Preserved Sheet Milo Jacomynus Blackwater

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Literally Cancer
Jun 27, 2016
Reaction score
I dunno, America?
Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Milo Garner
  • Culture: Daendroque (Lusits)
  • Age: 32
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor
  • Main Ambition: Milo's main ambition is to make a better life for himself and his loved ones then the one he had in his old home.
  • Special Permissions: N/A
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Hair Style: Short, tousled.
  • Skin Color: Tan
  • Clothing: Green coat, gray wool pants, leather boots.
  • Height: 6'
  • Weight: 150 pounds
  • Body Build: Fit
  • Weapon Of Choice: One steel sword named Bessy, which once belonged to a noble Milo worked for. He named it Bessy after his cow that he raised on his father's farm.
Personality Traits
  • Funny Guy: Milo almost can't hold a serious conversation without making light or poking fun at something. He has a varying sense of humor, ranging from puns to innuendo depending on the situation and who he's talking with. Based on his observation of a situation, he might make a sarcastic remark at the expense of nearly anybody, though he'd be ready to apologize if he hurts anybody's feelings. He often will joke around about serious subjects and current events, though he still would think he takes things seriously.
  • Crook: Though Milo very adamantly would argue that his life of crime is behind him, that is most certainly a lie. Milo will lie, steal, cheat, and manipulate to get what he wants, what he wants tending to vary. He doesn't much care for guards in this regard, tending to avoid or antagonize them. Of all of his personal belongings, the only things he didn't steal are the books he writes in and the clothes on his back.
  • Ladies' Man: Though he is loyal to one woman, Milo has a way with females. In his youth, he would often flirt with the girls in his town, much to the disdain of other men who were interested in said girls. He has had multiple romantic partners in his life, a few of which being merely short flings. He mostly favors non-Ailor women, such as Qadir or Shendar, though he still flirts and teases with many that he knows. If you were ever in a relationship with Milo, you would know that he's very loving. He doesn't make it known to most anybody, but he actually is a very compassionate person. He's the type to put the comfort and feelings of his romantic interest before that of his own. To him, all women need to be treated like royalty.
  • Nosy/Suspicious: Milo likes to know things about people, whether they would like him to or not. He often listens in on conversations, even if the people talking are nobody important. With all the information he gathers on people, one would think him a "Stalker" or "Creep", though he'd word it more as "Informant". He might sell information to anybody who needs it, though his prices aren't cheap.
  • Money Loving: If there's one thing in this world Milo loves more than women and liquor, it's money. If he doesn't hold onto an item that he steals, he will either discard it or sell it for whatever price he can get from it. With the money he earns selling items, Milo might spend it on alcohol or rare items. If he doesn't spend the money he gets, he might hold onto it just so he can hear the coins jingle in his pockets.
  • Experienced Fighter: Milo often got into fights in his youth which built him up to be adept at handling physical conflict. He had self-training and training with his brother with hand to hand combat for a very long time, but he had to learn how to use his sword (Bessy) after he decided he would keep it, and figured once he learned the basic movements and techniques that that was enough. However, Milo will always talk his way out of trouble before using any of his combat experience.
  • Level-Headed: Milo tends not to let his emotions dictate his actions too much, the only exceptions being with the one he loves. He makes it a point not to allow himself to get riled up by insults or rude comments. It took him a very long time to get to this level, many of the fights from his childhood having been started due to him being unable to maintain his composure.
  • Nimble: Milo had to run very much in his past, so he got quite good at it. He will stick the landing jumping across a reasonably wide gap, and know from what height he will have to roll upon hitting the ground. He finds this to be quite the useful skill, though he will still stay close to the ground if he can manage.
  • Silver Tongue: Given his past, Milo has experience talking his way out of situations. Depending on who he's trying to charm, he might try and figure things out about them to compliment them on or divert blame onto another party. He would most commonly feign innocence by playing dumb or giving off the impression that he is a good person. Lying to escape a sticky situation will always be his number one method of conflict resolution over physical violence.
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle: Milo has a drinking problem, even he couldn't deny that. Though the standard Wormwood Whiskey doesn't affect him far too much anymore due to a past of drinking, he drinks enough of it that if a vampire bit him, it would probably give it alcohol poisoning from all the liquor in his blood. He also smokes expensive cigarillos and foolishly spends his money quite often, not really caring much to think ahead.
  • Selfish: Milo's interests lie mainly in his own benefit. He looks at situations and wonders "What can I gain from this?", or "What's in it for me?". He won't do most things for most people without something of value to gain. What counts as a thing of value to him, however, varies greatly, from Regals to favors and so on.
  • Poorly Mannered: Milo's family showed generally poor manners, so of course he was raised in that way. Milo, of course, was practically the poster child for making a fool of himself. He'll chug his beverages, raise his voice, cuss, burp, fart; most things people find annoying. This tends to paint him as a fool or idiot.
  • Liar: Milo is a dishonest, double-dealing kind of man. Lying to escape a less than desirable situation or simply to see if he can get away with it comes easily to him, honesty being opposite. Occasionally he doesn't even have a good reason to lie, like if someone asks him where the bathroom is and he purposefully points them in the wrong direction. It's almost to the point where it's like a game to him or a tool for him to use in his everyday life.
Life Story (Required)

Milo Garner was born in 272 AC and grew up in Daenshore with his father, Hector, and his brother, Damien. The three lived together under one roof, Milo's mother having run away with another man, much to the frustration of Hector. In his young days, from age 4 to 16, Milo had a habit of getting into trouble with other children. He would often come home with bruises or other signs of injury, insisting that he was fine. His brother eventually taught him the basics of fighting, such as the basics of delivering and taking a punch. After that, it was all a matter of Milo learning things on his own, such as where to hit to do the most damage or when to dodge instead of block.
Eventually, once they had enough money to do so, Milo's father opened up a shop on their farm where Milo and his brother would buy goods and sell them there for twice the price. The business was doing well until Milo's brother decided it would be easier and more profitable to steal the goods instead of buying them. Milo was originally against it, but when his father gave his blessing to the practice Milo helped his brother, eventually becoming skilled in the craft over the years. It wasn't until customers started noticing items from their own homes in their shop that they were found out to be thieves. Milo ran when the guards came, his brother and father getting arrested and put in prison. Milo still has no idea if they're out or not.
After being run out of his hometown, Milo became a drifter thief, stopping by towns and pickpocketing goods off of people. Once he had enough money, he caught a boat to Regalia and started his life there. It was in Regalia where he met Royland Blackwater ( @EdgyWalrusaur ) and Victoria Aisle ( @GoldenAisles ), the former of the two growing to be close friends with Milo and taking him into the Blackwater family and the ladder of the two growing to be his lover, whom Milo has plans to wed and hopefully lead a better life for his future children then he had.

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Let's get riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight into the review!
  • What culture of Ailor is Milo?
  • Overly protective is a cop-out weakness because it requires other people to actually be in effect. Replace this with a different weakness that actually hinders him without the help of another person.
  • Careless paints him in a positive light because of his putting others before himself. As such, it isn't a weakness. Please replace it with something else that does not promote him as a good person.
  • What year was Milo born in? The current year is 304 AC, please put the year he was born in the life story somewhere.
  • If he was born in Daenshore, then that probably means he's Daendroque. The maximum height of Daendroque Ailor is 6'.
  • His surname, "Jacomynus" doesn't match any of the cultures' naming custom, and the suffix "us" leads me to believe it's derived from Latin. As of yet, there is no Alorian counterpart from Latin, so you should change this to match Milo's culture.
  • Romantic and Ladies' Man appear to be the same trait.
  • All of his negative traits seem to have a positive outcome for him. Please edit these so they have a negative outcome. "To get what he wants, whether it's for him or someone he loves," "Someone could walk up to him and ask him about somebody and he could tell them everything," "He will almost certainly sell it to someone else for a high price."
  • His fear from falling from high places has a very rare chance of actually being played out IC. Please replace this with a weakness that hinders him on a day-to-day basis.
  • Where did he get his steel sword?
  • Why is it called Bessy?
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