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Played Character Mithras, The ‘i Am’ In ‘you’.

This character is actively played.
Feb 12, 2022
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: 'mithras'
  • Heritage / Culture: 'i sat in the Calem shallows; felt an eldertide wash away any pretense of ailorship'
  • Age: 'nineteen'
  • Gender / Pronouns: 'he/him'
  • Occult: '???*'
Appearance Information

'a man must be at peace with himself;
but when looking at my very own reflection;
i am overwhelmed by the imperfection;
not just by the pores, scars or skin;
but the rot that has taken over within.'

Core Concept

'so even if the glass digs into my flesh;
even if my veins pour open in a gash;
i won't forget what I must accomplish;
to establish in myself this perfect creed;
i must be willing to make a river run red!'

Attack and Defense Stat

'i breathe a strange /wisdom/:
my nose bends and breaks;
/faith/ becometh cathartic;
('I AM', now 'YOU' see, unwittingly manipulative; for only the foolish forsake simple answers).

Morbid Curiosity Keeps You Reading (Optional)

'Poetry's alright! I like reading it from time to time. And though I find the occult abhorrent (to draw from a plane beyond oneself! it's really a silly thing…); I do enjoy mingling with its practitioners.

..Mh. That's /not a hobby/?

Well. I disagree- and yet you're surely right. These sophisticated words, you must understand, belong to a fake. The truthful 'I AM' is someone lowly; a faux intellectual of cheap thrills and carnal desire (gods forgive me!). Sometimes I dream of a man or woman grabbing me and-…'

Proficiencies ('-…normopathy dominates. 'YOU' now holds the helm).
  • Wisdom: 7
    • Champion Command
    • Degrading Command
    • Mobile Command
    • Attack Command
    • Overwhelm Command
    • Defense Command
    • Shield Command
    • Resist Command (Ailor)
  • Faith: 5
    • Faithwall Prayer
    • Desperate Prayer
    • Kneeling Prayer
    • Guidance Prayer
    • Disrupt Prayer
    • Unseen Prayer
    • Safety Prayer'
Proto-Velheim (10/10)
Common (6/10)
Ancient Altalar (10/10)
Calem (7/10)'


293ac: first birth. adulterous father (don't yet know or understand him).

294ac: get called fatherless for the first time.

296ac: i hear it again. now i'm old enough to understand exactly what they mean.

300ac: the label that haunts and devours is no longer an abstract; i feel fatherless rock ever harder against the edges of my mind.

303ac, 33rd of may, 03:33am: i try to grasp at the one dandelion that yet remains in the garden (pleasedon'teverleaveusdon'tletorangeovertakeyourcolorspleasecompensateforour weaknessibegyouandyoureveryrayto maintainthisblissfullie). it's useless. something bursts out from my cranium.

???*: /true father/… i insist there's been a mistake. nonetheless He welcomes His fatherless son. this place, i understood, was our house. and perhaps… just perhaps… this is where 'I AM'.

312ac: i walk red riding hood through a blurry existence. banal desire leads me to regalia; believing that there i may yet understand the bizarre intersection i've become. it's as an occultist thus that i come across 'YOU'.'
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