Archived Money Via Mail

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Herald of the Blind
Jan 22, 2015
Reaction score
Not sure if this is possible already, but I don't think so so I'm gonna post this.
The idea that I'm proposing is simple, although I expect that implementation of it will much more complex. It's a minor thing, but still a good idea, I think. Here's what I propose; players are able to send regals in mail, so that regals can be transferred despite differences in time that players might be online.

Massivecraft has a wonderful marketplace community, with artwork, skins, lore items, etc. for sale. However, the vastness of the Massivecraft community and the timezones it encompasses often makes it extremely difficult to perform transactions and ultimately weakens our marketplace community. The reason I propose this system is so that timezones are no longer a restriction terms of transactions. Regals is the most obvious thing that should be implemented for transfer, and perhaps even items that one wants to give away even when the recipient is offline.

I understand that the mail system may be an independent plugin all on it's own, but perhaps another similar system could be implemented? The main objective here is that regals are transferable to players that are offline.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
You can send money to someone when they are offline. It will show up in their /money log.
The money plugin makes no different between somebody being online vs them being offline. You sending money should not have had a problem in the first place. I'm assuming it did since u posted this idea to change it.
Yeah, you can send money to offline players. If you wanted a mail saying you did could accompany it.
However, you mentioned even sending items... Now THAT, I think would be awesome. Maybe some form of command such as /mail package send [Player] And it could open up a chest to put items in for mailing to said player?
Idk if this would work, but maybe?
Alright then. I was guessing that something similar was already implemented. Items would still be cool.
Items through mail will not be implemented. There is too much room for abuse.
Player A want to give an item to player B. Player A and player B are vastly different places. Player B then logs of. Player A sends the mail. Player B logs in again and now has the item. If you want to transfer items to someone offline, tell them to make a donation chest.