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Ministry Of Equality Bulletin #1


CS_Birb Impersonator
Staff member
Nov 4, 2019
Reaction score

19th of February, 310 AC

I. Preamble
As decreed on February 5th by the last Lord Chancellor Madelyn de Azcoissia, the Ministry of Equality was set in motion with Duke Nefer of Clan Morathes at its head. We begin the Ministry's existence with but a handful of questions.

Are we not in the age of innovation? Are we not in times where one may invent and reinvent themselves as they see fit? Where they may choose to call themselves what terms suit them? The truth is that there is no one word that encompasses all someone is except a name, and that name is ever changing. Collectively, we may not have grown past racial, cultural, and gender divisions but we have the consciousness to understand their origins and practice empathy. We have the resources, the time, the people, and the willingness to set aside our differences in the name of progress, whether that progress occurs under one banner or multiple. The Ministry of Equality aims to be a testament to this simple truth, and will act in the interest of bringing all peoples into one whole. They may be of many races, many cultures, ages, and religions, but they are Regalian.

As such, the Ministry will immediately begin tackling issues that stand in the way of cohesion and integration.

II. Regarding Minister Availability
The Minister of Equality accepts communications via letter at all hours. They may be found in New Crookback when conducting scheduled visits with the Occult Minister, or in the Shared Commissioner's Office in Greygate until such a time further amenities are built.

III. Regarding Councils
The Ministry of Equality has had several notable issues raised over the last two weeks, but will be focusing on a handful until resources allow more efforts be undertaken.

The Council for Fostering Diversity shall work to break down barriers in government institutions and ensure a wide variety of voices and opinions can be heard in the upper echelons of society and government. This council is also tasked with educating Regalians on the cultures of their fellows, so as to slowly eradicate more negative stereotypes and opinions that prevent the common man from advancing.

The Council for the Dissolution of Eronidas Work Camps will continue its goal to research alternatives to these camps and a path toward their complete and total dissolution. Consultation with Eronidas Polon may prove necessary. The Ministry of Equality welcomes anyone with experience working or living in the Polon, and a proficiency in Vasar.​

Inclusion on councils can be discussed during regular meeting hours, or an application penned and sent to the Minister of Equality for review. As a minor amendment, special attention will be paid to the assembly proceedings on February 26th, and a decision rendered on whether Duke Gishkim's proposal of mandatory military service satisfies complaints surrounding the work camps.

IV. Regarding Government Hiring Practices
Owing to a lack of data, the Ministry of Equality will not be enacting policy at this time. However, the Ministry will be requesting a complete roster of employees from other State institutions so that it might examine the makeup of these institutions and decide on an equitable policy.

V. Regarding Upcoming Initiatives
After several lengthy discussions during open meeting hours, the Minister of Equality has identified the following topics of interest. The Minister will be entertaining meetings on these topics provided there is sufficient interest in seeing them investigated or completed, either in conjunction with the State or independently.

Soor-Rassa-Allar Legal Status
The Soor-Rassa-Allar are not recognized as a legal entity by the Judicial System. Moving them toward legal status may be to the benefit of Hadar's continued functioning and Allar's further integration in the Empire.

Opioid Dependency
Addiction is a terrible thing that disproportionately affects Regalia's less well-off populations. The Ministry of Civics is well-equipped to handle the rehabilitation and treatment of addicts through its initiatives. The Ministry of Equality is most interested in the use of opioids in medical care, and where those opioids make an appearance in treatment, and whether their use is unilateral. That is to say, are some racial groups more likely to be treated with opioid based medicines, or is their use prevalent among all groups? The Minister would like answers to these questions, and will discuss the possibility of subsidizing alternatives to opioid based painkillers with the Legal Finance Minister.​

The Minister has discussed education and transportation to a lesser degree. Further details will be published in a future bulletin.

VI. Regarding Petal Court
It is the opinion of the Minister that Regalia's residents deserve more than a modicum of safety and security. Residents in the west should be no worse off than those in the east. The Minister has come up with several solutions to Petal Court's continued problems with vagabonds and the afflicted. A referendum will be hosted in Petal Court to determine a preferred course of action. For brevity's sake, these options have been condensed into key points.

Option 1: Borough Status
Petal Court becomes a self-sufficient borough. This poses several peculiar problems (the Cielothar tendency toward pacifism being one).​

Option 2: Martial Oversight and Reinforcement
The State Metropolitan increases patrols alongside a hired mercenary force. The sewer entrance in Arena Court is closed. The Petal Court entrance located near New Crookback is closed. The Minister of Equality notes that mere increased Metropolitan presence at the checkpoint could be deterrent enough.​

Option 3: Redevelopment
Petal Court's residents relocate to a new development within the Capital.​

VII. Regarding Commoner Treatment
There exists a wealth of divides in modern society, the difference between classes among them. The Ministry of Equality, while not strictly tasked with dealing with these issues, has been met with a series of complaints requiring this reminder be given. Commoners must be given reasonable respect. This is not a suggestion. This is not subject to personal opinions on races, creeds, cultures, or religious schisms. These are His Imperial Highness' words. The Ministry of Equality would like to remind the peerage of this fact.

You must endeavor to treat commoners with kindness, to guide them, and ensure they flourish and achieve all they are able. What you must not do is order them to grovel at your feet and sneer at them for their very nature. Such behavior is unbecoming and will not be tolerated. Future instances of these behaviors will be escalated, so that those who believe themselves so far above the common man can face their own peers in court and be cast down for their tyranny.

Their Eminence Nefer of Clan Morathes
Minister of Equality
Duke of Khemraqot​


Tags: @WildSages @Maeovika @CelestialBoba