Preserved Sheet Mingzhu Koivula Sui

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Dec 28, 2013
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the cursed village of DARGAVS
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Roleplay Guilds


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by praeclaris

Basic Information
  • Birth name: Mingzhu Liisu Koivula-Sui.
    • Aliases
      • Mrs. Ferdinand Gansevoort.
      • Akemi Moreihei.
      • Pepin Hirvelä.
  • Age: Forty four.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Half Ch'ien-Ji, half Ailor of Seltai (Northerne) descent.
  • Main Ambition: Wealth, power, love. She aims to achieve these by forcing herself to socialize and make connections.
  • Religion: Loong Dragon worship.
  • Mingzhu Liisu Koivula-Sui, is a forty four old female of mixed Ch'ien-Ji and Seltai Northerne blood. She was born to Sui Déwei and Marju Koivula in the city of Wuxia. Both of her parents are likely alive, but Mingzhu has lost contact with them for quite some time now. At least a few decades. She does have a few siblings, however: Liekki, Sateenkaari, and Feng, that are all younger than her.
  • Currently, Mingzhu's goal is to gain as much worldly knowledge as possible, by accumulating gossip and information from the people she encounters.
  • Some places she has lived:
    • Wuxia, Yang-Tzu.
    • Kuusinaan, Drixagh, maintained by Arlesse Johanna Uexkülla.
    • Loiree-Bas, Vixhall, maintained by Duke Gaston-Michel Vixe.
    • Loroise, Vixhall, maintained by Mayor Therese d'Illieste.

Skill Information
  • School: Lightning magic; lightning shock, static field and magnetic bend.
  • Level: Mage level in all three sub schools.
  • Source: Initially mentored by her father in static field, Mingzhu eventually met another mentor after running away from home, and thus studied under him to learn the two other sub schools of magic.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Jade green.
  • Hair Color: Brown.
  • Hair Style: Braids.
  • Skin Color: Porcelain.
  • Clothing: A bright red cheongsam with golden accents.
  • Height: 5'6
  • Weight: 127 lbs.
  • Body Build: Average.
  • Weapon of Choice: Lightning magic.
  • Standing at the unimposing height of 5'6, Mingzhu's slender physique contributes to her weight of one hundred and twenty seven pounds. She's not particularly busty nor athletic, her body type mostly consists of fat. The woman possesses a light peach skin color, with little to no blemishes or scars due to a strict beauty regimen. On the back of her neck, there is a tattoo of multiple characters stacked on top of each other. It loosely translates to "bad girl," and was given to her when she was a mere sixteen years old. The other courtesans Mingzhu worked with at the time have identical ones. As a result of her mixed heritage, Mingzhu has an average amount of body hair that she will regularly wax to uphold the immaculate image she wishes to portray. Most of what little remains is on her arms, but it is somewhat light colored and subtle.
  • Face references [1] [2] [3] [4]
  • Mingzhu's face is heart shaped, with high cheekbones and a fairly prominent chin. She has a slim nose in addition to lips that are somewhat plump due to another one of her beauty routines. Oftentimes, her lips are decorated with a bright red lipstick, though it sometimes is actually blood. Mingzhu's jade eyes are an almond shape, something halfway between those of Mingzhu's parents. One will most likely spot the woman with a poker face; at least until she's decided on a goal to accomplish for the day. Just like both of her parents, Mingzhu has straight, dark brown hair that reaches her midriff. Depending on her location, Mingzhu will switch up her hairstyle: anything from bandanas to traditional headdresses worn in the Yang-Tzu Isles.

Behavioral Information

Personality Traits
  • Negative trait 1 - Ruthless: Over the years, Mingzhu has hardened as a direct result of the mental and physical trauma she endured from a young age. It's a defense mechanism that likely does not need to exist any longer, but remains. Mingzhu has no qualms with betraying close acquaintances or ending the lives of innocent people. While she will not go out or her way to harm someone, Mingzhu will do so without batting an eye should they be obstacles to whatever she wants to attain. In the past, this trait was only furthered by her vampirism, the necessity to feed being a priority rather than the safety of those she cares about.
  • Negative trait 2 - Contemptuous: Mingzhu, while social, is only that way when she needs to be. Mostly everyone is regarded as lesser; at best, they're pawns that are to be used for her own benefit. She's not exactly incapable of genuinely caring for someone as a person and not a mere tool, but there simply has not been anyone worth receiving said care. One explanation for this trait is Mingzhu's lack of faith in the world; she's seen so much cruelty and evil that all the good has been rendered useless. As a result of her typical negative outlook, Mingzhu believes that the world is out to use her.
  • Negative trait 3 - Fickle: Mingzhu has always been prone to changing her mind based on the circumstances, and does so unashamedly. Whatever will benefit her the most is what she'll almost always go with. She's quick to change where her loyalties lie based on the monetary or informational rewards of each of them.
  • Positive trait 1 - Incisive: There is an elaborate thought process behind each of Mingzhu's actions and plans. This is partially because Mingzhu is such a perfectionist; everything must be devoid of flaws before being presented. For her, it could even be her fear of failure that compels the woman to be as thorough as possible when it comes down to plotting. The more a person checks their work, the less likely they'll be incorrect, right?
  • Positive trait 2 - Optimistic: Because of her analytical nature, Mingzhu tends to expect only the best outcome of each of her actions. She is somewhat arrogant about it and refuses to accept the fact that failure is still a possibility for whatever she happens to be working for. However, Mingzhu's optimism is also one of the many things that blind her.
  • Positive trait 3 - Idealistic: Mingzhu strives for perfection, and has no desire to quit until she has reached that goal. Spending her formative years in the rigid environment of the courtesan house has left a lasting impression on Mingzhu. Each of the courtesans were effectively brainwashed into believing that they had to be flawless and perfect; nothing else was beautiful. As a result, the young women viciously competed to be the absolute best because nothing else would do. Over a decade later, Mingzhu constantly seeks self-perfection. She has to be the most gorgeous, she must be the most intelligent; nothing will stop her from doing so. Interestingly enough, kindness and empathy are not found in Akemi's interpretation of perfection.
  • Mage level lightning magic: Due to her innate affinity for learning magic, Mingzhu was able to progress rapidly in lightning magic. She'd kept on learning new things and pushing the limits past the skill level most people stopped at. Mingzhu is able to create large, nearly impenetrable static fields and maintain them for quite some time. As for magnetic bend, the woman can maneuver metal objects with ease, and by using tons of effort, can crush armor and cause armored opponents to levitate.
  • Well spoken: She's definitely of the elegant, sophisticated sort, so it's only obvious that Mingzhu can use this to find allies in the Regalian nobility. More often than not, she'll be able to maintain an educated conversation with those of the upper class, diverting their attention away from her own social stature. Conversely, this manner of speaking has a tendency to irritate and even anger those who are mere peasants, them interpreting such as a patronizing act. In reality, though, Mingzhu is just so accustomed to this particular dialect that at this point she can't help but speak it. Over a decade of working as a courtesan has brought Mingzhu much expertise in charm. Whether it's due to her subtle references or the (often feigned) interest in the daily lives of those she meets, Mingzhu has a knack for getting on a person's good side. This is usually done to gain their trust and then their secrets, which will then likely be used in blackmailing.
  • Versatile: Depending on the circumstances she finds herself in, Mingzhu will alter her behavior and mannerisms to whatever will fit the situation best. For example, she may decide to act very macho and tough when around a gang, or be the epitome of sophistication in the presence of nobility. It's all to give the impression that Mingzhu has more in common with the people she'll meet than she actually does. This way, trust can be gained at a much quicker rate.
  • Low Self Esteem: In regard to beauty and physical appearance, Mingzhu is extremely critical of herself. As she approaches middle age, her desperation to stay young and beautiful has only been increasing. The woman spends hours in front of a mirror perfecting her look with tons of makeup, and is viciously jealous of anyone with a more youthful appearance. As a result of her vampirism, Mingzhu became much more prone to lashing out at such individuals even to the extent of physically harming them. Despite the fact she's cured now, those instincts have never fully disappeared.
  • Inability to fight: Mingzhu uses her words and her wit as a weapon, as she's never had the opportunity to learn how to wield a blade or shoot a bow. Because she has the tendency to enter dangerous situations for her own amusement, her inability to fight can be detrimental should she face armed foes. This isn't to say she cannot defend herself -- the woman is often more than ready to use her magic should she need it.
  • Reclusive: Mingzhu will go great lengths to ensure she does not interact with anyone unless it is of her own volition. Unreasonably far, one could say -- once or twice she's actually slapped people after they knocked on her door more than once and would not leave. Obviously this kind of impulsive, desperate behavior can sever ties with those she intends to befriend; Mingzhu is nondiscriminatory when it comes to avoiding folks. Not to mention that it can potentially get her into legal trouble. Whether you're a noble, her boss, or even the king of Nordskag does not matter because Mingzhu will still try to beat you up or belittle you into leaving her alone.
  • Mingzhu is reasonably skilled in the following:
    • mathematics
    • Being a pathological liar has probably kept Ming alive throughout all these years.
  • Mingzhu is quite talented in the following:
    • Judging people
    • being a bitch
    • Calligraphy, an art honed after years of meticulous study in Yang-Tzu. Ming finds this writing system to be far superior to the mundane alphabet of the common language, and is usually more than willing to instruct other people on how to master this unique art.
  • Magic: Mingzhu has always had a fascination in magic and the supernatural, something that stems from observing the dangerous lightning magic her father was especially skilled in.
  • Beauty: The woman's interest in beauty has always been present, but for over two decades, Mingzhu has worked tirelessly to be the living manifestation of it. Something as subjective as beauty is exceedingly difficult to find and "capture," but for this one topic, perhaps Mingzhu doesn't quite abide by logic.
  • Drama: As long as she is not a victim, Mingzhu adores starting trouble and causing messes. Instead of risking getting into any sticky situations herself, she will try to stir up conflict indirectly. She's somewhat careful of how she goes about doing such things; only engaging in risky business when the outcome is likely to be in her favor.
  • Blood: Even before vampirism even became a prominent concept in Mingzhu's mind, she's always had a morbid interest in blood, death and the macabre. She'd question her scholarly mother and father about such topics, which only caused them to feel more concerned for their daughter's mental health.
  • juggling
  • sculpting
  • Wasting time: Every moment is precious and can be spent doing something productive. There are few things Ming loathes more than idleness; it is stupid, in her mind, to sit back and relax. She's almost constantly working for every minute awake, whether it may be her numerous jobs or socializing. Whatever Ming does has to help her achieve her goals, and it is considered a waste of time when things don't go as planned.
  • The Government: It can be said without a doubt that Mingzhu is a diehard anarchist with a deep hatred for the Azure Order and practically all forms of law enforcement. She absolutely hates not getting what she wants it getting to do anything she wants, and institutions like the Crimson Inquisition only obstruct her goals further. The sewers, while relatively safe, infuriate Mingzhu as they are the only place guards do not dare venture into.
  • Dirt: It seems somewhat ironic considering the fact that Mingzhu is a sewer dweller, but she absolutely loathes getting dirt or anything of the sort on her. Such activities are for peasants, aren't they? If water or mud were to ever come in direct contact with Mingzhu's precious clothing, she'd most certainly throw a fit much like a child.
  • Alcohol or drugs: Though she is quite fond of using the two as weapons, Mingzhu abstains from alcohol and drugs entirely. She figures that she must be completely sober and fully present if she wants to get information. After all, there could be a time where the woman detects something she would not pay any mind to if intoxicated.
  • People:
  • Mondays
  • Daytime
    • Regular sleeping schedules. She never really got used to reverting back to her normal self, after all.
  • Phonies and pretentious people. How absolutely ironic.

  • Dewei Sui, father
  • Marju Koivula, mother
  • Gustave Gansevoort, estranged son.
  • Li-Hua Sui
Life Story
  1. Mingzhu was born in Wuxia to Marju Koivula, a Seltai Northerne woman and Sui Dewei, a full Ch'ien-Ji.
  2. She had a fairly normal childhood and developed an interest in magic early on. Her mother was a skilled warrior with a Northerne upbringing who avoided magic training due to the lack of golden eyes, yet her father was an experienced lightning mage.
  3. As she entered adolescence, tensions rose in the Koivula-Sui household. When Mingzhu was fourteen, her father agreed to teach her lightning magic.
  4. At age seventeen, Mingzhu got into a particularly bad fight and ended up running away. She never actually intended to be gone for more than a week, but her luck was bad and she got caught up in the black market. As a result, she ended up working in a courtesan house as a maid under the new name Akemi.
  5. In order to keep up with her lightning magic practice, Akemi searched for a person to act as her mentor. When off duty, she headed towards the library to study and ask around. Eventually, Akemi encountered a Ch'ien-Ji named Cai Yaozu who, oblivious to the young woman's scandalous occupation, agreed to pass on his knowledge. Yaozu was arguably the only voice of reason and good natured guidance that Akemi desperately needed in her time away from home.
  6. Akemi ended up pregnant with the child of a Shendar client, so she took a year long hiatus from working as soon as her symptoms became obvious to others. Her child was named Li-Hua, meaning pear blossom, and Akemi sent the baby to her mentor to raise.
  7. Time passed, and Akemi became jaded and cynical from the competitive environment in the courtesan house. Her studies only intensified.
  8. Life as a courtesan started to bore Akemi by the time she was thirty five, and after bidding farewell to each of her mentors, she departed for the Earldom of Kuusinaan to visit the Koivula family. At least that was her intention. Once again, she began referring to herself as Mingzhu.
  9. In the Earldom of Kuusinaan, Mingzhu met a dashing middle aged man by the name of Ferdinand Gustave Gansevoort, and despite her cold hearted and uncaring exterior, Mingzhu was smitten. Ferdinand, on the other hand, was certainly enchanted by Mingzhu's exotic appearance in a place where virtually no Ch'ien-Ji lived. They began a relationship and ended up married when Mingzhu fell pregnant with Ferdinand's child.
  10. After a strenuous period of labor in which she nearly died of blood loss, Mingzhu gave birth to a boy named Gustave Gansevoort. Not particularly wanting to care for a child, Ferdinand and Mingzhu agreed to send Gustave to live with the other Gansevoorts living in the city of Loroise.
  11. The marriage was a failure. Whether it was her restless nature, the desire to see her son, or perhaps Ferdinand's escalating abusive nature, Mingzhu did not hesitate to pack her bags and sail to Loroise as soon as the opportunity arose.
  12. For seven years, Ming raised Gustave in a surprisingly decent manner for a criminal. She was awfully protective of him, instructing the boy in both Tatsugo and the Seltai dialect of Northerne. But as people began suspecting the peculiar woman of magical practice, hostilities increased and Mingzhu was essentially driven out.
  13. From Loroise, Mingzhu went to Regalia with her son.


Face claim: Kristin Kreuk
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I claim this sheet for review!

For wealth, power, love... how? What is she doing to achieve these things?

Charismatic is a strength, not a personality trait, so move it there. Same for adaptable, but I'd actually combine the two into one strength.

Add one personality related weakness of any sort.

Colour all changes in blue and tag me when you're done @Soopermanatee

Review In-Progress!
Are there any more edits you need to make before requesting a re-review?
Undergoing some MAJOR rewrites! Not finished yet, but I shall state what has been changed so far:
  1. Changed her race to be full Ch'ien-Ji as a result of her half Ch'ien-Ji mother and her full Ch'ien-Ji father getting married and having a child. She now has golden eyes as I was told this was feasible.
  2. I boosted Mingzhu's magic level to be an expert, which I will apply for a special permission with.
  3. Additionally, I had her learn the basics of fire magic from a tome. At most, I plan for Mingzhu to be a caster eventually.
  4. Akemi now refers to herself as her birth name, Mingzhu Koivula-Chua. Replaced the application title to her birth name.
I am here to review this application!

Due to this already being approved, I see no issues with these changes but I must ask that you please fill in her correct magical strength, as well as knocking down her fire magic to the caster/traineee level.
I am here to review this application!

Due to this already being approved, I see no issues with these changes but I must ask that you please fill in her correct magical strength, as well as knocking down her fire magic to the caster/traineee level.
Edits made, pretty sure.
@Fillyjonk, I apologize for doing this but I have to pull the character back into pending, they would need to have studied the magic for 40 years to be an Expert level of lightning magic, 50 if two magics are being taught to the caster. Even with being half Ch'ien-Ji, their reduction in magic training would only be half effective for her.

You either need to age the character up or remove your application for Expert lightning magic, I utterly failed here and I am so sorry to do what I have done.
@Fillyjonk, I apologize for doing this but I have to pull the character back into pending, they would need to have studied the magic for 40 years to be an Expert level of lightning magic, 50 if two magics are being taught to the caster. Even with being half Ch'ien-Ji, their reduction in magic training would only be half effective for her.

You either need to age the character up or remove your application for Expert lightning magic, I utterly failed here and I am so sorry to do what I have done.
Wouldn't it be 25 years if she has golden eyes? Mingzhu is only quarter Ailor, and that is enough to give her golden eyes I'm told. Which is the amount of time she's been studying for.

Also, doesn't it take 25 years to get to the same level of both magics?
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Wouldn't it be 25 years if she has golden eyes? Mingzhu is only quarter Ailor, and that is enough to give her golden eyes I'm told. Which is the amount of time she's been studying for.

Also, doesn't it take 25 years to get to the same level of both magics?
Possessing Golden Eyes is an impossibility for this combination of genetics, due to her Steltai parent, the Golden Eyes would regress unless the parent also had their own golden eyes. Sorry that I did not notice this before.

This app is in pretty good shape aside from the below listed.


  1. Weapon of Choice says "Mage level lightning magic" but her strengths list Expert level. Please correct where appropriate.
Make that change, color it in BLUE then tag me when you have!