Monthly Progression Monthly Story Arch Progression: 31st Of January 2016

Discussion in 'Progression Events' started by MonMarty, Jan 31, 2016.

  1. MonMarty

    MonMarty Thotdodger Staff Member Server Owner

    Jun 30, 2012
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    Information on how the Player Quest system will function later today, the relevant Wikipedia articles need to be updated and the forum system needs to be replaced. You can however already analyse the various Story Archs, the first paragraph is always the introduction, the second the "Pro" side, and the third the "Anti" side. Start planning ahead, groups of Max 5 players are able to commit to either Pro or Anti side. A player may only join one Player Quest per month. Player entries influence the outcome of a story arch, a failed quest contributes 1 point while a successful quest contributes 2 points to a particular side. At the end of the month the points are tallied and the story progresses based on player impact.

    Story Arch One, The Tigran Excavations of Cour de Ciècle

    Around the end of January, the yearly sandstorm season of Ithania came to an end. Having ravaged much of the Cour de Ciècle Desert in the south of Ithania, the sandstorm destroyed much in its path. And yet, the shifting sands also revealed something long hidden from the eyes of Aloria, now laid bare to the scorching sun and the occasional trade that passed it by. One such merchant walked their camel on the way back from Lusits to Sansse Prême, a small trading town at the border of the desert in Ithania. He approached the usual location that is known as a watering hole to the Ithanian merchants, but as he crossed the last valley and marched up the next sand dune, the sand dune was gone. In fact nearly all of the sand was gone. The floor was solid, made of sandstone and the large square stones could easily be distinguished. As he continued along the path he eventually reached a rock that used to be referred to as “The old Faithful Waterer”. Yet the Old Faithful Waterer had changed. No longer was it just a small rock sticking out of the sand, what men had assumed to be a strangely shaped triangular rock was actually an ear of a massive statue resembling a Tigran.

    As news of the discovery reached Ithania, many would be explorers charged into the desert in search for riches. Many died on the way until Ztrava Ztonzil caught wind of the archeological dig site and set her eyes and claws on finding the lost treasures of the Tigrans. Ztrava was known among the Ithanians as a ruthless Tigran slave driver who made her coin by selling her own kin to rich Ithanians and Regalians. She descended upon the dig site with her hordes of mercenaries and slaves, excavating and digging away the sand with such force it would even put the Regalian quarries manned by Orcs to shame. Within weeks, Ztrava and her diggers uncovered large complexes, massive sandstone temples and abodes. Deep tunnels dug under the buildings with vast rusted networks of copper piping. Ztrava dismantled most of the copper piping, obviously intent on selling them for their mineral value, though some parts of the excavation sites she could not reach. Whether it be lack of manpower or her Tigrans lack of willingness to excavate the deeper bowels of the sand temples, Ztrava sent out a message promising rewards and glory for whoever would help her uncover the past of the Tigrans. She pointed out some strong individuals were required for the digging part, and maybe someone skilled with a sword as well to fend off any underground dangers.

    Meanwhile in the Ithanian palaces, the nobility grew restless at this supposed archeological discovery, afraid it would herald a renaissance of Tigran culture and identity. Having spent hundreds of years systematically destroying Tigran culture and reducing them to a servant race, the Ithanians banded together behind Brouiard Plaisance, under the guide of “the Holy Alliance for Union in Ithania”. This group made a general call towards any faithful Unionists to assist in sabotaging Ztrava’s work either by planting explosives on the Tigran ruins and causing destruction to deny the Tigrans their heritage or by defacing the Tigran murals before they could be translated. Brouiard indicated he was looking for rogue-ish people to engage in covert sabotage, but also fighters to fend off any attacks from the local Tigrans if necessary.

    Story Arch Two, the fall of the Qadir Sultanate
    The Hadravian war between the Regalian Empire and the Qadir Empire had damaged both countries, though the fractures within the Qadir Empire were much deeper than previously assumed. Qadiriyye had always been ruled by the Sultans, though the stability of the lineage of the Sultans was shaky at best. Fratricide and Patricide was a frequent occurrence among the Qadir royal family, and one other such plot would now unfold itself against the Qadir Pasha, the supreme Sultan of the Qadir Empire. The Pasha was only 16 years old when the Hadravian war started, and many Qadir would later blame him for the failures of the Hadravian war. The destruction of the southern Khalid cities at the hands of the Orc and Dwarven monstrosities weighed heavily on the population and the Suladdin guards of the Sultan in particular were disgruntled. After a series of smaller victories for the Pasha’s uncle, the Palace guard conspired against their leader and seized much of the palace in the name of the new usurper, the Pasha’s much older uncle who was a decorated war hero among the Qadir. With support of the various Black Banner armies generals, the new Pasha seized control of the Qadir Empire surprisingly effectively and quickly, though full victory could not be achieved. The Pashawa, being the Pasha’s wife and leader of his harem, had smuggled the previous Pasha out of the Imperial Palace. The old Sultan was now hiding somewhere in the Palace city of Rhub-al-Kwazarid, hoping for a way to restore his rule and oust his usurper uncle.

    One such chance was offered by the Regalian Empire through the assistance of Ser Henry of Montpartbatton, both a Viridian Knight and embassador of the Regalian Empire to Qadiriyye. Henry pled to the Regalian government that the old Sultan was a lot less war thirsty than the current Sultan, and that a further civil unrest within the Qadir Empire would ensure they would prove no match for the Regalian Empire. He believed that by helping the Sultan stay alive, they would cause the Qadir Empire to be unstable for twenty more years to come, preventing any sort of breaking of the truce between Regalia and the Qadir after the Hadravian war. Montpartbatton had assisted the Pashawa to hide the Sultan somewhere in the Palatial city, but his exact location was unknown. Also, the current Pasha’s forces were closing in on his location and Montpartbatton made the call to any supporters to assist in his cover plans by stealth and sabotage. Maybe some fighters would also be required to deal with any Qadir revolutionaries that got in the way.

    On the other hand, Rahman Al-Andlusali called on the Regalians to support the new Sultan’s emergence in return for extended peace between the Regalian Empire and the Qadir Empire. He required intelligent people to support his hunt for the ex-Sultan, hoping that anyone would sign up to assist him in finding the elusive teenager and punish those who hid him from his end. Rahman promised riches and glory to whomever would assist him in his quest to capture the old Sultan.

    Story Arch Three, The riots of Daenshore
    The collapse of the Anahera fortunes in both the Regalian Archipelago and the Daenshore plantations destabilized the local economy of Daenshore. Daenshore had always had a fairly unstable economy thriving on illegal practices, what little “proper” economy existed was controlled by Anahera plantations which now all closed down, lacking funds to continue operation. The massive mobs of unemployed started rioting in the city, looting without rest. The instability became so erratic that the local gentry called in the assistance of the Imperial Capital, and as such, a detachment of Violet Guards was dispatched to restore order in at least the majority of the city. The vast slums of Daenshore were however lawless lands, and the rioters had effectively taken control of all past government positions in there. Some of their ranks were filled with disgruntled ex-Daendroc rebel members, remnants of the rebellion that had struck against Ithania months before but disintegrated when their leaders died supporting Andrieu Anahera.

    Madileine de Santovesi is a local aristocrat supporting the Violet Guards with her finances and soirees. She now inhabits the Governor’s palace with her entourage, encouraging would be explorers and diplomats to assist her and the nobility of Daenshore to calm the wrath of the commoners and the poor and to restore the status quo by finding solutions to the issues of the lower classes. She seeks the support of those who are good with words and understanding the problems of those who often do not wish to be helped, to calm down this storm of aggression against the Regalian authority. She promised riches and political support to whoever could quell the riots in name of the Emperor. Madileine suggests taking some guards along for personal safety as the poor and the commoners are always so unpredictable.

    Opposed to Madileine is Bartolomo del Torreida, an arms smuggler and entrepreneur in Daenshore. Following the collapse of the Anahera house of Trade and Coinage, smuggling and contraband is moving freely in and out of the city. With his arms business doing better than ever before, Bartolomo wants nothing more than the continued instability of the situation in Daenshore so that he may continue selling weapons to both sides and make a fortune off the problems of others. He asks any would be speakers to assist him in fanning the flames by encouraging the rioters to become more violent as well as sabotaging them covertly to anger them even further. He suggests taking on some guards as the rioters are already armed and dangerous.

    Story Arch Four, the Elven resurgence of the Empire
    Nearly two months had passed since the disappearance of the Statue of Estale when the Entyainu and High Prince Menduir od Medui of Metten Teldwen met one final time within the mountain fortresses of Metten Teldwen. The two were hard at work, drawing up deals, creating agreements, and finalizing plans that were years in the making. At long last, the two signed an announcement that would be sent all around the world: One proclaiming the arisal of the Second Elven Empire. Alongside this announcement, Naethir Uvire declared that the statue in the north was indeed Estale, and that she was not really destroyed or defeated. He justified that Estale was sending a message to the Talar, telling them to retake their glory. Finally, the Entyainu called for the reclamation of the Elven homelands, and to drive the Orc menaces out. Instantly, Unquale and Talar rose from their independent cities from both north of Hyarroc and from Telara Merthwen to join, however resistance was met by other tribes. Some simply ignored the call, while others who valued their independence feared being annexed by the Empire at a later stage. At that, the gates of Metten Teldwen opened to the north, revealing a Talar army unthought of by Regalia or the Orcs. Emperor Meduir decreed that the Orcs were to be taken as slaves, or killed. The Talar army marched forth and rested outside at the ruins of Madar Ornar, where the first Orc tribe lay in the path of the Talar.

    On one side stood the Talar general, Nelethar Silverin. He called any and all mercenaries to his side to assist in destroying the Orc armies. In exchange for helping the Talar, any non-Talar would be granted equal status to Talar in the eyes of Estale for assisting in the reclamation, as well as a share of the war treasure, be it Orc loot, or a physical slave. Anyone with considerable skill in fighting, or with magical prowess, could easily help the Elves and stake a claim to the reward of treasure that the Orcs undoubtedly have.

    On the other side was Aldrem Dark Iron. He desperately needed aid from his allies, however the Regalian Empire did not have the resources or manpower to assist them because of the revolts in Daenshore. Meanwhile, the Orc Blood Clans to the north refused to side with their half a century old enemies. Chieftain Gore was too prideful to want to work together with his old enemy, Aldrem. A clan war to force the Blood Clans into an alliance would be self-destructive and impossible at this stage, but if the two did not stand together, both would fall slowly. The Blood Clan tribes could easily help the Dark Iron Tribelands and prevent the genocide and enslavement of their brothers to the south, or they could retreat away and save themselves. Aldrem called on any foreign aid to assist in the defense of the Madar Ornar, or to convince the Blood Clans to ally with the Dark Iron Tribelands.
    • Immersive x 11
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  2. Beetletoes

    Beetletoes Regalian Prince

    Jun 1, 2014
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    Yes! The Elven Empire!
    • Agree Agree x 3
  3. krios41

    krios41 Privjet

    Oct 15, 2013
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    I rate penguin.
    because penguin.
    also, i like this.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Elven_Queen

    Elven_Queen bad bytches im yah leader

    Jul 13, 2015
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. babaMP3

    babaMP3 innocent until proven filthy Supremium

    Aug 6, 2012
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    • Agree Agree x 2
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  6. Mooffins

    Mooffins ancient gay

    May 26, 2015
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    So we are getting more info on how to submit and our guidelines later today, yes?
  7. Nudibronch

    Nudibronch Professional Procrastinator

    Aug 17, 2015
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    So does this mean that their only target are the orcs? Or will they eventually turn their eyes on Regalia?
  8. ChensSpaghetti

    ChensSpaghetti Space Cowboy

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Nobody expects the Spanish Insquisition the Elven Empire.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
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  9. Superbee29


    Jul 8, 2015
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    Interesting, veeery interesting.

    @MonMarty how would Elven states react? I'm specifically interested in Thellassia.
  10. MonMarty

    MonMarty Thotdodger Staff Member Server Owner

    Jun 30, 2012
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    You'd have to ask Shayin. I know literally 0 about Elven lore.
  11. Arvallon

    Arvallon Arvanion Cyladhras of Avallónë

    Feb 27, 2013
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    Return of the elven empire? ITS ABOUT DAHM TIME!

    In all honesty... I think they would be too occupied with cleansing the jungles of Daendroc first. Aswel as taking the supercontinent... Regalia itself... Not so soon... its outposts in Daendroc and ithania... Eventualy yes. Or so would I believe...

    Then again... shayin knows all ;3
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. Elven_Queen

    Elven_Queen bad bytches im yah leader

    Jul 13, 2015
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    they're dominated by regalians so if there are celebrations then they're not public lol
  13. xSketchedCrystal

    xSketchedCrystal dead

    May 16, 2015
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    • Agree Agree x 4
  14. Arvallon

    Arvallon Arvanion Cyladhras of Avallónë

    Feb 27, 2013
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    Not sure if my old character still exists... but im sure as hell gona get a character ready to get fightin. ;p
  15. Doc_Cantankerous

    Doc_Cantankerous Second Foundationer

    Jun 4, 2013
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    Well, looks like the orcs are going to need to remind the stupid knife-ears what's what.

    Prepare yourself, the orcs are coming.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Immersive Immersive x 1
  16. EpicAidan1

    EpicAidan1 The guy that is there.

    Oct 4, 2014
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    Elves are nice, orcs are not.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Lithiel

    Lithiel Tragic Flower Forager

    Jan 24, 2014
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    oooooooooooooo this is going to be VERY interesting OwO

    Meanwhile Lithiel being asked about it :
    • Agree Agree x 3
    #17 Lithiel, Feb 3, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2016
  18. BillyTheScruffy

    BillyTheScruffy Massive's Resident Law Enthusiast

    Sep 21, 2013
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    Looks like Will gets to cut down some elves whilst feeling a tiny bit disappointed doing so. =D
    • Like Like x 1
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  19. Elven_Queen

    Elven_Queen bad bytches im yah leader

    Jul 13, 2015
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    in ur dreams bud {;
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 2
    • Winner Winner x 1
  20. KrakenLord01

    KrakenLord01 That Guy

    Nov 15, 2014
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    Speaking of which, during Story Archs like the Elven Resurgence for the Empire, will Player Characters from opposing ever come in direct contact with each other?
  21. MonMarty

    MonMarty Thotdodger Staff Member Server Owner

    Jun 30, 2012
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    probably. No reason to avoid roleplay conflict if I can generate it.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  22. KrakenLord01

    KrakenLord01 That Guy

    Nov 15, 2014
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    I hope William is forgiving in the event that I unintentionally turn him into a human lightning rod.
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  23. BillyTheScruffy

    BillyTheScruffy Massive's Resident Law Enthusiast

    Sep 21, 2013
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    Lets hope hes wearing a collar in Regalia if they ever do meet again.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  24. Beetletoes

    Beetletoes Regalian Prince

    Jun 1, 2014
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    Ooh, this's gonna be gooooooooood
    • Agree Agree x 1
  25. Tra_kad

    Tra_kad Massives biggest Adventurer and Conspiracy Maker

    Oct 9, 2013
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    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 2
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  26. Winterlapis

    Winterlapis Probably not a furry

    Nov 4, 2015
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    Tundrra be like:
    "Pick meeee!"
    Also, will this end up being a player quest? If not, then what are these story arches for?
  27. MrHappyTinkles

    MrHappyTinkles Block-Put-Togetherer

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Basically, all of these story arches are open to be participated in as player quests which can be submitted in this sub-forum, if I'm not mistaken. Message a lore staff if you want more information on how to set up your player quests.
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  28. BeetrootSalad

    BeetrootSalad the gremlin Supremium

    Jun 2, 2015
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    http:// catinatank.jpg We must prepare the cat army.
    Our numbers are growing.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  29. Winterlapis

    Winterlapis Probably not a furry

    Nov 4, 2015
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    Yes, yes we do.
  30. feiooos

    feiooos Raptoom's Skullcracker

    Nov 27, 2012
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    Holy shit this was fun to read O_O

    I have a question regarding these entire happenings. Are they physically present in the faction worlds or is this all just made up stories?

    If they're not present it would be such a pity <___>

    PS: I apologize for saying something stupid, but this is my first attempt to reach out for Massive's lore since the first races were ever written, by MonMarty I think.
  31. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
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    This takes place in the RP worlds of the server (Regalia, Silverwind, etc) and does not affect any part of factions as factions are considered for the most part to be lore in-compliant.

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