Played Character Moctezuma

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Caelamus, Dec 5, 2022.

  1. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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    . Basic Information
    Name: Moctezuma Chicahua (Natl), Ingemar Bernhardson (Skodje).
    Heritage: Urlan.

    Age: 53.
    Gender: Male, He/Him.
    Occult: Yes, Archon (Aegis).


    II. Core Concept
    At a first glance or spending a small amount of time with Moctezuma he sometimes, more often than not, embodies many different stereotypes that people often associate Urlan with, including but definitely not limited to; Wearing the furs and hides of past hunts, adorned with trophies of the hunt. Wearing little other than what he must and spending a great deal of time outdoors away from the busy streets of cities. Being stoic, reserved and not very talkative. Despite being what most people think of when the word Urlan comes up, he's more on the peaceful side of things and tends to prefer to avoid conflict if he can- although that certainly isn't to say that he as a character won't engage in conflict if he has to. There have been times that Moctezuma was the first to throw punches if he felt it was necessary. He is not the type of individual to act without reason or accordingly. Getting to know him more reveals more about his central dynamic and who he is as a character along with his combined cultural identity that goes in three, possibly even four, different directions. He was born an Urlan Archon who belongs to both Maquixtl, Velheim, and the instinctual habits and culture of the Urlan. His mother was a Red Hunter Archon dedicated to and in worship of Caius while his father was a Hunter who revered Elkonur while Moctezuma became more involved in the Estelley Faith after being influenced by his wife and community.

    Alignment wise, it's fair to say that Moctezuma is a True Neutral character who is capable of doing good and bad in equal measure, or bad things with good intentions. One of his mottos is "Doing the right thing is not always doing the good thing." He is very protective of his friends, family and community(s).

    Moctezuma is a follower of his wife's faith, Estelley. A particular leaning towards Aseia, Mana, Leyon and the recently ascended Artarel.

    Class wise they are more or less a Ranger archetype that chooses to spend most of their time in the wilderness. Albeit, a very versatile ranger.

    ⅡI. Skill Information
    Combat Style(s)

    Attack. Dexterity
    Defense. Wisdom
    Ranged Hunter Archetype

    Free Packs
    Steady Body (Urlan Heritage)
    Thick Hide (Urlan Heritage)

    1 Strength
    I. Pinning Throw

    1 Constitution
    I. Mounted Evasion

    3 Wisdon
    I. Chem Hyperfocus
    II. Technique Parry (Chem)
    III. Chem Purge

    7 Dexterity

    I. Ranger Tag
    II. Ranger Wallop
    III. Ranger Blur
    IV. Ranger Trap
    V. Ranger Cut
    VI. Ranger Cover
    VII. Ranger Splash

    2 Magic
    I. Magic Snare
    II. Magic Shove

    Alchemy Talent

    (Originally he inherited his alchemical knowledge from his mother who specialized in genos research but later took the knowledge and ran with it, expanding it and using it as a means to help better him as a hunter on the side. He is no true alchemist and couldn't replace a talented individual, but he knows his way around herbs and basic remedies that will get someone by on the hunt or lost miles out in the wilderness. He can make most basic concoctions and some poisons to help subdue prey. He is also far too large to truly be a practitioner of the alchemical arts. Having an incredibly sensitive nose also helps.)
    Athletic Hobby
    (Keeping fit, a natural pass time for the Urlan as they spend much of their time outdoors. In Moctezuma's case, using a longbow as if it were a shortbow demands a lot from him that he has to keep in shape for.)
    Medical Talent
    (Taught by years of watching their wife and other Floralcourt residents, only knows basic first aid and isn't very proficient outside of that. A real doctor is necessary, Moctezuma's skill is a last resort out of combat. But when you're miles out in the woods, he'll do just fine.)
    Magical Talent
    (Moctezuma is not a very skilled dragon mage, but possesses some magical knowledge focused primarily on controlling, manipulating and wielding fire. Moctezuma is roughly a third tier mage focused on Destruction-like magic.)



    IV. Visual Information

    Standing at the height of seven feet dressed with hides and furs of the hunt alongside adorned with trophies of the hunt, Moctezuma, resembles what comes to mind when one thinks of an Urlan who spends most of their time in the wilderness living off the land. His head looks like an ibex as he belongs to the southlands clade. His body is covered in reddish fur that extends all the way down to his cloven hoof feet. The only unusual feature he possesses are his purple Archon eyes, of which he was born with. He also has a small fluffy tail.

    Moctezuma wields a bow of his own make, the Gnarlpine, whose limbs twist in on themselves ending with gold caps and other gold embellishments. The most notable feature of the Gnarlpine is the fact it is imbued with minor draconic magic, that, it is a livingwood bow and is capable of growing small flowers along its limbs.

    . Character Details
    Normally this section might be used for just plothooks or for the character's life story but for Moctezuma this section will include some other details about him as a character and person to paint a better picture. Some paragraphs are described in the context of a life story but not all of them follow a linear narrative trend. As in 'born this day and year and at the age of ten went to this school and graduated at the age of twenty an adept of this craft' for example. Some of this information exists as a personal character notes but it also exists as a deep dive of the character, some warning it may contain a lot of content. Feel free to post in the replies any comments about the character or your own general thoughts.

    -He was born in the melting pot of the world, Regalia, where a myriad of cultures meet and clash with eachother on a daily basis or end up coming together to form something new. Moctezuma was the product of a Velheim Urlan deciding to settle down with a Chantli Maquixtl. Due to his father being an Urlan, Moctezuma, was born an Urlan also but took mostly after his mother in appearance. They decided to give him two names at birth, one in Skodje being Ingemar, the other in Natl, Moctezuma. He does not have an Altalar name like many Maquixtl do and simply uses his Skodje name instead for people that he doesn't know very well enough to be called by his Natl name.

    -A great deal of Moctezuma's adult life was spent in Floralcourt alone, with his wife, friends, family, community, which has led to a lot of both good and bad experiences. He survived the Clicker Crisis among many others and went on to serve House Reinard quite loyally when they were still a player at court. He was a contributor to why Clannadh Alba is split between Ailor and Urlan populations. He worked abroad as a guide to protect expeditions going through dangerous terrain, served at home as a member of the Metropolitan, and then on in the military. To this day he still serves in the military but isn't on active duty until a war breaks out.

    -There are some other details about his life still worth mentioning. Such as despite being born in Regalia, Moctezuma has lived abroad in both of his parent's respective homelands for at least a decade each and has seen more of the world than just the Regalian Archipelago. His military service has also seen him stationed abroad. He is world weary and has ventured through some quite dangerous wilderness before, even alone. But he also has a rich and storied history in the city. Whenever he isn't living in the city of Regalia itself, he resides in either Mandu or at the farmstead that his father's side of the family owns.

    -Ingemar or Moctezuma, generally leans more into his mother’s culture due in part because his father’s, the Velheim, are very apprehensive about Urlan due to conflict and tensions that exist between the two. Whereas the Maquixtl generally tend to accept the fact that Moctezuma is an Urlan because of the importance of bodily autonomy. Even though he was born Urlan. Ingemar himself isn’t hostile however to his father’s culture and will sometimes go to Velheim related events or hang around the Velheim in general. His wife and friends have had perhaps the most profound impact on this.

    -His father, Bernhard, wasn’t born an Urlan but rather became one through peaceful symbiosis. His family lived an isolated and remote life far from the nearest village so access to medicine and healers were very limited. They lived a modest life on the family owned farm. His parents couldn’t bare to lose their son to sickness so they stole away an Oorl worm from the woods to give to their son. He was returned to perfect health and continued on with his life as normal, even better than before.

    -His mother was a Chantli who came to Regalia for academic study. She was a Genos researcher and alchemist who mostly specialized in animal biology and zoology and met his father through similar interests. His father was a huntsman and a guide through rough terrain and spent a lot of time both tracking, hunting, and maintaining populations of animals. Their main home was in Regalia but the two spent most of their time traveling around the world together and still do to this very day.

    -Eloxochitl Ichpochton, Moctezuma's mother, is a Red Hunter Archon who lives in service to and in worship of Caius. She believes strongly in that magic is a horrible taint upon the world that brought about the cataclysm that killed so many of her family members towards the end of the Allorn Empire. As the dust settled, she became engrossed in her Genos research and grew dedicated to Caius who is the living manifestation of the rot that magic causes to the body and soul. This led to Moctezuma being born an Archon, but, he is far less radical than his mother who was converted into an Archon due to her strong beliefs. The same radicalization might had become of him too were it not for the temperance of his father soothing the hot flames of his mother, and the later influence of his wife who was born a mage. As a result, all of Moctezuma's children are both Archon and Urlan as well just like him with the same physical Maquixtl influence.

    -Despite being an Archon, Moctezuma rarely makes use of any of the abilities or powers that come with it. His aesthetics are inherited from his mother who serves Caius, that being fire and the color red. This may be subject to change if Moctezuma is ever drawn into actively serving under a dragon himself.

    -Moctezuma, despite being a follower of Estelley, isn't opposed to Dragon Worship or the Fornoss faith. His mother was faithful to Caius as mentioned and his father favored following Elkonur. Moctezuma himself wasn’t very religious himself and adopted Estelley as his faith because of his wife and proximity to it among the mixed Xotik, Sentli and Yanar community that exists in Regalia. He ended up marrying a Sentli himself.

    -His most prized possession is a work of art, and weapon, that he painstakingly created himself. It’s a one handed axe meant to be used in conjunction with a matching shield that bares a hybrid blend of both Maquixtl and Velheim culture on it. It very rarely sees use outside of honor duels or battle with symbolic importance as it symbolically represents Moctezuma’s personal identity.
    • Winner Winner x 2
    #1 Caelamus, Dec 5, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2024
  2. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Wee bump as I drowned myself out.
  3. BiBiBirdie

    BiBiBirdie The Bird Monarch

    May 3, 2016
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