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Ministry Of Law Decree | Order And Duty


little german boy
Mar 20, 2020
Reaction score

From the desk of the Minister of Law
Dr. Jonathan Friedrich Braunschweiger

Order and Duty


Not many things are as important to a functional state as strict and properly enforced law. I thus feel truly honored to have been appointed as Minister of Law. I believe firmly in the Empire and its machinations as a bastion of order, a reputation that I want to only reinforce through the rights and duties bestowed upon me by virtue of my position. I also believe that to ridicule the law and government of our great nation, is to ridicule the will of the Everwatcher and the validity of the Great Way. As Unionists, obedience to the state and hierarchy is a tenet one should never fail to keep in mind.


The rights and duties of the Minister of Law remain as follows:

  • To hire and dismiss Justicars
  • To hold Inquests, where Afflicted individuals can make their case to gain legal status
  • To approve or deny inquested individuals
  • To propose new legislative measures to the Crown Regent

The rights of Justicars remain as follows:

  • To hold Courtroom Trials
  • To hold Inquests, where Afflicted individuals can make their case to gain legal status
  • To deny inquested individuals
  • To recommend inquested individuals to the Minister of Law for approval

Regarding courtroom procedures

Courtroom Trials will follow the standard procedure of High Trials, with a few alterations:

  • Instead of a member of the Imperial Family, a Justicar acts as Judge
  • The Panel of Peers is nonexistent, and its duties are carried out by the Justicar. The Justicar may however choose to call for a Panel nonetheless to carry out the aforementioned duties.
Additionally, the right for the Ministry of Truth will be reserved to elect one official to send to any trial, to act as a Truth Counselor.

The Truth Counselor is granted the following rights:

  • To evaluate evidence or witness statements based on truthfulness, and potentially disregard them
  • To act as an advisor to the Justicar

Regarding Inquests

In accordance with the Doctrine of Peculiar Judgement, Inquests shall continue to be held in order to determine if an afflicted individual has, through contribution to the Great Way, earned legal status. If determined to not be worthy of gaining such status by the Minister of Law, they are granted seven hours time to vanish without fear of being arrested. Due to the removal of the previous Minister of Law, all reprieves acquired through Inquests are hereby declared invalid. Previously reprieved individuals are encouraged to inquire with the Minister of Law about regaining said reprieve. With the establishment of the Ministry of Truth, newly reprieved individuals are to be directed to said Ministry for evaluation.

Found below is the Crown's statement regarding which afflictions are affected in what way by the Doctrine:

The Crown Regent has identified the following distinctions: 'Vampire', 'Cahal', 'Geist', 'Undead', 'People turning into Monsters', as 'Particular entities of threat and imminent Danger to the Great Way and the Empire in being', these entities remain universally banned in Regalia (law does not apply to Boroughs such as Crookback) unless given reprieve by the Ministry of Law following an Inquest in which they can identify explicit value to the Great Way, or the Empire.

The Crown however clarifies that the following distinctions: 'Silven', 'Archon', as 'Particular entities of medium threat and imminent aggravation to the Great Way and the Empire in being', these entities are Legal with provisions. These provisions are: A. These particular entities are not to be employed by individual, business, or organization without a reprieve by the Ministry of Law, and: B. These particular entities are not entitled to property ownership or personal property rights or citizenship classification, though will be protected as domestic aliens as defined by Residency (thus banning any violence committed upon them without reason). Additionally however, this Residency qualification is rendered null and void if such a person is employed by the State Military or State Metropolitan.


I am convinced that all citizens can work together to ensure a better future under the watchful eye of the law. Idealism, obedience, bravery and honesty are our greatest weapons. We shall brandish them to ward off those roaming the streets of our great nation that intend to sabotage the Great Way or refuse the light of the Everwatcher to show them the truth. I look forward to a productive tenure as Minister of Law, during which I hope to make a lasting positive impact on the state's legal apparatus and the Empire as a whole.

His Eminence
Dr. Jonathan Friedrich Braunschweiger
Minister of Law



  • It's Braunschweiger time
  • Reprieves granted through inquests are revoked and have to be re-acquired
  • The Ministry of Truth has the right to control evidence during trials
  • More to come soon