Archived More communication with the community

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Wiki Minder
Jul 3, 2012
Reaction score
Hi to all admins/mods/trusted of the server,

now you have three plattforms to communicate with the community and you are on a good way to manage the entire things around this server.

But sometime I feel there is not enough communication, maybe I haven't read it, then correct me:

There was at no plattform a note about that the server now only have 100 free slots and why.

There was at no plattform a note about the reduction of the autokicktime and why.

This two examples should enough to explain, what I am talking about.

.. and if there were informations about it, then please don't hide them anymore. Put important stuff about big changes or changes which will affect all players immediately to the main pages in 2 or 3 em font-size.

At the end all want to play, I know, but in my opinion I think that will prevent many askings!

Greetings Lachrymology

PS: Don't take this as an attack, its a suggetions for the admins/mods/trusted. Have a nice day!
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For sure all information don't get out as an article on the webpage. This would be course we are human and don't have time to write long posts every day about any small change to the server. We tweak things all the time 8-)

It is not hard to guess that the player slots is down on 100 becourse of our temporary server, it can simply not handle more. Even on 100 its pretty low tps.

Secondly, the autokicktime has been 10 days for as long as i can remember. At least as long as i have been on the team.

Regards, Igel_son
Okay, I got that - and I don't meant all tweaks, only the big changes. I don't let that count: "don't have time", because your team has more than 5-x members? I mean, at the end if you don't write down such things, you have to answere afterwards a lot of questions, but I can only advice the team with this - to spread important informations fast. At the end I want to say, I am not pissed about it (= If the team want to handle things like the team does it now, I have to accept that ^^'

"Secondly, the autokicktime has been 10 days for as long as i can remember. At least as long as i have been on the team."
--> Then the autokick-script is buggy at all, I have checked many ppl on server - sometimes they get kicked at the 7th day, the last one which got kicked from our faction was over 40 days offline another player is still in faction with 18 days offline....
I created an announcement forum exactly for this kinda thing :) I am trying to strengthen the communication between staff and players, and I think even with this thread I'm doing a good job at it.

My next step is getting the team to announce changes in the forums, too under announcements. Hopefully it'll all work :)
Seems like we worked this out. Will try to get better communication out there to the players, the forum will help us with that :)

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