Preserved Sheet Minerva Lynn Kembel

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Nerd thing
Apr 27, 2014
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Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Minerva Lynn Kembel
    • Nicknames: Minnie, Lynn, t'Hôt, etc.
  • Age: 20
    • DOB: August 13th, 286 AC
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Colonial Ailor with Ithanian Heritage.
    • Grew up in the Colonies, but with an appreciation for Ithanian culture due to her mother's heritage.
  • Sexuality: Bisexual.
    • She believes men are tools to be manipulated, and is willing to use flirtation, as well as other skills picked up from her schooling, to use these men for her own purposes. Women however, are a much different story. Minnie prefers women as her actual partners, but she finds herself neither as silver tongued nor as suave while trying to woo them.



Skill Information (Required)
20 Proficiency Points - 10 School of t'Hôterie
  • +10 Black Powder (+10 Points)
    • The substance that is Minnie's one true love. Her passion above all things, and the focus of most of her experiments. She hasn't blown any limbs off yet, but her experiments get more and more risky as the years go on.
  • +10 Trapping (+10 School of t'Hôterie)
    • Once you've lured your prey, you need a way to catch it. Minnie has practical knowledge in various contraptions used for the trapping of mostly men but really any humanoid creature. Her favorite however, is the bola.
  • +10 Quick Fingers (+10 School of t'Hôterie)
    • Every good t'Hôt needs a set of quick fingers for various purposes. Minnie mostly makes use of this skill with her tinkering however, and to hopefully avoid blowing off any fingers when she messes with her black powder experiments.
  • +10 Commanding Speech (+10 School of t'Hôterie)
    • As an up and coming t'Hôt, Minnie has learned how to effectively get men to do what she wants. This skill is however a bit less relevant when it comes to women due to the nature of the schooling.
  • +5 Unionist Seminary (+5 Culture Bonus)
    • Time in the colonies ingrained a lot of the unioist teachings into Minnie, however she doesn't have time for the religion, and the knowledge only comes into use in rare circumstances, or the occasional reference to the creeds.
20 Culture Points
  • +10 Smithing (+10 Points)
  • +5 Instrumental Music (+5 Points)
  • +5 Clockwork Engineering (+5 Points)
  • Common (Native, fluent, literate.)
  • d'Ithanie (Second language, fluent, literate.)



Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Green
  • Hair Color: Ginger
  • Hair Style: Bangs swooped to one side, messily tied in the back.
  • Skin Color: Slightly Tanned.
  • Clothing: Practical traveling attire, a mixture of leathers and cloth.
  • Height: 5'7"
  • Body Build: Femmefatale



Personality and Abilities (Required)
Social Image | A Dash of Affability
Outwardly, Minnie appears friendly and always looking for fun or interesting new people to amuse her. She may also appear blithe, with a healthy disregard for what is considered 'proper', preferring to cause a little mayhem in the world if it makes things more interesting. Around men(and sometimes women to less success), she often acts flirtatious and suave, which can lead to a more negative opinion of her if things go wrong, or more perceptive individuals see through her facade. Those hearing of her for the first time would likely expect a charming, but slightly rebellious young lady.​

Self Image | A Drop of Curiosity
Internally, Minnie is a wide mix of confidence and insecurities. She is confident in her abilities, but occasionally questions the morality of taking advantage of others. However, her remaining youthful naivety causes her to largely ignore this, and may become quite defensive when confronted about such things. Currently though, the most important thing to her is having a good time and doing whatever amuses her in the moment and hopes others will see her as good company. Lastly, there is a curiosity that drives the young woman, often leading to slightly dangerous experiments.​

Inner Circle | A Smidgen of Loyalty
To those close, Minnie does not treat them all that different, save for being much more loyal and less likely to disappear on them at a moments notice. She has never had a good relationship with her family, disliking the strict and devout upbringing common for Ailor living in the colonies she grew up in. She is skittish when it comes to her family and avoids them whenever she can. Those who do get close to her however, will certainly find a fun-loving young woman, who will stick around for longer than just her fleeting amusement with them.​

On Morality | A Pinch of Chaos
Minnie is very carefree when it comes to what is the right way to live. As such, she is very neutral when it comes to most things, preferring personal enjoyment over worrying about how it might affect others. That being said, she does not go out of her way to hurt others, and does not believe in being unnecessarily cruel. She isn't likely to do anything personally if she encountered such cruelty however, preferring to turn the blind eye if she has no personal investment.​

Worldview and Religion | A Tad of Religion
Minnie is technically a unionist, growing up in the colonies led her down this path, but she has never been a very devout one. She occasionally references her teachings or the creeds, but this is usually done in a mocking way, or as a way to provide false proof that she is trustworthy or a good person. Like many other things in her life, unionism is just another tool used to get her way, and further her own enjoyment in the world. Minnie has no special reverence for anyone being better than anyone else, and views everyone as just someone else trying to make their own way in the world.



Life Story (Required)
  • Minerva is born on August 13th, 286 AC to two Ailor colonists in one of the many colonies of the Empire.
  • Grew up in a large family, being the second oldest of 6 siblings. She was always jealous of her older brother, and resented the fact that he was given more attention and respect than her.
  • Was a friendly young girl, and made lots of friends with the children of the other colonists, but quickly formed small rebellious habits as she preferred being outdoors and exploring rather than doing house chores.
  • Did not get along well with her father, and preferred the company of her mother, who was much more lenient with Minnie, since she was of Ithanian descent.
  • At the age of 10, she discovered the writings of Madame Devoid t'Hôterie hidden in some forgotten boxes in her mother's closet. The curious girl began to read the volumes in secret, her interest thoroughly piqued by the books, even though did not fully understand the whole scope of their content till she began getting older.
  • The writings of the volumes started sinking in more as Minnie got older, and inspired her to try and practice what she had read. The teen however was vastly underprepared, and caused and embarassing mistake for her whole family when she tried flirting with a Father of Piety.
  • Furious, her father threatened to kick her out of their household to fend for herself as punishment for embarassing their family. Her mother, feeling responsible for this, instead offered the young girl to head to Regalia with her brother, who was a blacksmith and would be heading there in a few weeks.
  • Minerva quickly accepted this change in lifestyle, and headed to Regalia with her uncle she barely knew. Smuggling the volumes that caused this mess along, to read on the trip there.
  • Once arriving in Regalia, she began to help her uncle with his work, discovering a slight interest in creating things with her own hands. This eventually led to developing skills in both blacksmithing and clockwork engineering, but mostly just enough for her to tinker and experiment.
  • Continued to read the volumes she had taken with her throughout her teen years, in between helping her Uncle and other interests that occupied her free time. Occasionally she tried to test out her skills but was much more cautious due to her childhood mistake.
  • To her dismay, the bone horror crisis caused a bit of a family reunion. Her family now returned to Regalia, pushing Minnie to avoid home as much as possible and meet new people.

Recent Years
  • Finishing her reading of the volumes of Madame Devoid t'Hôterie, Minnie has more time to focus on other interests and making new friends.
  • More to be added here as her story unfolds.