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Minor Hierarchy Declaration


May 21, 2014
Reaction score
The hierarchy is hereby claiming the Old Gods Temple territory. Under the same terms as prior claimed territory.

(Ooc note: Im camping, so this is short as a result!)
A wandering Dei Vinicii was approached by yet another Dressolini Pavisa Squire, "Ser! The Leeches are encroaching on the Old Gods Territory now!" To which was responded with, "Why should I care? The Mosquitoes will be de fanged by the Northmen without much of an effort. In fact Young Squire, should the Leeches band together and seek not redemption and curing but rather too simply exist as their Heretic deviation. They deserve nothing more than execution by Firing Line." The Squire looked to him with an odd expression, was it intimidation? Who knew as the Dei Vinicii patted the Squires shoulder and made off on his own way after that. Leaving the Squire to go and retrieve his Shield-mate from the depths of the City.
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A longer more detailed note was pinned over this one, having the stamp of the Hierarchy on it.

The Hierarchy Coven Hereby is expanding its territory out towards the Old Gods Temple, as with the Hospital no one going to the Temple to Pray or else-wise will be attacked or harmed. We the Hierarchy simply now protect this area and call to terms with it, if one should have concerns, they can directed them at The Lady Wyrmwood.
The Lady Wyrmwood,
Praxis to the Desprince, Don

OOC: Lord rushed to get this out because I was asleep, so here's the actual post for it that's a little nicer and more detailed.