Preserved Sheet Moona'ivea

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ʜᴇᴀᴅ ᴇᴍᴘᴛʏ
Staff member
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score



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- ‹ •◦ || "
If the Sun and Moon should ever
doubt, they'd immediately go out.
" || ◦• › -


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  • 」《 BASIC INFORMATION || Required 》
  • ⋄❫ Full Name: Moona'ivea
    • ⋄❫ [ Nickname(s): Moona, Moony ]
  • ⋄❫ Age: 23 years old
    • ⋄❫ [ Birthday: August 15th 286 AC ]
  • ⋄❫ Gender: Female
  • ⋄❫ Race: El-Maraya
  • ⋄❫ Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • ⋄❫ Preferred Weapon: Fists
    • ⋄❫ [ Secondary: Sorcery ]

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  • 」《 SKILL INFORMATION || Required 》
    • ⋄❫ Total Points | 50 Proficiency Points, 10 Hobby Points, 3 unused points.
      • Core Group Proficiencies:
        • +5 Fist Combat [ +5 Invested ]
      • Hobby Group Proficiencies:
        • +10 Gardening Arts [ +10 Hobby ]
        • +10 Needlework Arts [ +10 Invested ]
        • +5 Horticulture Arts [ +5 Invested ]
        • +5 Baking Arts [ +5 Invested ]
      • Point-Buy Group Proficiencies:
        • +9 Sorcery [ +9 Invested ]
        • +3 Linguistics [ +3 Invested ]
      • ⋄❫ Body Shape | 23 Physical Stat
        • ⋄❫ [ Physical Stat: 5 + 5 + 2.5 = 12.5 ]
        • ⋄❫ [ Body Shape: Slim ]
        • ⋄❫ [ Body Fat: Average ]
      • ⋄❫ Languages | 3 Total languages.
        • ⋄❫ [ Common: Upbringing (Fluent) ]
        • ⋄❫ [ Shalota: Upbringing (Fluent) ]
        • ⋄❫ [ Plains-Allorn: Linguistics (Fluent) ]
  • 」《 SPECIAL TRAITS || Required 》
    • ⋄❫ Racials | El-Maraya
      • ⋄❫ [ Base: Keen Mind 1, Home Enchant 3, Meraic 1, Meraic 2, Body Tether 1, Mind Shield 1, Element Control 6 ]
    • ⋄❫ Sorcery | Exist Alignment
      • ⋄❫ [ Travel Ability: ] True Path 1 (Toggle Passive) ]
      • ⋄❫ [ Combat Ability: ] Magic Bolt 1 (Magic Spell) ]
      • ⋄❫ [ Aesthetic Ability: ] Arcane Mastery 1 (Magic Spell) ]

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  • 」《 VISUAL INFORMATION || Required 》
    • ⋄❫ Eye Colour | Muted Lapis Blue.
    • ⋄❫ Skin Colour | Tanned Brown.
    • ⋄❫ Hair Colour | Muted Indigo.
    • ⋄❫ Hair Style | Long and tied into a loose ponytail.
    • ⋄❫ Clothing | Bright coloured dress with a checkered shirt.
    • ⋄❫ Height | Five-foot Eight Inches.

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  • 」《 PERSONALITY & ABILITIES || Required 》
    • ⋄❫ Alignment | True Neutral
    • ⋄❫ Personality Type | INFJ, The Advocate
    • ⋄❫ Character Religion | Faith of Estel 2/10

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  • 」《 LIFE STORY || Required 》
    • [ Paragraph One | Toddler ]
      • Hatched relatively recently, compared to her counterparts, her parents were descendants of the few Vaulters that originally came before. They've managed to live outside the swarm for some time, acting as refugees, bouncing from one city to the other to find a proper home. With little success, they'd mostly integrate themselves within one of the glorious Altalar cities. Moona being born not long after the decision to learn more about the locals, she'd begin the process of learning two cultures at once.
    • [ Paragraph Two | Childhood ]
      • Settled within this new city the new family would find hardships from being treated like complete aliens from the higher classed Altalars. As some conflict arose amidst the city and pure chaos spread around each corner, Mooona would find herself separated from her parents. Here she learned to train to fend for herself; at the same time, she had her agenda and ran the streets to embark on some random carriage to a new destination. Surrounded by many gifted and commonly seen arcane users, she'd eventually manage to learn a few sorcery spells, much to her advantage.
    • [ Paragraph Three | Early-Teens ]
      • As she departed from the claustrophobic elven city, she'd venture on her own accords. She'd travel outside to the plains and explore the small colonies. Feeling lost and alien to everyone and everything she'd manage to settle with friendly local Cielothars. Adapting to their culture and lifestyle, she'd pick up some great skills with all things nature. Soon she'd catch wind of the Holy City of Regalia, not having many funds to travel at sea to it, she'd go back to her trickster ways and sneak onto a ship on its way to it.
    • [ Paragraph Four | Young Adult ]
      • As she found herself in the city she'd disembark the boat and leave behind her old home. Arrived in the huge city that was Regalia she found herself lost, even more, alien to it than before. Flipping between the surface and the sewers she'd try and navigate this city and find a new purpose...
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