system to reward them with a higher rank without giving them the dangerous officer powers, you could keep more of them active.
A: The officer rank is less dangerous if you revoke some of the permissions.

And also they are less able to keep order without your constant attention.

Large factions need either an active leader(s) or the organization this suggestion would bring. If you like the dozens of scattered factions made up of five - ten people each ruled by their own emperor, that's cool. I don't, and I'm sure there are people who do agree.

Imagine, for just a bit, a New Ceardia populated by large cities with roads connecting to them. Survival RP won't just be restricted to the rare gems. Large factions like that will have members on nearly all times, to the point where inactive members who log on and see it will jump on the active bandwagon.

I'm not saying this will make everything better automatically, there's more required than just one command.

There's so much more to say about this, but I don't think it's necessary yet. Thank you for reading this far, I guess.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
i agree 100%. im a small faction and i even think we need this. with like 4 people at once tops the ranks should work but they dont. you have my support!
Apologies for the Necro (soz Ha5h) but I'm a believer in the "squeaky wheel gets the oil" philosophy and I this issue in my opinion is still effecting factions day-to-day operation. Yes, Tech staff have priorities and a LOT to achieve over the limited time they have, which I respect hugely... but keeping a subject alive reinforces for them which specific issues people feel strongly about thus which issues should get more time on the 'front burner'.

@TrolleyLedPanda love the suggestion... with the caveat that simply adding two or three extra ranks for everyone across the board will sort out most of the problems.

Creating new commands and also the functionality for faction leaders to be able to create new custom ranks is over-complicating the issue and probably a coding nightmare. Let's keep it simple so the Tech crew have a hope in hell of achieving it. Two new ranks across the board and let's be done with it.

The important thing to consider when implementing is the psychology. Quite simply and frankly that comes down to what you call the new ranks - not much more than that. Hands up those faction leaders who've signed up a recruit who immediately starts banging on about how good they are and that they should be immediately promoted to officer? Every damn day I'm sure. With careful choice of new 'important' sounding rank names we can keep those recruits happy without the risk of making them an officer and giving them powers like claim/unclaim chunks (a power which larger factions need to give to officers to operate).

I'm open to other names than what I've suggested below... but I would suggest the new ranks sit between leader and officer. Maybe we rename Officer to something more grandiose so that people feel more important when they reach that status and don't insist on top ranks:

Rank 6 - Leader
Rank 5 - Admiral (or something with a more medieval slant?)
Rank 3 - Captain (ditto as above - medieval?)
Rank 2 - Change "Officer" to "Knight"
Rank 1 - Member
Rank 0 - Recruit
This is a great idea. My faction isn't too big but this would still be super useful. Also I think we should link a couple of the tech staff to get their opinions on how this could work... So @Madus @ulumulu1510
This is a great idea. My faction isn't too big but this would still be super useful. Also I think we should link a couple of the tech staff to get their opinions on how this could work... So @Madus @ulumulu1510
It is gonna be difficult to implement, due to how the current system is designed.
It is very much possible to do, but much of the source code will have to be rewritten.
That is purely the tech POV for this suggestion. Not my personal opinion.
It is gonna be difficult to implement, due to how the current system is designed.
It is very much possible to do, but much of the source code will have to be rewritten.
That is purely the tech POV for this suggestion. Not my personal opinion.

Rewrite source code - don't like the sound of that - sounds nasty. Either way though Madus, would you say that my simplified vision (just adding an extra permanent server-wide rank or two) would be far easier than creating a system where faction leaders can add extra custom ranks?

Perhaps we can temporarily mitigate some of the issues by renaming:

Rank 3 - Leader
Rank 2 - Leave "Officer" as "Officer"
Rank 1 - Change "Member" to "Knight"
Rank 0 - Change "Recruit" to "Member"

Half the issue is that no-one wants to be a "Member" it sounds to lowly. If we elevate the perception of the status it might suffice as a short term until time can be found to add extra ranks.
Rewrite source code - don't like the sound of that - sounds nasty. Either way though Madus, would you say that my simplified vision (just adding an extra permanent server-wide rank or two) would be far easier than creating a system where faction leaders can add extra custom ranks?

Perhaps we can temporarily mitigate some of the issues by renaming:

Rank 3 - Leader
Rank 2 - Leave "Officer" as "Officer"
Rank 1 - Change "Member" to "Knight"
Rank 0 - Change "Recruit" to "Member"

Half the issue is that no-one wants to be a "Member" it sounds to lowly. If we elevate the perception of the status it might suffice as a short term until time can be found to add extra ranks.
Here is the thing though. Any faction can change the title of a person. We've already been doing that. For this to be effective we would need one or two more actual ranks. Titles can be changed to whatever people want with /f title [name][title]
Just add a single new rank and maybe rename all the current ranks. That would open up flexibility greatly.

***King (Leader)
**Count (Admin Rank 1)
*Duke (Admin Rank 2)
+Knight (Member)
-Peasant (Recruit)
I'd like there to at the very least be a rank for your second in command. I would like to be able to choose who gets control of my faction if something happens instead of leaving it to the officer with a screenname that has a first letter closest to "A."
I see that it is gonna be difficult to implement but I believe this is an amazing idea especially if we are able to set custom names for the ranks.