Preserved Sheet Miralli Lliraa

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Apr 14, 2019
Reaction score



(Thank you @Bunemma for Aesthetics, it means a lot)



》Full Name: Miralli Lliraa

》Nicknames: Meer

》Age: 25.

》Hatchdate: September 14th

》Gender: Male.

》Race: Maraya.
》Subrace: Ka.

》Preferred Weapon: Stave, fists.



Proficiency (30 points total, 25 from age, 5 from bonus):

》+10 Medical Knowledge (5+ from Points, 5 Racial boost)

》+6 Sorcery Skill (6+ from Points)
Your Will is Mine, Fired for Battle
Elemental Branding, Elemental Influence

》+13 Stave Combat (13+ from Points)

》+6 Fist Combat (6+ from Points)


》+5 Strength training

》+3 Vocal singing

》+2 Bodycare Training

》+5 Cooking art

》+5 Horticulture art

Body stat (25):

Body Calculation: 13 + 6 + 5 + 1

Body Shape: Ripped.

Body Fat: Low.

》Common | Learned for ease.

》Shalota | Native.



》Eye Color: Icey blue.

》Hair Color: Midnight blue.

》Hairstyle: Beard is well kempt.

》Skin Color: Dark blue.

》Clothing: Elegant, or lazy. No Inbetween.

》Height: 6'0



》Alignment: True neutral.

》Personality Type: Assertive Campaigner

》Code: ENFP-A

》Role: Diplomat

》Strategy: People Mastery

》Character Religion: No affiliation, however learning of faith is possible and welcomed



》Miralli was lucky to hatch under his father Millinma and his mother Mirlilma the Ka-Maraya couple, and by "luck" it would fall more closely under "was born under two parents left behind by the homeswarm." They did their best to teach Miralli about other cultures and their languages so that he may learn to be a great philosopher, but a decent portion of their teachings fell upon deaf ears. He was quite stubborn and always expected for the home-swarm to come back and bombard the lands one day, to him it didn't matter too much he learned about erased cultures anyway.

》Learning to fight with a stave during his younger age, he always appreciated its light nature and ability to still apply decisive blows while being able to hide as a walking stick in day-to-day life. With his parents encouraging him to go out to see the world at a young age, he ended up coming upon who he never expected to be a friend within a tavern one night. Ryllae Synovi the El-Maraya was in the middle of shouting and yelling at a barkeep for passing her a "poisoned" drink, a foamy ale filled with annoying amounts of foam. Rushing to her aid, he assisted in the shouting match until finally a new drink was given to them both by a tired, and overall quite annoyed barkeep. The two ended up bonding and becoming friends, Miralli eventually began to teach her not only Shalota but forms of sorcery as well as they continued on their escapades.

》The duo continued on their ways traveling and (hardly) learning about the unique lives around themselves until eventually they found their way within Regalia, meeting that of Malruthiia Merethyl who ended up teaching them ways to defend themselves with their bare fists.
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@Caelamus Character has been infected with Ursarr bloodline and it is developing, picking these out in the case it is not cured/for the next time it possibly happens. Four mutations have been picked-

Cliff Claws | Passive

Ursine Strength | Instant Ability

Ursine Hibernation | Passive

Skull Thickening | Passive
@Caelamus Added one year to age, shifted points removing 6 points from Unarmed, getting rid of Athletics and bodycare and instead shifting it to Sorcery. 4 Spells and 2 schools have been chosen. Elemental and Spiritual, the spells are listed on the application. Body stat, life story, and mutations/special abilities shifted accordingly.
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@Caelamus Aged down, point shifts and removed majority of languages including linguistic studies in mentions of life story. Sorcery unchanged. Lifestory adjusted accordingly.