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Ministry Of Equality Bulletin #2


CS_Birb Impersonator
Staff member
Nov 4, 2019
Reaction score

22nd of April, 310 AC

I. Preamble
The Minister would like to emphasize the necessity of speaking about one's problems, and reiterate the Ministry's purpose and responsibilities.

The Ministry of Equality has the authority to:
  • Create smaller Councils of Gender & Racial Equality to focus on specific issues in Government Institutions.
  • Petition the Finance Minister for funds to implement solutions.
The Ministry does not possess any apparatus to leverage punishments in civil disputes, regardless of whether they are motivated by protected classes such as religion, race, sexuality, etc. If there is a desire for the Ministry of Equality to have either more powers or jurisdiction over more areas, a proposal needs to be made and heard at the Imperial Audience.

II. Regarding Minister Availability
The Minister of Equality accepts communications via letter at all hours. They may be found in New Crookback when conducting scheduled visits, in the Shared Commissioner's Office in Greygate until such a time further amenities are built, or approached on the street (which seems to be the preferred mode of contact).

III. Regarding Ministry Activities
Since the fifth of February, the Minister of Equality has held open meeting hours for a combined total of twenty-six hours, attended to matters in New Crookback three times, fielded a total of nine letters relating to ongoing issues, pushed a handful of proposals to His Imperial Holiness for review, and held an uncounted number of impromptu discussions while on the street.

To date the Ministry has brought on four new hires, bringing existing staffing up to five. Their current tasks include canvassing minority populations for issues, determining commoner interest in politics and government, and collecting employment information from other government agencies. Aaliyah Hitherben, one such new hire, has pushed for the creation of a literacy council.

The Ministry has launched an investigation into the Oprichnyy after consulting House Dragić and House Valloaan. However, the Minister will not be taking any direct actions, as dictated by His Imperial Holiness, and because their ministerial rights do not cover privately funded entities.

The Imperial Scholars have been contacted regarding funding opioid alternatives.

IV. Regarding Proposals
The proposal for Petal Court's Borough Status was denied by His Imperial Holiness. Residents should convene and come up with a new argument should they desire it, and determine what function their Borough would serve. The Minister is available for further consultation.

Pursuant complaints brought forth by a New Crookback resident, the Minister of Equality put forth a proposal intended to solve discrimination in private establishments. The Crown has ruled that:
Any such bigotry against what one might consider 'other' are strictly disallowed or banned in any government offices, government institutions, state apparatuses, or public offices, with the exception of the State Metropolitan.
  • Any cases of suspected bigotry on the nature of the aforementioned traits or identity markers (Race, Sex, Culture, Philosophy) can be investigated by the State Metropolitan. However, if the individual availed their private property rights, nothing can be done.
Following discussion with Marquis Hartha of Nekhehezzet, the Minister again proposed new classifications for slaves within the Empire. The Crown has ruled that:
The Suffran Order shall henceforth be disallowed from purchasing slaves from other nations, or indeed bring any other slaves into the Empire from outside the Empire that do not pass the strictest of Welfare Assurances. These assurances are as follows:
  • Slaves are given a small wage to purchase minimal small effects for personal property.
  • Slaves are not denied the right of parentage, or that they are forced into copulation for more slave generation.
  • Slaves are to be adequately fed as to their physical and racial needs.
  • No Slave may be subject to corporal punishment, unless they are rebellious and attempt to break bondage.
  • Slaves are henceforth no longer property that may be indiscriminately killed.
  • Slaves shall not attain Citizenship, for true abolition is an unrealistic end-goal.
  • Children born into slavery remain Slaves, but all Slaves shall henceforth be registered to the Bureaucracy.
  • All Slaves shall be granted the right to trial their master to court for abuse in contradiction to the Assurances provided by the Crown to their wellbeing.
This should not be seen as a step in the direction of abolition. The crown still stands firmly behind the institution of slavery as necessary, and even beneficial to the undesirable and unworthy individuals of the world. That being said, setting a standard of Assurances and quality of life, shall exemplify our society in contrast with the barbarians and excesses of the likes of the Dread Empire, where slaves are no better than charcoal to a fire.
Additional rulings may be viewed in the public ledger of Imperial Audience Rulings & Changes.

V. Regarding Councils
Inclusion on councils and suggestions for issues the Ministry should focus on can be discussed during regular meeting hours.

The Council for Literacy will be tackling inequalities in education as they relate to government funded schools and programmes.

The Council for Fostering Diversity shall work to break down barriers in government institutions and ensure a wide variety of voices and opinions can be heard in the upper echelons of society and government. This council is also tasked with educating Regalians on the cultures of their fellows, so as to slowly eradicate more negative stereotypes and opinions that prevent the common man from advancing.

The Council for the Dissolution of Eronidas Work Camps will ensure those few Eronidas remaining in camps find new work and a place in Regalian society. Due to the grace and wisdom of His Imperial Highness, the council now has fewer things to do. We thank Him for His benevolence.​

VI. Regarding Complaints about the State Metropolitan
The Minister of Equality would like to remind citizens that the Ministry is not the appropriate avenue for complaints about Constable conduct or mistreatment. Any allegations of corruption, improper conduct, or egregious offenses should be brought to the Lord Commissioner. It should be noted that the Ministry of the Whip is also not an appropriate avenue for these complaints, seeing as they have no jurisdiction over Constables.

The Minister will however, be formally exploring de-escalation training for Constables pending discussion and agreement from the Lord Commissioner. This has been prompted by specific complaints regarding racial tensions, and to an extent recent incidents between various religious and racial communities in the city.

VII. Regarding Racial and Religious Tensions in the Holy City
The Minister has received correspondence about a string of vandalisms and civil disputes involving Qadir and Songaskia, but will not be issuing either sanctions or fines unless the situation cannot be peacefully resolved. The Minister instead invites Regalia's Songaskia and Qadir to a public forum where they might talk about their issues in a heavily controlled and regulated environment. Verbal or physical violence will not be tolerated.

The forum will be held on Tuesday, April 26th inside Greygate's Great Hall.

Their Eminence Nefer of Clan Morathes
Countirh-Elector of Khemraqot
Minister of Equality​


Tags: @SneakyLinguine @WildSages @SupremeCripple @PuffyPigeon @HeyItzAPotato

TL;DR Things are moving along.
  • Petal Court proposal denied.
  • Open forum on April 26th, 5 PM CST in Greygate.
  • I may include letters in future bulletins for archival purposes.

The Minister of War, Duke-Elector Heinrich von Schwarzkrau zu Moritzberg, has provided the following correction.

[T]he bureaucracy has confirmed that authority extends also to the State Metropolitan Constables. All allegations of "corruption, improper conduct, or egregious offenses" fall within the War Ministry's charge to court martial constables for "military wrongdoing, neglect or criminal activities." Reports should be filed in confidence with the War Ministry, and meetings may be requested by letter to its office.​

Baroness Carmen Vincenzo serves as Secretary to the Minister of War, and may be contacted to schedule meetings.

Their Eminence Nefer of Clan Morathes
Countirh-Elector of Khemraqot
Minister of Equality​