Archived Minor Convenience Suggestions

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Jul 1, 2017
Reaction score
Hello, denizens of MassiveCraft,

Today, a little remark about creative in the global chat sparked an interesting discussion about MassiveCraft's featureset. After some talk, it became clear that quite a lot of people were frustrated by minor inconveniences, which should be able to be easily fixed. I felt like being productive and compiled the suggestions into a nice and ergonomic list:

  • While it makes sense for /tpa to be locked in the survival-based gamemodes, it really does not in creative. Locking /tpa serves no roleplay purpose and only makes transport massively more time-consuming, so it would be nice if we could get access to /tpa in the plotworld.
  • Similarly, it isn't really logical that you need to be accessed to a plot before you can /plot v it. Why would you need to give someone permission to build if you just want to show a project off? It'd be massively helpful if /plot v could be unlocked for all plots.
  • This one might be a bit harder to implement, but numerous faction leaders commented that it's not very practical that we're only able to access territory in chunks. If Regalia's access management system could be imported into the factions world - that is, giving us detailed control of all three coordinates - we could design massively more detailed cities.

Be sure to tell us what you think of these suggestions.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This one might be a bit harder to implement, but numerous faction leaders commented that it's not very practical that we're only able to access territory in chunks. If Regalia's access management system could be imported into the factions world - that is, giving us detailed control of all three coordinates - we could design massively more detailed cities.

I find this one almost impossible to do, since Regalia uses Areashop while factions uses well, Factions. One is region based while another is chunk based.

The easiest fix to this is just utilize massivelock to give faction members access to different places, and just turn off build perms for everyone except a few buddy officers.
While it makes sense for /tpa to be locked in the survival-based gamemodes, it really does not in creative. Locking /tpa serves no roleplay purpose and only makes transport massively more time-consuming, so it would be nice if we could get access to /tpa in the plotworld.
Similarly, it isn't really logical that you need to be accessed to a plot before you can /plot v it. Why would you need to give someone permission to build if you just want to show a project off? It'd be massively helpful if /plot v could be unlocked for all plots.
I get the first two but not the 3rd.

Even if you had access to the same set up as regalia, you would be confined to squares like chunks. You would have to set up one region then multiple after to further define the borders. I also dont see why you would need access to Y coordinates. I also do not understand how you would be able to build more detailed. This would essentially entail a complete recode of the factions plugin.

Everything can be done through MassiveLock.
I get the first two but not the 3rd.

Even if you had access to the same set up as regalia, you would be confined to squares like chunks. You would have to set up one region then multiple after to further define the borders. I also dont see why you would need access to Y coordinates. I also do not understand how you would be able to build more detailed. This would essentially entail a complete recode of the factions plugin.

Everything can be done through MassiveLock.

Take our case, for example. We're attempting to build a city loosely based on a medieval Italian merchant's state, so we're having houses that are built tightly against each other. That means that homes don't exactly fit chunks and that we'd thus be accessing tenants to areas they do not entirely own, the unfortunate implications of which should be evident. Even more importantly, we would be able to prevent citizens from editing our pre-built façades, condemning griefing to the realm of the de facto impossible.

In regards to control over Y-coordinates, it would be helpful because it'd allow us to create apartment stacked above each other. We could also restrict citizens' access to classified areas located below their residences and the likes. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with the technical aspects of such a change, so I'll have to take your word on them.

Please tell me these massive puns were intentional
Yes, it would be massively stupid of me not to exploit such a massive opportunity.
That means that homes don't exactly fit chunks and that we'd thus be accessing tenants to areas they do not entirely own, the unfortunate implications of which should be evident. Even more importantly, we would be able to prevent citizens from editing our pre-built façades, condemning griefing to the realm of the de facto impossible.
If a faction member doesn't adhere to the rules set by the faction leader, simply kick them. The Leader is the owner and the members are guests, not the other way around.
Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with the technical aspects of such a change, so I'll have to take your word on them.
I say that because I would assume that we would want something of that size to be in house. I'm not entirely familiar with our region setup but I am pretty sure we do not own it and was coded outside of Massive. I imagine we would have to code our own version of it into factions or set up a whole new system with the plugin to give players access which would also involve world restrictions on the plugin and more so players could not set up their own regions in regalia, etc. It's a powerful plugin.
If a faction member doesn't adhere to the rules set by the faction leader, simply kick them. The Leader is the owner and the members are guests, not the other way around.

Unfortunately, that can't undo damage that's already been done. Especially in factions with a more elaborate building style, fixing griefed houses can be a serious timesink.

I say that because I would assume that we would want something of that size to be in house. I'm not entirely familiar with our region setup but I am pretty sure we do not own it and was coded outside of Massive. I imagine we would have to code our own version of it into factions or set up a whole new system with the plugin to give players access which would also involve world restrictions on the plugin and more so players could not set up their own regions in regalia, etc. It's a powerful plugin.

I was not aware the change would be such an infeasible one. However, I still think my first two suggestions are quite easy to implement and should seriously be considered.
Full support for One and Two. As has been said though, Three is meh. The only reason for it really would be to stop griefing maybe but if someone griefs then report them and staff will probably roll it back along with the ban TBH.

One and Two though, 100% support. Especially for far-off plots when im trying to get people there to Rp sometimes, its a pain in the butt.
While suggestion 3 is something I have wished for, for ages, it is a lot more complex that one might think and therefore it would indeed require an in-house coded rent plugin.

The plugin that is currently used in Regalia is a third party plugin called AreaShop which is not compatible with the permission sets used in factions. For example, if a faction disbands the regions would still stay behind, enemies could rent your factions regions, etc.

So yeah I would love an addition like that to factions, because it would allow us to create truly unique cities without the worry of player griefing and having to check for available houses all the time and the ability to create factions that are really suited to roleplay, but on the other hand there are loads and loads of drawbacks.

..... welp I still want it, but if something like this will be implemented it is a looooong way out.