Archived Mods!

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A regular Hero
May 8, 2014
Reaction score
Doha, Qatar
Maybe the Server could be Modded so we wouldn't have to RP everthing not in Minecraft or a Plugin.Maybe we could use Ars Magicka(Magica?) to Create Spells,Blood Magic and Forbidden Magic for things like Necromancy,and a Few others,Mostly Utility and Exploration Based Mods,Like Dartcraft,Natura,Biomes o' Plenty,Mo' Creatures and so on.
Sure,It might be Hard work for the Staff,But It'll Most likely be more of a Help than a Hinderance and work out in the End.Any Other mods you know that would work with this Medieval,Magical Theme?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This will never get approved.
The only way something similar could get implemented is with the new Minecraft API system that allows servers to add mods and allow clients to download them and use them automatically.
Anything that requires players to make changes to their minecraft to play on the server will probably not be implemented. Things like more player models are only there because it's entirely possible to enjoy the server without them. Making the server dependant on a client side mod massively reduces its appeal to new players as they have to download a mod if they want to play on a server they don't even know.
Anything that requires players to make changes to their minecraft to play on the server will probably not be implemented. Things like more player models are only there because it's entirely possible to enjoy the server without them. Making the server dependant on a client side mod massively reduces its appeal to new players as they have to download a mod if they want to play on a server they don't even know.
Maybe so,but this would also mean the anyone new will know what they are doing.
As MassiveCraft want a very open community. Everything that forces users to install mods won't be installed. As long as it is optional (More player models) it is fine.
So these will problary not be implemented in the near future.

Best Regards Madus
It is worth noting that MassiveCraft Staff are working on a magic plugin. Also, the manner in which worlds are designed makes Biomes o' Plenty largely redundant. If you've visited FendarFell, MassiveMobs is implemented there, which might not create new mobs, but creates diversity amongst current mobs.

As many have said, the idea of simplicity is one of the reasons mods aren't installed, but also the staff like to have control over the plugins. Having to wait for all these mods to update takes time, and new members don't want an old server.
If the rumors are true. And server-side mrs are coming to mine craft in 1.9.1. Then there is no way but to wait and see.
No. This really will never be approved due to the fact the player has to also download the mod.
The only possible way to have this implemented is to update the MineCraft mod API, otherwise the ENTIRE playerbase would have to download each mod in order to play. To be blunt, this is a horrible idea.
With the Minecraft API thingy,it would be great. If they have to download it manually, it will probably get declined
Even if the modding api was implemented these mods would take time (and I mean TIME) to be implemented and intergrated into aloria (and this is without the possible problems with versions and plugins) meaning this would take possibly months to do. Cayrion is good. But I don't think anyone's sanity is up to this and plus the amount of time the server would be down is very impractical aswell. Server downtime would also cause problems with paying members due to these unnessasary mods.
wishful thinking, impossible to implement- not everyone has a unit that can handle that much.
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Something further to note... You said so people didn't have to RP anything NOT already in game.... So, you come to an RP server and yet, you have an issue with RP? Erm.... What?
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