Preserved Sheet Ayraila Ridarrinorr

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Jun 25, 2018
Reaction score
Ayraila Ridarrinorr

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Ayraila Riddarinor-Irvainivik
    • Nicknames: Ayra.
  • Age: 37
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Jorrhildran Velhiemer Ailor
  • Sexuality: Hetero
Skill Information

  • 37 Proficiency Points
    • +10 Axes Skill (Racial)
    • +10 Marshal Knowledge (Investment)
    • +10 Pole Combat Skill (Investment)
    • +5 Blades Skill (Investment)
    • +5 Athletic Training (Investment)
    • +7 Shielding Skill (Investment)
  • Body
    • Physical Stat: 37
    • Muscularity: Ripped
    • Body Fats: Moderate.
  • Languages
    • Common (10/10)
    • Skodje (10/10)
    • Als-Tunge (9/10)
    • Tunge (7/10)
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Sky blue
  • Hair Color: Normally platinum blonde, however it's currently dyed a vivid red.
  • Hair Style: Central parting, braided about the back of the head before kept in a bun.
  • Skin Color: Rather pale tan.
  • Clothing: Simple light gambeson with a leather heartplate, cotton trousers with boiled leather greaves, leather boots and gloves.
  • Height: 5'11
Personality and Abilities

  • First Paragraph:
    • Ayraila is often seen as a quiet, considerate individual who enjoys doing good by others, so long as that good action bares fruit in the form of personal gain. Being an avid hunter of bounties, and educated Knight of Great Oak, Ayraila is often very cooperative and willing to work alongside anyone and everyone to get their work done. AyrMikhaila is a very calculated individual which usually tends to short, blunt statements being made by her. She isn't one to elaborate on her actions unless it requires a form of meticulous planning. Upon a first meeting, one may enjoy in her nigh-over-cooperative nature, being one to attempt to always should the burden of a situation, but with time she becomes more dependant on the involvement of others. If someone were to speak of Ayraila, they may describe her as dutiful, quiet and honourable, with undertones of a free spirit, looking for somewhere to come to rest.
  • Second Paragraph:
    • Ayraila holds her duty to Drixagh, and the world above all else. She acts towards the common goal of the self-progression and development, both personally and physically, and has made it a personal requirement to constantly display self-betterment in her skills in combat. She bares anxiety about what challenge lies around the next corner she turns, but is ever ready to face it when it does, or die trying. Ayraila is burdened by the opinions of others, it has always been something that has affected her somewhat, the shunning from other Velheimers fuel her burning desire to do better, to out-do all others around her. This manifests itself often with her elder brother, where she bitterly rivals him in her abilities as a Knight.
  • Third Paragraph:
    • Ayraila holds her family and friends dear to herself, due to a respect for them that is unfounded anywhere else. She understands that her personality is something that only certain people can tolerate, which causes her to further appreciate those that do choose to stand by her side in times of strife. Ayraila will be somewhat less quiet about her family and friends, she will offer them explanations and insight into the person behind the flashy, yet cold exterior. She is most often seen smiling when travelling and discussing with her elder brother, someone whom she has spent all of her life chasing after, and aspiring to be better than. This vast difference in treatment between Ayraila's inner circles, and the rest of the world can even lead to jealousy if one wishes to befriend her. Ayraila will fight tooth and nail for those she loves, and will readily abandon those that she does not if it means the survival of her goals.
  • Fourth Paragraph:
    • Ayraila could be dictated as a character of Chaotic-Good morality, understanding the value of law and order in a society, but finding feelings of resentment towards those who enforce, and try to chain her down, especially those that would limit her means of self-improvement. Through this, it can be seen that Ayraila will somewhat disregard the opinions of authorities, unless she agrees with their motives. However, due to her rather cooperative, dutiful nature, she wouldn't act in a way that would impede operations or harm anyone that offered her no challenge. Ayraila has a rather immensely strong feeling of empathy, and respect for other individuals, which results in her being a rather good-natured and balanced individual, respectful to the end.
Life Story

  • 0-10
    • Ayraila was born in a moderately backwater village in northern Jorrhildr born to a primarily Velheimer bloodline.
    • Ayraila lived a childhood under fire from exterior threats, her family relocated several times in her parents attempts to shelter her from the frequent threat of raiding and pillaging administered by the bandits and raiders of the bordering regions.
    • Ayraila was taught the language of Skodje by her mother and father, and was raised in a typical Old-Fayth-Centric family setting.
    • Ayraila loved following after her elder brother, often seen playing with his training equipment, and asking what he was doing out of curiosity. On odd occasion he would offer her some tips and tricks based around combative application.
  • 10-20
    • Ayraila decided to follow after her brother, and was encouraged to conscript herself to the School of Skagger. Her parents, having saved for her education since her childhood permitted this decision.
    • Ayraila dedicated her entire young life to her studies, she avidly read as many books as she possibly could, often bringing wheelbarrows to the libraries to study more and more knowledge of hunting and animals. She honed her accuracy daily with a Common Shortbow, and even won a personal commission by proving victorious at a public accuracy contest. This shortbow sits upon her home's mantle.
    • Ayraila seemed to fumble often when using a blade, frequently being told that she should stick to utilising ranged weapons. This rejection and lack of faith in her abilities spurred her to continue to attempt to prove herself to those that shunned her lacking ability. She believed she was merely a late bloomer.
    • Ayraila became a squire to a somewhat notorious Skagger during the time, even amongst his peers he was deemed vigilant, and true to his cause. He backed down from no challenge made to him, and always saw a fight through to its conclusion. This greatly inspired Ayraila to follow him.
  • 20-30
    • Ayraila studied under her mentor, and oftentimes travelled along with her Elder Brother, who was a travelling Berhednar during this time.
    • The trio found themselves in various precarious situations, all of which they survived often unscathed, or battered nigh-unrecognisably. They enjoyed their profession, it was far from a safe life, but it was found to be quite a fun one. They did good for the world around them, and swore on their lives to rid Drixagh of bounties, and larger scale hunts.
    • Ayraila took up tailoring and sewing as a means to fix their clothing on their travels.
  • 31-33
    • Ayraila departed from her mentor's tutelage to become a 'fully fledged' Great Oak knight, in her own regards at the age of 33. Though the reasoning for this was the rather peaceful passing of her mentor. He left his bow, and his longsword to Ayraila. Two items which have never left her since.
    • Ayraila and her brother travelled together, clearing Drixagh of as many bounties as they could take up.
    • Ayraila found herself worn and bruised through their many battles.
  • 34-35
    • Ayraila took up study of other languages, namely those of Als-Tunge and Modern-Elvish as a means of constantly improving herself in some regard. Whilst this saw detriment to her physical training, it improved her focus and mental fortitude. Through this, when returning to her physical training, she improved by leaps and bounds.
    • Ayraila took up various other small-time crafts. This decade was one of learning things outside of the battlefield, and consisted largely of self-improvement as a person.
    • During this time Ayraila took up a quiet job as a librarian in a rather backwater village, she read to her heart's content there, and was oftentimes tasked with defending the Church, and by extension the small town from the ongoing threats of bandits.
  • 35-36
    • Ayraila departed from the village at the age of 36, being gifted with a finely crafted woodsman's axe from the local foresters as thanks from her work. She fights hard for others using her gifted weaponry.
  • 37 (Current)
    • Ayraila moved to the Holy City of Regalia on her search for further challenges in life, now residing there for the time being.
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Dibs. Expect a response uh. Sometime soon!
Color me impressed, this was really good. Approved.
Soooo.. we're related.
I've made quite a few changes to this sheet, her race has been changed to Half-Varran, her age has been altered, proficiencies updated for the new system, and her name changed to Ayraila.
Unfortunately, the player has been offline for almost a month so I will be rejecting this character application.