Archived More Alleys In Regalia

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The Antagonist's Right-Hand
Oct 25, 2014
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New Ceardia
Roleplay Guilds
The Ivory Company
Simple idea, Regalia should have several alleys across the city, or dead-end streets. Places you might not feel quite as bad roughing someone up at. Maybe somewhere dark, maybe somewhere quiet. Definitely somewhere secluded.

Any thoughts?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Simple idea, Regalia should have several alleys across the city, or dead-end streets. Places you might not feel quite as bad roughing someone up at. Maybe somewhere dark, maybe somewhere quiet. Definitely somewhere secluded.

Any thoughts?
Well, this sounds like the new slums staff is building.
But I totally agree with this! I've always thought it sounded a bit thrilling to know if you took the wrong turn into an alley you had the chance of being robbed, beat up, etc.
beat me up, pls
Well, this sounds like the new slums staff is building.
But I totally agree with this! I've always thought it sounded a bit thrilling to know if you took the wrong turn into an alley you had the chance of being robbed, beat up, etc.
The slums would be quite different. These would often be short cuts or dead ends through the city, and not particularly shady in and of themselves, but you'd be able to drag someone there and show 'em what for. There used to be an alley just west of the Tavern.
The slums would be quite different. These would often be short cuts or dead ends through the city, and not particularly shady in and of themselves, but you'd be able to drag someone there and show 'em what for. There used to be an alley just west of the Tavern.
Actually the slums are the replacement for the sewers and considering its rather poor there I'd think it would be shady in some parts.
Also just the fact that you also said dead ends in both posts, so they are similiar.
I would love to be that backalley person who is actually really nice not some sketchy flasher
Actually the slums are the replacement for the sewers and considering its rather poor there I'd think it would be shady in some parts.

Also just the fact that you also said dead ends in both posts, so they are similiar.
I apologize for the confusion, allow me to clarify.
The slums would be quite different[Than the alleys in question]. These[Alleys in question] would often be short cuts or dead ends through the city, and not particularly shady in and of themselves, but you'd be able to drag someone there and show 'em what for. There used to be an alley just west of the Tavern.
I apologize for the confusion, allow me to clarify.
The slums would be quite different[Than the alleys in question]. These[Alleys in question] would often be short cuts or dead ends through the city, and not particularly shady in and of themselves, but you'd be able to drag someone there and show 'em what for. There used to be an alley just west of the Tavern.
i think this would be real neat to have tbh. it'd up the chances of some crime rp too. >u > which i'm 100% on board for
I thought there were spaces already like this.. Well if they were added they would have to be around were people actually bother to roleplay so they don't have to walk out to a district mainly used for housing to get robbed.
From my understanding, even if there were more, guards would still be in earshot.

I'm not lore staff but I dont believe encouraging criminal roleplay in Regalia, or outside of the slums atleast, is something that is really needed.
There are a few dead end streets in regalia, as well as alleyways.

Though most of these places are not located next to the Golden Willow. There's a ton of alleyways in the harbor district, which back when it was brand new led to a lot of smuggling operations taking place daily between the harbor and sewers.

If you want to get away with roughing people up, do it away from the Golden Willow where guard patrols aren't as frequent (since nobody seems to RP two blocks outside of the Willow)
There are a few dead end streets in regalia, as well as alleyways.

Though most of these places are not located next to the Golden Willow. There's a ton of alleyways in the harbor district, which back when it was brand new led to a lot of smuggling operations taking place daily between the harbor and sewers.

If you want to get away with roughing people up, do it away from the Golden Willow where guard patrols aren't as frequent (since nobody seems to RP two blocks outside of the Willow)
Yeah, but remember there are still lots of npcs.
there are still lots of npcs
hasn't stopped anyone from drawing a blade in the most public areas of the city before in front of hundreds of witnesses. While it would be ideal to have everyone not flat out do illogical crimes, it will happen.
As stated before, there are such alleyways within the Harbor District and Commerce District, both of which hardly see roleplay, but are very finely built districts. The Bridge District behind Debauchery Island also has plenty of shady spots on the way to it, specifically on the level below the chancellery building. From a strictly roleplaying perspective, these districts would be better for doing this sort of thing as there are, to my knowledge, fewer guards in these areas.

From a World perspective now, this will not happen anytime soon if at all. In order to add alleyways, that would require the moving of homes, redoing of streets, etc., which is quite frankly not worth the time and effort for such a small, insignificant thing. There are already plenty of spots to do this at, even the park has some shady spots.
hasn't stopped anyone from drawing a blade in the most public areas of the city before in front of hundreds of witnesses. While it would be ideal to have everyone not flat out do illogical crimes, it will happen.
Which is another reason I don't enforce it. And even when it does happen those players will likely slowly lose roleplayers.
As stated before, there are such alleyways within the Harbor District and Commerce District, both of which hardly see roleplay, but are very finely built districts. The Bridge District behind Debauchery Island also has plenty of shady spots on the way to it, specifically on the level below the chancellery building. From a strictly roleplaying perspective, these districts would be better for doing this sort of thing as there are, to my knowledge, fewer guards in these areas.

From a World perspective now, this will not happen anytime soon if at all. In order to add alleyways, that would require the moving of homes, redoing of streets, etc., which is quite frankly not worth the time and effort for such a small, insignificant thing. There are already plenty of spots to do this at, even the park has some shady spots.
I don't expect them to be added any time soon, though perhaps it could be a low priority in the future to add an alley here and there when editing areas.
I agree with Tim. It would be too much effort for too little reward from a staff perspective. Though, I would love if this idea was kept in mind in the RARE RARE RARE (zero percent chance probably) chance that we ever have a Regalia v3 or w/e version we are on now. I doubt that will ever happen, but more alleys + slightly wider main roads are two MUSTS if we ever do in my opinion.