Mid/late 2022 Lore Re-work Planning


tacit and refined evil
Staff member
Feb 17, 2019
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This page is a rough update roadmap of what we are planning CURRENTLY to change over the summer and in the following months. Please keep in mind we have random bouts of inspiration or ideas for things, sometimes based on player feedback, sometimes based on just a whim, so this page might change or become outdated as we announce something. So, please take it with a grain of salt that this is just what we're looking at doing right now, but it generally should be mostly correct. Assume that if something is not mentioned, we don't have any plans right now to change that aspect of it, but this only applies to bold topics listed. What this means is, for example, under Ailor it might not mention a culture change, which means there's no current plans to add/change anything. But, if Religions entirely aren't mentioned, we might still suddenly have an idea for an improvement or addition to a current religion.

  • Ailor: Up to Date* (Minor tweaks to specials/abilities might be made following Prof Update)
  • Sihai: Up to Date* (Minor tweaks to specials/abilities might be made following Prof Update)
  • Dwarf: Some information regarding Dwarf Holds were lost in translation in the Update. We'd like to re-add this at some point. Specials & Abilities are mostly up to date, but might require tweaks following the Prof Update.
  • Qadir: Specials & Abilities need minor tweaking/updates. Specifically the whole "can use every engineering branch" didn't work out like we wanted it to and watered down the Qadir niche. Changes will most likely follow the Prof Update, as Engineering is getting tweaked too. Most/Some of their special
  • Songaskia: Racials need updating to Specials & Abilities format. Shambala religion needs some tweaking to be more in-line with modern religion sensibilities & Dragon Worship. (This will be a separate project from the Specials & Ability Update.)
  • Altalar: Currently, the operating plan is to split all subraces into their own unique 'race,' so we can better separate them and give each type of Altalar the most distinct niche/aesthetics.
  • Fin'ullen: Up to Date* (Minor tweaks to specials/abilities might be made following Prof Update)
  • Solvaan: Lifted onto their own page, and updated Specials & Racials to modern standards.
  • Teledden: Lifted onto their own page, and updating Specials & Racials to modern standards. Most likely culturally swapped so old allorn teledden & new allorn teledden are distinguished, so they're more appealing to play.
  • Lessara: Lifted onto their own page, and updated Specials & Racials to modern standards.
  • Minoor: Lifted onto their own page, and updated Specials & Racials to modern standards.
  • Suvial: Lifted onto their own page, and updated Specials & Racials to modern standards.
  • Avanthar: There is a large scale Avanthar update planned by MonMarty, which will detach them from the plains, fully update their religion/culture/aesthetics, and put more of a focus on canon "Genetics" and mad scientist-esque experiments with their own genetics and body morphology and physiology. This will include updates to Specials & Racials to modern standards.
  • Cielothar: Racials need updating to Specials & Abilities format. Detaching Circles from Racials & Specials to more of a cultural aspect. Removal of Exeiiya
  • Isldar: There is a larger scale Isldar update planned by MonMarty. This update will most likely split Isldar into old-age Frisit Worshiping Isldar, and new-age Crown Dragon worshiping Isldar. This will include the planned removal of Scale attunement, and updates to Specials & Racials to modern standards.
  • Kathar: Up to Date* (Minor tweaks to specials/abilities might be made following Prof Update) Religion needs to be updated to reflect Void Worship update.
  • Yanar: Racials need updating to Specials & Abilities format.
  • Maraya: Racials need updating to Specials & Abilities format.
  • Allar: Racials need updating to Specials & Abilities format. Planned edits to Species options, expanding/clarifying what each sub-race can look like.
  • Slizzar: Up to Date* (Minor tweaks to specials/abilities might be made following Prof Update)
  • Asha: Racials need updating to Specials & Abilities format.
  • Eronidas: Racials need updating to Specials & Abilities format. Plans to radically adjust the theming of their Specials & Abilities, removing magic immunity in favor of more thematic options.
  • Url: Racials need updating to Specials & Abilities format.
  • Half-Races: No changes planned, but we're going to be implementing more "in page half races." What this means is rather than offering the mix option with dominant parent, each page should ideally describe what its half race will look like.

New Races
Slime & Robot People: For real this time. Planned release is midway through/following the late summer Occupation Event.

  • Vampires: Up to Date* (Minor tweaks to specials/abilities might be made following Prof Update) We're going to see if we can give them some more longevity/survivability, as well.
  • Manathar: We are planning on removing Manathar. After conferring with currently played Manathar, we feel their story has ended and would like to remove superfluous afflictions that can be covered by mutations/magic. This will be an IC change (the Pride Arken removing them) rather than a Ret-Con.
  • Rokhaal: Rokhaal need a whole update: culture, abilities, niche, etc. We just currently don't have inspiration/ideas for how this will fully manifest yet.
  • Crimson Witches: Needs updating to the new format of Specials & Abilities. Probably no operative changes otherwise.
  • Cahal: Needs large scale updating ala Vampire Update. We're not yet sure how this is going to manifest, but a lot of things will be swapped around. Especially the feeding Cycle will be radically changed.
  • Silven: Up to Date* (Minor tweaks to specials/abilities might be made following Prof Update)
  • Archbloods: Big changes planned for Archbloods.
  • Dragon Wardens: Needs large scale updating to new format of Specials & Abilities, Point Cost removed, have some limitations removed, and most likely will be along the lines of Silven/Marken, in that they do not have hard coded abilities but a more aesthetic presence as Draconic Guardians. This means less powers, but less limitations. Still an operating W.I.P. But, at the bare minimum the "sub-types" will be changed as they were mostly based on players who are not dragon wardens anymore.
  • Ezekiel: Ezekiel are in an awkward spot. We're not really sure where they fit in lore anymore, but don't want to directly remove them while there are still players actively pursuing their relevant plotlines. Remains to be seen what we'll do with them, but at the very least they are deserved an update from their current format.
  • Cratos: Needs updating to new format of Specials & Abilities. Attunement aspect is still in question whether it will remain or not, but Cratos will most likely become a curable affliction in the update.
  • Sihndar: Large scale update planned for Sihndar by MonMarty, addressing concerns brought to us about their current niche by the current player base. This will tweak specials & abilities, culture, nice, and capacity to do things on-server without too much pushback in a very pro-occult environment.
  • Marken: No changes planned.
  • Morvali: No changes planned, but they were sort of a failure in being a character/non character. If we get inspiration, ideally they would be swapped to the Marken format.
  • Undead: Large update planned by Finlaggan. Removal of the Phantom Type Undead, addition of Specials & Abilities to current type undead, and re-shuffling of format to allow for more aesthetic freedom is planned currently.

New Afflictions
New Exist Affliction: There are too many void afflictions. We'd like to balance it out with a new Exist Affliction. We don't know how they'll manifest yet.

New Ordial Affliction: Finlaggan has plans for a new Ordial Affliction that isn't Undead, or Undead-esque (like Morvali), but are living people who draw on Ordial Pacts/Powers (think Dragon Wardens).

Proficiency System
We are currently in the process of working on our largest Proficiency Overhaul to date. We are completely re-working the Prof System, and you can see the changes for such on the Test Page below. Much of this is still a work in progress, but we'll outline some of our operating plans below.


Sorcery is being removed in favor of just "magic" where there will be learned mages (point buy) and born mages (custom kit). Because of this, "Magic" is getting a complete re-work with all new packs to purchase, based on broad magical themes (fire magic, earth magic, arcane magic, enchantment magic, blood magic, etc). Including Life (Primal) and Death (Ordial) magic.

Demonology will be introduced with the new system update, allowing people to summon and harness the power of demons for themselves.

Mundane Combat
We are hoping to change mundane combat form a bland point stat-stick that has little meaning (does 20 automatically beat a 5? What's the real difference between 12 and 13? etc) into set abilities per weapon so they feel more unique and relevant in roleplay. This applies for Melee and Ranged Combat.

Mundane Healing will be folded into Alchemy, and the current format of alchemy completely overhauled to allow for more ability-powers and relevant uses.

Progression Talents
Progression Talents will be removed in favor of re-integrating progression powers into the usual Prof systems.
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