Archived Minigame Overhaul

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Jul 3, 2013
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This is based on one of the ideas posted in Qeusk's recent thread. He mentioned adding a Walls-type game to Massivecraft's list of minigames, and that gave me several ideas.

First, I think that minigames should have a minimum amount of players before the round can start. This way, people in games like Siege won't jump in at the very end of a game on the losing side. Also, before the round starts, players could be kept in a special lobby area with things to keep them occupied as they wait (such as parkour, or a set of note blocks). In addition, while in the lobby, players would be able to vote for different maps on which the minigame would take place. Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way, but Siege sure does get stale after playing on the same map over and over. Anyway, players wanting to submit new maps for the minigames could build them in creative on singleplayer and submit their map files to a dedicated forum. World staff members would download the maps and review them. If the maps mep a certain criteria, they'd be added to the list of maps on the minigame they were built for. Every time map voting starts in a lobby, three maps from the list would randomly be chosen and minigame players would be able to vote on those 3.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Wait, are you saying that when the game starts the lobby is locked in? Like no more players can join after a certain time?
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