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Played Character Miztal

This character is actively played.


Jun 28, 2022
Reaction score
Sewers, New York City
Roleplay Guilds
Not yet
Character Information
  • Full Name: Miztal Hall'eveia
    • Nickname: Miz, Taal
    • Wildname: Sacred Dusk Protector
  • Race: Half-Yanar Half-Maquixtl
    • Culture: Ferlon | Xotik
    • Aberrancy: None
  • Age: 21.
  • Gender: Female, She/Her
  • Eye Color: Green.

Core Concept
  • A young woman seldom seen without her twin sister Mazatalli. She appears to struggle with her wilderness magic, unlike her studious sister, never quite succeeding in enchantments without some form of chaos. Growing up she and her sister got into many scrapes defending and protecting each other. Because of her sister's aptitude for support, she has taken to the more heavy-handed roles in combat, not afraid to get bloody. Overall she is a hard worker, who becomes quite loud when excited. Often fearing what her sister may become without her protection, becoming unable to help her…
Combat Stats
  • « STRENGTH » 5
    • Technique Parry
    • Concussive Blow
    • Diving Tackle
    • Cheap Shot
    • Unyielding Strike
    • Rage Counter
  • « ARCANE» 1
    • Sinistral Rage
  • « WISDOM» 1
    • Arcana Shift

  • « FAITH» 6
    • Paladin
      • Divine Defense
      • Divine Wrath
      • Divine Savior
      • Divine Aggro
      • Divine Blessing
    • Cleric
      • Sacred Martyr
  • Common
  • Altalar
  • Nātl
  • Saan
Appearance Information
  • Miztal is of average build in height having a plump and round figure with a more pear shape when it comes to body type. Her hair is natural, grown out and well kept in a dark brown colour. While her skin is a dark tan. She sports forest green eyes and most of these details are the exact same as her identical twin sister. Their dress style is a bit different however as Miztal prefers clothing that frames her body beautifully, with long flowing fabrics reminiscent to the maquixtl fashion. Form fitting dresses with larger garments layered overtop. She enjoys colourful and bright jewellery that reflects her bouncy personality. Chunky, large pieces stand as fashion statements that embody her spunky personality.

Plot Hooks
  • Wild, Fragmented Magic: Miztal's magic appears somehow eruptive and chaotic, unable to be learned or tamed. It is wild, fragmented from birth, much unlike her twin sister. Regardless it shows much potential and prowess, when yielded correctly.
  • Enraged Fighter: Born gritting her teeth, her short temper finds her in the most unfortunate of situations. It is not for a lack of patience, but her strong drive for justice, demanding righteousness in all situations.
  • Aseia's Paladin: Despite a supposed lack of strong familial upbringing, Miztal appears to subscribe strongly to Aseia's teachings, acting as a loyal zealot of some sort. She holds value in all of the Estellion pantheon, but has always favoured Aseia due to her own incline for magic.