Preserved Sheet Minerva Broussard

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The Red Panda of Massive
Jul 12, 2013
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
Roleplay Guilds
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Minerva Sabine Broussard
    • Nickname: Minnie
  • Age: 40

  • Gender: Female

  • Race: Ailor

  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
Skill Information (Required)

Proficiency Points (40/40)

  • +10 Longsword (+10 School of Darkwald)

  • +20 Crossbow (+10 School of Darkwald +10 Points)

  • +30 Aberration Knowledge (+10 School of Darkwald +20 Points)
Culture Points (40/40)

  • +10 tailoring (+5 Leutz-Vixe Ailor, +5 from points)

  • +15 Literature ( +15 from points)

  • +20 Pastry Cooking (+20 from points)

  • Common Tongue
  • Leutz-Vixe
  • Ithanian

Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: blue

  • Hair Color: blonde

  • Hair Style: Long hair put into an elegant bun

  • Skin Color: Fair

  • Clothing: Leutz-Vixe fashioned dresses, or light Darkwald-styled leather armor

  • Height: 5 feet 7 inches

  • Body Build: Athletic

  • Weapon of Choice: Crossbow

Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • First Paragraph: Minerva can come off as very Cold and Calculative to strangers and people who meet her. She comes off as Introverted, rather keeping to herself. She does not necessarily mind participating in conversations she is roped into even if she'd prefer to not be roped into them. She has an air of Arrogance around her, and tends to act very Knowledgeable in different topics which can make her come off as a Know-it-all, even if she doesn't mean to. Generally speaking she's rather socially inept while showing that she is very Book-smart.

  • Second Paragraph: Minerva generally thinks very highly of herself, and believes that she has a superior intellect compared to other people. She realizes that being social isn't her strong suit and struggles to improve her social skills. She doesn't notice how Insensitive she can be due to this.

  • Third Paragraph: Minerva is far more sociable when in the presence of good friends or loved ones. Usually her husband, Geoffrey, can pull her into social events this way. She is far more Caring to friends and family than to those she doesnt know very well. Minerva doesn't allow most people to call her by her nickname, unless they are family. Minerva is very Gentle and Loving to her children, sometimes spoiling them a little too much.

  • Fourth Paragraph: Minerva's alignment would be Lawful Neutral, she living by her own rules she has set up for herself. She abides by laws, but if they interfere with her own rules, she will not hesitate to break them, especially while hunting abbrents. She is a very Just person, but her insensitivity can make her judgement very cruel and unforgiving.
Life Story (Required)

In October 4th, 266 AC, Minerva Bren was born to Rosella Bren and Buford Bren in Brissiaud. She was born into a Unionist family that owned a plantation, leaving them somewhat comfortable money-wise. She grew up learning how to be a proper homemaker, her mother teaching her how to cook and mend clothing as well as other housewife duties. Minerva never personally liked being taught those things, but showed natural skill when being taught basic education, excelling most at reading and writing. When she turned 10, Her brother at the age of 24 had become a Darkwald Knight, visiting home quite often to share his stories and experiences. Around this time, Minerva's baby brother was born, and the new addition left young Minerva to become practically invisible to her parents. As time progressed, Minerva spent more and more time with her older brother. He was happy to spend time with his admiring little sister, telling her stories of hunts he went on. Minerva confided in him eventually, begging him to get her away from being a traditional Leutz-Vixe housewife. After a bit of convincing and debating, her brother gave in, taking her from her home in Brissiaud, to the School of Darkwald in Tigrunn.
Minerva progressed through the school quite well on the educational side, though had a few setbacks with actual training. Eventually she began to have trouble reading and had to be given reading glasses. By the time she was in her twenties, she had become a fully fledged darkwald warrior, though decided to not return home in fears of the heavy backlash by her parents. As she stayed around the Darkwald Castle she met another knight by the name of Geoffrey Broussard and they became unusually fast friends. By the start of the new year, they had married and Minerva had become apart of the Broussard family. Soon after, she got pregnant with her oldest son, Geoffrey II. She had taken time off to raise her son, but the thrill of the hunt was too much for her to give up permanently. She teamed up again with Geoffrey(Senior) to continue her duties, leaving her son with Broussard family members or caretakers. When Minerva was 24, she had gotten pregnant again with her youngest son, Maxime. With two children to care for, she once again settled down to raise her children, leaving Geoffrey Sr. to continue his work without her. As her children grew older, she once again joined her husband in the hunt. Years went on as she became part housewife, part Darkwald, though never prioritized her knighthood over her family. When Minerva was 36, Geoffrey Sr. was mauled by a Varghul, nearly killing him. He, however, recovered and the two remained Darkwald's until Geoffrey Sr's father began growing ill. The family moved back to their home to be with Geoffrey Sr's father. Now, Minerva is 40 and still plays the role of a mother and housewife, as well as a freelancing aberrant hunter along with Geoffrey Sr.
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Hi! Here's your semi-late review!
  • First off I want her second personality paragraph expanded upon. I feel it is far too short to really give an idea of how she feels on the inside. Please speak more on her inner thoughts, her confidences and insecurities, all the good stuff!
  • How would her family own a plantation in Brissiaud? It's mostly woodland and swamps, not really fit for sprawling farmland.
  • Does she live in Regalia? There's no mention of it in her life story! Also, how was he mauled by Varghul? On a hunt? Was their home raided? This is a big part of her life, and I feel it should be expanded on! How does it further affect their home life?
  • After reading the life story I feel her personality paragraphs should include more of her family, mainly in the second paragraph. Being a mother/wife is a huge deal!
Please make these edits in a new color and tag me in the comments once done!