Preserved Sheet Miiro Viimiir

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May 18, 2018
Reaction score

Miiro Viimiir


Basic Information

  • Full Name: Miiro Viimiir
    • Nicknames/Alias/Titles:
      • Of The Bog.
      • N/A
      • N/A
  • Age: 48
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Drow, Drowdar
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Main Ambition: To remove himself from the ways of his people, and hopefully help guide his like-minded kin to a better life.
    • Secondary Ambitions:
      • To have a life worth living.
      • Earn his place.
Skill Information:

Total Proficiency points: 48/48
  • +10 Avanthar Axe (-10 proficiency)
  • +10 Short Shield (-10 proficiency)
  • +10 Daggers (-10 proficiency)
  • +5 Unarmed Fighting (-5 Proficiency)
  • +4 Alchemy (-4 Proficiency)
  • +3 Battle Command (-3 proficiency)
  • +3 Military Theory (-3 proficiency)
  • +3 Black Powder (-3 proficiency)
  • +10 Aberration Knowledge (+10 Drowdar)
  • +10 Khoptar (+10 Drowdar)
Total Cultural points: 43/48
  • +15 Literature (-10 culture)
  • +10 Horticulture (-10 culture)
  • +10 Bodycare (-10 culture)
  • +6 Architecture (-6 culture)
  • +5 Carving (-5 culture)
  • +2 Cuisine cooking (-2 culture)
  • Drowdar Dialect (Native)
  • Common (Fluent)
  • Modern Elven (read only)
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Grey
  • Hair Color: Ivory
  • Hair Style: Braided
  • Skin Color: Sea greys with hints of purple pigment and shades.
  • Clothing: An odd amalgamation of practical hardy clothes that have a luxurious or fanciful design, perfectly illustrating his pragmatism and materialistic nature
  • Height: 6'1
  • Body Build: Ripped
  • Weapon of Choice: The Drow discarded his personal Khoptar and currently utilizes whatever is at hand, however currently favors knives and axes.

Visual Information (Expansion)

The following is not required when filling out your character application. You may use bullet points or paragraphs, and are welcome to add more or less information as you see fit. The information in this section will not be reviewed. Want to be extra helpful to your reviewer? Use the Spoiler feature to make the content hidden so readers can read it when they want to, or skip it!

    • Describe the Character's facial features, like the shapes of their eyes, mouth, ears, the size of their forehead, what kind of expression they usually carry, any freckles, scars etc, hair color, hair style and more. This description is purely for the head (and by extension neck) alone.
    • Describe the Character's body. Go into detail about height, body shape, the color of their skin, the size of their bones and muscles, their amount of fat, any physical disabilities they may have, their amount of body hair if applicable and more. This description is purely for the body.
    • Describe the Character's fashion appearance and accessories. Talk about what kind of clothes they usually wear, preferred colors, what jewelry they have, weapons they carry on them or any item of note that they may always have on them.
    • Describe the character's voice. How do they speak? What is their typical tone and speed? Do they have an accent or a tendency to stutter? Any quirks about their voice listed here. Maybe also add a list of the languages they can speak.


Personality and Abilities

  • First Paragraph: From first impressions Miiro would be seen as aloof and cold, someone who prefers his own company. However those that dig deeper would find the Drow enjoys a good conversation as much as anyone; provided the subject was aligned with his interests. At times Miiro can be blunt and pragmatic which is an odd contrast given his proclivity to live more luxuriously. The Drow holds himself in a professional manner when working, however when not working he could be said to have a lackadaisical demeanor.
  • Second Paragraph: Miiro holds a great deal of disdain for his people's self sacrifice, as such he doesn't look kindly on those patriotic to the cause of the drow going so far as to discard his very own Khoptar. This disillusion to his people's ideals has forced him from his homeland in self imposed exile, making him look towards the broader world. His exodus to the nothern belt and further south has made him fiercely independent relying on adepation and what was taught by his people. Despite all of this The Drow is very humble at times and takes great measures to never mistake confidence for arrogance, often times questioning his resolve and inner goals. Second guessing the person he is and who he might become; rather than dwell on this he pushes forward and launches himself into work. The Drow values his luxuries and the few material posses he can amas, this seems to be in rebellion to the Drow culure.
  • Third Paragraph:Though lacking any family to speak of, the Drow is very loyal to the few friends he has managed to bond with. However friendship isn't something easily gained with Miiro, a childhood of being an outcast amongst his own kind and family has led to a lot of issues with trust, and although there are rare exceptions in this regard he often finds his best company are with those who understanding his standoffish nature and accept that on some days he will be distant and on others he will be affectionate. The one constant is his kindness and loyalty regardless of how distant he feels on certain days - Miiro has proven himself surprisingly thoughtful and one to quip jests, which is in stark contrast to how strangers might view him.

  • Fourth Paragraph: In Miiro's mind black and white morality seems to be a very southern concept. Having spent most of his life spent in the citadels to the north has left him with a cloudy moral compass. His father often taught the ends justify the means and it seems like most Drow followed this ideal with the numerous sacrifices they endeavored to take against the void. Miiro does his part to stay out of trouble but follows his own code of morals and principals, which simply fall under 'do what is necessary'.

Personality and Abilities (Expansion)

The following is not required when filling out your character application. You may use bullet points or paragraphs, and are welcome to add more or less information as you see fit. The information in this section will not be reviewed. Want to be extra helpful to your reviewer? Use the Spoiler feature to make the content hidden so readers can read it when they want to, or skip it!

    • Describe any number of Character Quirks your character has, strange behavior that they exhibit in certain situations. For example, a character rubbing a beard when nervous is a quirk, or a character biting their lips when doing math is a quirk, or a character shuffling their feet when talking to someone is a quirk. Quirks are not mandatory and may be left out if the writer doesn't want to include them or can't think of any.
    • Describe your character's skills; abilities they've developed, but not necessarily put at the forefront of their lives. For example, if your character is a good cook, but not a chef, or if they are a good horse rider but not necessarily a competition racer, you would mention them here. Feel free to mention multiple skills but try to keep your character from becoming over skilled.

    • Describe three different activities, things or items that your character loves to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking these are things that make your character happy and in a good mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they love these things and then also explain how it makes them feel.

    • Describe three different activities, things or items that your character hates to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking these are things that make your character annoyed or angry and in a general bad mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they hate these things and explain also how it makes them feel.

Relationships (Optional)

Add Relationships to NPC and player characters. Write this list of relationships with a bullet point. Describe what their current relation to one another is, and how they originally met. If you want to, you can add flavor by @tagging the player behind the character next to the character name. Relationships are a great way to socialize with other players! Speculate on relations, ship characters and create lasting friendships and nemeses! This section, while optional, is especially recommended if you want to create a social feel to your Sheet.

Life Story (brief as possible)

Miiro remembers little of his youth, other than being taken under his Father's wing. Often escorting him to the Northern belt of islands, to secure imports of supplies from the empire. During these trips Miiro saw many of the northern cultures and took a liking to them, despite his father's insistence they were lesser. His father had lost many of his older sons, feeling overprotective of the young Miiro he never let the young child stray far. Until he was too old to be trodding along on ships with him.

When Miiro became of Age to make something of himself, he attempted to join the School of Lo-jill and ride the great elks of Drowda into battle. However due to their rarity and Miiro's proximity to the coastline, this goal was foolhardy and the young Drow spent many years chasing it, encouraged by his now elderly father. In time it became apparent this was a childhood dream and instead Miiro should seek other means to make something of himself. The Drow was too jilted to join The School of Esa-Ajo, despite being gifted a Khoptar from his father, instead opting for the foreign weapons that often littered the supplies sent from abroad.

At some point Miiro was a career soldier for his hold, charged with protecting an outpost for larger warbands to travel between. This outpost was situated in a cold damp bog land, and was prone to being cut off from supply and troop Caravans. This meant many long months of dwindling supplies and morale, fighting off wild animals tainted by the void, and the odd Kathar raiding party. One winter had gotten particularly bad for Miiro and his companions, they had long been cut off from the advent of spring, and wasted most of their supplies fighting off tainted wolves.

In the height of this bad winter, a larger group of Kathar and other manner of sinister creature had sprung an attack on the outpost. Under-supplied, and undermanned the outpost was on the brink of falling daily, Miiro often saw a comrade in the morning only to see them fall in the afternoon. When winter broke to spring only three Drow including Miiro remained at the outpost, a caravan of Drow arrived weeks later expecting a fight, the caravan was suprised to see the three lone Drow still alive.

The truth was revealed to the three survivors that the outpost was merely bait for a large Kathar host, and although Miiro and the others had broken this host, their true purpose was sacrificial. With only the outposts commander being aware of this fact, throwing his life away during the winter.

The long trip home gave Miiro many weeks to contemplate the truth of his purpose at the outpost. Twisting his thoughts with ill-feelings towards the Drowda homeland, and it's ways. Miiro's first night back at his citadel fell on the ' Night of the whistling blades' as his peers lined up and prepared to sharpen their Khoptars, Miiro instead discarded his. As Mirro smashed his Khoptar against a wall it shattered, before he could react people were upon him raving insults and grabbing at him in disgust. He left later that night, bags already packed with only clothes and the tools of his trade, he knew the ways south.

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Peer Review Time!

  • Visual Information:
    • Drowdar are exclusively purple and every child they sire will be purple until they muddle the bloodlines too much. As such, a primarily grey skin tone will not work. Please change this.
  • Personality:
    • You bolded key words in the first paragraph but stopped after that. Could you go through the next three paragraphs and bold what you deem is key for your character?
    • Make sure all paragraphs have at least 4-5 sentences at the very minimum. You do have some long ones in the paragraphs you could split up however.
  • Life Story:
    • Why did Miiro choose foreign weapons over that of a Khoptar? One that has significant cultural meaning to the majority of the race? Can you please explain this.
    • I'm not sure if there are bogs on Drowda, so I will leave whether that is acceptable up to a staff reviewer.
    • Kathar don't travel to Drowda I believe, which makes the mentioning of them impossible. Yet I'm once again unsure of the specifics of this so I will leave it to the staff reviewer.
  • Visual Information:
    • Drowdar are exclusively purple and every child they sire will be purple until they muddle the bloodlines too much. As such, a primarily grey skin tone will not work. Please change this.

Based on some lore, this seems contradictory. All the same he has purple tones, making this point moot.

Edited and fixed.

- In his early life he did use it, though like most weapons the Khoptar would have limitations, making the appeal of his other tools more alluring, along with his bitterness in regards to the elks. Later on in life: It was made fairly clear why he discarded the Khopesh despite the cultural weight behind it, and that he was likely using it before this time.
- I've seen mention of Kathar attacking Drowda, so I'll let staff weigh in on that.
- Bogs are very prevalent in the north of our world, and Drowda is quoted to have forests and tundra; since bogs are the result of decomposing plant matter near water, they would likely be present. But this point feels nitpicky.
My only point that is still necessary is the skin. While the brief description on the front page does say alien blue, if you go onto the Drow page where everything is more updated, you will see under skin how it says tyrian purple. Drow should not have greys in their skin tone.
Review time!
  • My only point would be specifying that Drow skintones are more of a blackened plum color than grey, just change that and you should be good to go.
Okay well since there's been no contact and/or edits done I'm going to go ahead and Reject this!