Archived More Bartenders, Or Brewable Alcohols?

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look at my BLOUSE
Aug 12, 2013
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Regalia's Gold Willow Tavern is a very active hub for new and experienced players alike. Many people enjoy going to the tavern, but now, only server staff are bartenders and the selling of alcoholic drinks in the tavern has gone to an all time low, since the staff are too busy to RP as the bartender. My point is, trusted players with approved character introductions - with no previous offences or warnings from the server - should be eligible to be barkeep, or hold other various jobs in Regalia. If allowing certain players to have access to the bar chests, doors and underground storage is too much to ask, perhaps adding in a feature that allows people to brew alcohols similar to the way potions are made, but with different ingredients would be useful?
If you are going to implement player-held barkeep status, I'd readily apply. Thanks for reading.
-Ysolde Falkrak
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So, with all the new bars opening up, a lot of people are able to enjoy the wonders of...

This is why:
And this was the result:

Disclaimer: I have never drunk more then 1 glass of alcohol (I actually find it to be disgusting in flavor), have no children, and don't need beer to take a shot at that slide.
I hate beer and wine, I love champagne though, yes I'm under age but I've only had one sip

I can see grailen attempting to get me arrested right now.
Okay this is not confession, this is me attempting to get more bar wenches employed.
/veers back on topic
However I actually agree we need bartenders to make it actually be like a real tavern, and not much of just go there to roleplay and not get any drinks that they say are for sale.
Disclaimer: I love alcohol, not beer perse as it's flavour is too bitter for my liking, i enjoy spirits and mixed drinks more xD
One thing I liked about the old tavern was that, even though it wasn't necessary, there was almost always a bartender one could roleplay with. I really miss seeing bartenders in the tavern, especially since it is such an active location. I strongly support seeing the hiring of trustworthy players with accepted characters (who follow lore and roleplay well) as bar staff. It would really assist with tavern roleplay; I rather miss the presence of a barkeep.
One thing I liked about the old tavern was that, even though it wasn't necessary, there was almost always a bartender one could roleplay with. I really miss seeing bartenders in the tavern, especially since it is such an active location. I strongly support seeing the hiring of trustworthy players with accepted characters (who follow lore and roleplay well) as bar staff. It would really assist with tavern roleplay; I rather miss the presence of a barkeep.
Ah, the old tavern...a place of rejection for the younger less charming Maximus. Good times
Yes, this support is what I like to see! Let's get staff involved! MonMarty , would it be possible to have trusted players work as barkeep?
"I miss barkeeping at the old tavern to be honest, serving up drinks all day long, makin a living, guess things just aint the same these days" he stands back and slips into the shadows sipping at a bottle of Whiskey
I agree with this completely, -goes to tavern- -walks out as there is no barkeep- this happens to me far to often.
You could also pay the barkeep to switch someone's drink for a poison or a sedative. Within reason you have to convince the barkeep to do it.
"So good you almost die."
Now available in the Regalian marketplace at McClownalds Restaurant.​
More people should be told about how I don't drink.

Or be scorched with caustic commentary when I do manage to drink.
I totally agree that there should be more drinks instead of the usual potion's. On another RP server, they are decked out with game inhancing plugins like archeology, marriage and gender selection, and physical money (I will not share any more info about this sever due to rules). So I think massivecraft sould just shut off for a month so they can get these plugins added and crafting recipes up.
Sweet Ishta, they have heard our calling!
I love martini's, Tequilas, and sweet drinks...fruity stuff too but some ppl say dats guy D:
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