Preserved Sheet Miriam Valeur

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Jan 9, 2013
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Basic Information
  • Name: Miriam Valor
  • Age: 17, born 5th of May 287 AC.
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Ailor,
  • Main Ambitions: Progressively build her way up in the family affair business, assist her aunt Victoria in the furniture design business, expand on her gown design/tailoring interest, find a lover, and becoming more independent by expanding her social branches and working.
  • Special Permissions: None.

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Smaragd green
  • Hair Color: Chocolate brown
  • Hair Style: Miriam prefers wearing her hair long and loosely. For special occasions where dressing appropriately is required, she'll wear her hair in a high, fashionable style. Headwears and jewelry are no uncommon sight added to her hair, whether it's for a special occasion or not.
  • Skin Color: Her skin color is fair and pale, much like typical untanned Regalian Noble women.
  • Clothing: Not a day goes by where Miriam doesn't desire a new gown. Gowns are one of her passions, and she will at all times wear one in one form or another. Her gowns are made of expensive quality fabrics, all ranging from exotic silks to traditionally woven linens.
  • Height: 168 cm.
  • Weight: 55 kg.
  • Body Build: Miriam has a slim figure, though her hourglass shape is in early development. Naturally, the corset-implanted gowns shape her figure as she grows, and she intends to keep an optimal fashionable female shape.
  • Weapon of Choice: Miriam is not particularly skilled in any weapon, though her curiosity and sense for adventure has inevitably landed her an imaginable weapon in her hands in the shape of wooden sticks and such. If her weapon should be anything, it would be a longer dagger.

Personality and Abilities

  • Adventurous (+)
    Miriam has always had a sense of exploring and moving beyond what is known to her. Her curiosity driver her to travel, which often results in meeting other people and experiencing other cultures, becoming informed and aware of the world as she knows it. Being adventurous also has its extra bonuses, such as discovering lost treasures or places which have been without visits for the longest time. Being adventurous in Miriam's case also means she has a hard time sitting still, or being in a confined, familiar space. She enjoys exploring new things, whether it's people or places, meaning she'll engage in conversation with people she's curious about, or go places unknown to her.

  • Gentle (+)
    Though Miriam has been around several dangerous situations where she's had to protect herself or someone else, Miriam always turns to the least conflicting way to solve a problem. Her initial reaction is never aggression or anger, but a gentle approach. She would much rather solve things harmlessly than harmfully. Anything she touches, she is afraid to damage or ruin, so she'll gently handle anything in her possession. Being gentle verbally can be a different story.

  • Attentive (+)
    Without a second thought, Miriam will pay attention to anything that sparks her curiosity or interest. What interests her is normally what she doesn't know much about. Her mind will never wander off, and she'll never seem absent minded. She's very much in the 'now', and she would never want to see like someone who carelessly lives about. She's very aware of consequence, and the consequence of not knowing can often be harsh.

  • Bold (-)
    Knowingly, Miriam has a tendency of not hesitating or feeling fearful in the presence of danger. Also in in situations where formality is heavily present, her tongue might slip where she might appear unknowledgeable, or maybe even rude, in the rarest of occasions. She is still quite young, and her view on the world is far from complete. Miriam wants to appear tough, standing firmly for her own thoughts on the world, and she feels being bold makes her opinion more apparent.

  • Stubborn (-)
    Being open minded is not one of Miriam's strongest traits. She finds that people who form an opinion over something they know little about or have limited knowledge to don't deserve their opinion, and she'll often stamp them as illegitimate. She believes her own knowledge is the correct one often because it's proven by personal physical experience, and not rumours. When she is then somehow disproved, it feels to her as if they intend to make her experiences wrong, which naturally anyone would oppose to, but perhaps to a greater degree with Miriam. She'll stick to her opinion and rarely sway from it.

  • Troll (-)
    Miriam loves a great sense of humor, even on the expense of others. Whether her humor harms others or not is of little concern to her. As long as she's having a laugh or make others laugh, she pays little attention to at what cost. This mostly applies to people who are of little importance, or people who cannot influence her or her family position. Naturally, she wouldn't want to place her family in an awkward situation, so she'll refrain from upsetting anyone of importance.

  • Quick learner
    Because of her curious nature, will to learn, and will to always stay updated in any subject that interests her, she's come to naturally learn quickly. Whether this is something she was born with or not is uncertain, but she's always been a quick child, picking up things effectively and with a short learning process. While studying, she finds herself often completing tasks quicker than others, and also having a better understanding of the subject than others.

  • Agile
    Her physical health and shape allows her to effectively guide herself though obstacles. During most of her life, she's been active with walking and keeping herself fit. Moving in mountains and hills or other terrain has improved her physical coordination, meaning she's prone to not slipping or getting out of balance.

  • Aware
    Being aware has its positive sides. She'll be prone to avoiding nasty situations, and she can more easily tell what people really think, despite having said something contradicting. She will often assist people who are unaware of a situation and directly exposed to something which may affect them negatively, which on occasion has saved someone's lives or health.

  • Insensitive
    She's not exactly unable to sympathize or empathize with others, but she has does have difficulties taking serious other people's concerns in life if she finds them to be petty or 'not serious enough'. Although terms like pain, discomfort and joy are relative terms to every individual, she feels her own standards are what should be generalized standards, which in her case are relatively high, or above average. When people complain about something she considers to be worthless to complain about, she'll simply not bother putting any effort into comforting them or helping them.

  • Arrogant
    When in conversation, Miriam might seem a little arrogant because she often sees herself as informed, or more informed than others. Also because of her stubborn nature, she isn't likely to 'admit defeat', and will continue her arguments despite being disproved. If someone argues against her, she won't gently explain to them why she believes they're wrong. She'll either chuckle or laugh it up, unless she's actually convinced.

  • Prejudice
    Miriam has a tendency to analyze people from a distance before she really knows them to see if she can actually know them to some extent before they tell her about themselves. A first impression weighs a lot to Miriam, and their standards are often as good as set when she first meets someone. For things she knows little of, it happens she'll take someone's word for it if they have personal experience in its regard. She'll then have prejudice towards something, when perhaps she's been misinformed.

  • Time insensitive
    Miriam has a tendency of being late, or too early to meetings and events and deliveries etc. She judges how much time something will take inaccurately. This fuels some awkward situations for her, something she's not very proud of, but can do little about. It's nothing she does on purpose, and it's definitely something she's embarrassed about. All those frowns and sighs are all nightmares for her ears and eyes.

  • Fashion
    Much like her aunt, Miriam adores gowns. Staying up to date on fashion is of absolute importance. She one day hopes to co-design gowns with popular designers, and perhaps even begin designing her own gowns. Maybe even open her own shop one day and sell gowns. Gowns are gorgeous, and they reflect one's wealth and status to everyone, which is something Miriam enjoys being a part of when wearing any gown she likes.

  • Wine
    What's life without a little wine? Possibly observed and learned by her aunt, Victoria may have introduced Miriam to wine and alcohol slightly early for her age. Wine, especially in company, is best served with a good gossip or story. Or with gorgeous gentlemen.

  • Socializing
    Above anything, being social with friends and family is an absolutely necessary activity throughout the day. She'd rather not spend much time alone, as she feels she'd miss out on the latest gossip or potential invite to an adventure. Being with friends and sharing her experiences as well as gaining new ones is one of the things that spicen up her life, and without it she'd feel incredibly dull. She loves inviting friends over to the Noble Estate and generally being active, socially.

  • Studying
    Specially history is Miriam's favorite subject. Not only does it include a bit of politics, but also vast amounts of past adventures that were so great they wrote books about them. Her studies are education and fun at the same time, which is something she enjoys quite a bit, and allows her to learn quickly.

  • Hunting
    Miriam never enjoyed her family's tradition of hunting, especially because her mother was a victim to being brutally butchered by a boar. Miriam also has a deep respect for all living things, and has no interest in the playful sport of killing. For necessity she won't mind, but for the fun of it, she'll protest.

  • Ice Skating
    During the winter festival of 304 AC., Miriam was unfortunate enough to fall and slam her behind on the ice, bruising her tail bone. Her pain lasted for weeks, during which she couldn't sit down properly, ride horses, or walk for too long. Most of her time during her recovery was spent laying on her belly feeling sorry for herself while therapeutically drinking hot drinks are reading books/studying. Her general control while skating isn't too much to brag about either, and the fear of crashing into someone limited her speed to just about nothing. Ice skating is not a hobby meant for her!

  • Orcs
    Aside from looking completely vile and unhygienic, Orcs are, in her opinion, a violent and unpredictable race that has no place in Regalia whatsoever, especially after her home town was raided by the before she was born. The stories her mother told her before she died about how her father was killed, and how there was so much suffering caused by Orcs for no particular motivational reason, has completely shattered their reputation for her.

  • Having nothing to do
    Miriam is an active lady. Having nothing to do is in her opinion, a waste of time. She won't grow anxious, but rather impatient if there's nothing to occupy her. She might seem flustered or short tempered when her patience has run dry, and her fuse for boredom is very short. She might spontaneously do something, like leave an area or a conversation if she thinks it's boring. If she's surrounded with people of power, she'll behave more appropriately for the sake of her reputation and that of her family.

Life Story

Miriam was born 5th of May 287 AC. to Tiengo and Reita Valor. During Miriam's upbringing, she spent a lot of time with her father mostly. Her mother was unfortunate to not bond with her child as is normally done. Her father was exceptional in her upbringing, up until he was killed in a raid against Orcs when she was around six years of age. After her father died, most of her upbringing was with her aunt Victoria, and her uncles Darius, Stephan, Ryland and Mathias. Being heavily surrounded mostly by men, Miriam had little influence by women. Victoria was often busy taking care and managing the family business and affairs with allies and other relations. Raising her sister's child was something she didn't have time for. At least not until she was useful. Up until Miriam was 12, she'd spend most of her days learning math, reading, going on trips with her uncles, and being with friends.

After Miriam passed 12, she began developing other interests, parallel with her friends interest, such as boys, fashion and gossip. Being a niece to a Duchess, Miriam realized she had a pretty solid and fortunate foundation in her opportunities to learn. Though still being adventurous, her new hobbies and interest filled her daily schedule more and more as time passed. It was also mostly with her uncles she gained her sense of humor, something which wasn't always appreciated by everyone, seeing it could be quite bold and cynical at times. As her daily routine involved more time with Victoria now, she'd hopefully learn better how to behave, be appropriate and take mannerisms more seriously. Being a lady is not a dance or roses, as her aunt would say. Effectively after her schedule was changed more drastically, Miriam began schooling full time, leaving little of her spare time to adventuring or being absent for several days at the time. When her schooling was over for the day, she'd either spend it reading a bit more, inviting friends over, or visiting friends. Were her uncles home, she'd spend time with them as well.

As of today, Miriam still spends most of her time studying. While not studying, she dreams of getting a lover, and perhaps helping her aunt in her business. Her interest for fashion blossomed, and she now wishes to open a shop for gowns, or just design gowns. Miriam isn't longer as adventurous as she once used to be, but every now and then, she'll grab a few friends and explore the Regalian city, hoping to run into something exciting. During the winter festival of 304 AC, her and her friends went ice skating late at night, which unfortunately resulted in a bruised tailbone, but to her it was totally worth it. She's not the type of girl to admit defeat or give up on things despite a little resistance.
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  • For adventerous, tell me more about what's going on in her head, with specific examples from roleplay, and less about hose "bonuses". We want a clear distinction between strengths and personality traits.
  • Add one like, one dislike, and one weakness of any sort
  • Colour all changes in blue and tag me when you're done @Satisarah
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