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Ministry Of Information Propaganda Poster #1


Terry Seattle
Aug 29, 2017
Reaction score
<Posters start flooding the streets in numbers as public servants start gluing up posters all across the City.>

"Mm, Minister might want to replace Anti-Citizen with criminal," Muses a Daendroque, the Lawyer writing up some final paperwork, "If my understanding is correct isn't the informant minister more focused on anti-crime and assisting the constables over what ever Anti-Citizen behavior means?"

He listens as one of his apprentices points something out.

"Good point, Anti-Citizen sounds like a risky and nebulous term if not defined. Ripe for someone to misconstrue it for what ever prejudice or bias they want to promote. Though I'm sure the minister didn't consider that, perhaps they're less ehh critical of our fellows than we're," He muses giving the minister the benefit of the doubt, "Hopefully they shall so good work…if the Allorn keep showing up and revealing more info to foreign courts claiming it's from our ministries. Life is going to keep getting harder for our beloved empire."