Preserved Sheet Michael Kharrena Sarn

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Clearly the coolest.
Mar 16, 2018
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Miki'ael Kharrena Sarn
  • Age: 110
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Bakrran Varran Vampire
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 50 Spendable Points (Vampirism bloodline)
  • +40 Rogue Training (+20 points, +20 Bakrran)
  • +20 Athletic Training (+10 Bakrran, +10 Points)
  • +10 Light Bow (+10 Points)
  • +10 Musical Arts (+10 Points)
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 50 (20 in Athletic Training * 2 = 40, 10 in Light Bow = 50. )
  • Body Shape: Ripped
  • Fat: Low
  • Common (learned in childhood)
  • Zcorr (Learned in childhood, from Varran mother)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Vampirism:
  • Doughal Bloodline
  • Shimmer Mask
  • Dearth Disguise
  • Ness Misting
  • Kiltach Wall
  • Dread Claws

Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Emerald green
  • Hair Color: Dark gray
  • Hair Style: Black
  • Skin Color: Fur
  • Clothing: He often tends to wear gaudy clothes that are quite clearly expensive, enjoying to show off any money he's acquired.
  • Height: 5'5 (Shortie boi)

Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • /First Paragraph: By others, he is often either percieved as annoyingly confident and boastful, or cold and dismissive--Depending on whether or not they're a sanguine. When hearing of him, most will often hear of his habit to casually steal things and display them, simply for a laugh, often not with an intent to keep--Or to test himself. Past that habit, they'll also hear of either his cold demeanor or how terrible his singing is--Which he likes to practice. A lot. However, to older sanguines, he's often very polite and kind, which is a sharp contrast.
  • Second Paragraph: Inside, he's confident and easygoing--He doesn't believe many tasks to be too difficult for him. He's confident in his abilities of stealth, and sees anyone who's not a vampire as too far beneath him to pose a threat, even though he is lacking in combat capabilities--Why would he need to fight? Vampires don't tend to be hostile towards him, and humans are too far beneath him, at least in his mind. He obsessively collects things, though does try to avoid sanguines--Never a pleasant outcome on that front, but he always does bear the ability to vanish into thin air if needed, and then simply hide.
  • Third Paragraph: Around friends and family, he's often actually quite the same as he is around others. Non-vampires are pawns to be used and controlled, while vampires are helpful allies to help him reach his goals, and older vampires are to be obeyed and respected. This doesn't really differ from anything else--Though, for those who are close to him, he'll often show them his collections of shiny items.
  • Fourth Paragraph: He has little morality to speak of. He could be seen as evil by most, due to his intentional choice to do wrong. He'd do just about anything for a price, except attack other sanguines--Though, he seems to get a lot braver when he knows he's got a group, due to crowd safety--And the ability to sicc his comrades on anyone who displeases him, which he has historically done often. Though, he doesn't seem to enjoy leaving people in pain.

Life Story (Required)
0-10: He grew up with a poor maid in southern Hyarroc, that being his mother of course. She taught him how to move quietly through the shadows, and he rather quickly took to it, amassing a hoard of shiny items.
10-20: During this time, he fell in with a crowd that he was introduced to by a friend of his, a gang in fact. He was taken in by them, as their leader saw potential in him, an old vampire Ailor named Dakkhra--Nearing his three hundredth year, in fact. Dakkhra taught him finer parts of stealth, which he took to with relative ease.
20-30: Dakkhra invited him to his inner circle at twenty, offering him extra power... In exchange for an oath of loyalty. Miki'ael hastily accepted, easily taking the offer of extra power, not caring that he could no longer be in the sun. During the rest of this span, he struggled with his shocking personality changes, and was out of commission for a while. Dakkhra had sympathy for the poor lad, delivering him victims.
30-40: He made a living in this time as a thief, noticing that his abilities seemed to be increasing just a little more quickly under the tutelage of Dakkhra. In the daytime hours, he was picking practice locks or practicing his agility and ability to climb and move.
40-50: In this era, they went to war against local law enforcement who'd stumbled too close to the sanguine coven. During the day, they hid, but in the night they fell upon the hapless guards in swarms, leaving them dead in the streets. Miki'ael, even with his newfound power and bloodlust, still didn't enjoy this task and crept off in the night. Dakkhra saw this as a betrayal, and began the hunt in earnest.
50-60: After many close calls with Dakkhra, who had now dedicated himself to hunting the poor youngling down, he finally found a stretch of safety with another gang, though this lasted only about eight years when Dakkhra's people descended upon him. He used his newfound Vampirism powers to vanish into thin air, and straight-up bolted. While Dakkhra was powerful, he was not as fast, and therefore Miki'ael managed to escape again. During this era, he also discovered the ability to shift clothing at will. The thief, who had once been poor and dressed in little more than rags, quite enjoyed shifting himself into fancy, expensive clothing.
60-70: After taking refuge with a larger group, he spent more time practicing and training, and laid low for a while--It seemed Dakkhra had lost interest in the youngling. He got on well with this new crew, and by this point his abilities were quite impressive indeed, so he proved his use time and time again.
70-80: He found his strength waxing more, uncovering a new power--The ability to hide among men, and disguise his abilities. He used this power well, blending into whatever crowd he chose, even walking among the wealthy for a time, immediately changing his clothing with the snap of a finger. He dabbled with a fashion shop for a while, but it didn't turn out to be in his interest.
80-90: During this time, he simply reflected upon his life. Sure, he had missions to feed, but the rest of his time not spent practicing was spent looking back--Growing up as a poor thief, not gaining much in the way of money through his career, in fact being rather poor throughout. He sat, in his luxurious clothes granted from his abilities, simply looking back at his time on the earth.
90-100: After this bout of ennui was over and done with, he went off to a new land, one called Regalia. He hoped that he wouldn't get attacked on the way by Dakkhra, but he figured he'd have relative safety here--Particularly since the ancient vampire was probably dead or something by now.
100-110: His ship landed in Farah'deen for a while, for reasons he did not know nor care to ask--He spent this time period enjoying the crew being forced to treat him luxuriously, staying belowdecks to avoid the cold spray of the waves and the harsh sun. Of course, they then got attacked by sailors, who were also from Daendroc, so he had to poof pretty quickly with his Vampirism powers. He spent some time wandering in Farah'deen, quite annoyed in fact, and found a new crew to pilot his craft, arriving in Regalia at 110.
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20 (10 Points put into Athletic Training * 2 = 20)
Racial boosts are not counted in calculating body stat. Your body stat should be 7*2, not 10.

Hair Color: None (Bakrran)
Make sure you describe his coloration, though! Especially since Bakarran can be Badger or Raccoon. Also, Varran frequently style their fur with clips, or braids and the like. They can also dye it. Specify those as well.

Personality and Abilities
Don't forget to bold your "trait words."

when he knows he's got a group
A group of what? Peers, like other vampires his age? Subordinates, like younger vampires? Or, perhaps "cannon fodder"? Specify what that group is.

Because he's so old, and so many things have happened to him, I'm going to suggest that you to bold major life events, including his becoming a vampire.

Was his given name Michael? If not, when did he get this name? It's not super-Varranish, for the Vampire Varran supremacist. Not hating at all! But, it could be a cool extra point in his backstory.
Racial boosts are not counted in calculating body stat. Your body stat should be 7*2, not 10.

Make sure you describe his coloration, though! Especially since Bakarran can be Badger or Raccoon. Also, Varran frequently style their fur with clips, or braids and the like. They can also dye it. Specify those as well.

Don't forget to bold your "trait words."

A group of what? Peers, like other vampires his age? Subordinates, like younger vampires? Or, perhaps "cannon fodder"? Specify what that group is.

Because he's so old, and so many things have happened to him, I'm going to suggest that you to bold major life events, including his becoming a vampire.

Was his given name Michael? If not, when did he get this name? It's not super-Varranish, for the Vampire Varran supremacist. Not hating at all! But, it could be a cool extra point in his backstory.
Honestly, my dude, if you have another name for my vampire, PLEASE suggest it.
I picked Michael because I was thinking, and thinking, and blanked out.

Also, I used "group" because really, it means any sort of group.
Honestly, my dude, if you have another name for my vampire, PLEASE suggest it.
I picked Michael because I was thinking, and thinking, and blanked out.

Also, I used "group" because really, it means any sort of group.

Michael is a totally fine name, but you can also use an Arabic inspired name, seeing as he's from Farra, or go with a made-up word that just sounds like it's Zcorr, like Roccarr, or Barkarrz or something.
Review time!

+68 Rogue Training (+30 Vampirism, +20 Bakrran, +18 Points, cap-broken by Vampirism stuff)
I would recommend bumping it down to just 50 and spending the points elsewhere to allow for more versatile, 68 is a bit over the top and doesn't provide much more the way of a boost past 50.

10-20: During this time, he fell in with a crowd that he was introduced to by a friend of his, a gang in fact. He was taken in by them, as their leader saw potential in him, an old vampire named Dakkhra--Nearing his three hundredth year, in fact. Dakkhra taught him finer parts of stealth, which he took to with relative ease.
Varran vampires follow a similar trend to the upper age limits of Nelfin vampires, as they were infected around much the same time. Which is currently 250!

40-50: In this era, they went to war against local law enforcement who'd stumbled too close to the sanguine coven. During the day, they hid, but in the night they fell upon the hapless guards in swarms, leaving them dead in the streets. Michael, with his newfound power and bloodlust, still didn't enjoy this task and crept off in the night.
50-60: After many close calls with Dakkhra, who had now dedicated himself to hunting the poor youngling down, he finally found a stretch of safety with another gang, though this lasted only about eight years when Dakkhra's people descended upon him. He used his newfound Vampirism powers to vanish into thin air, and straight-up bolted. While Dakkhra was powerful, he was not as fast, and therefore Michael managed to escape again. During this era, he also discovered the ability to shift clothing at will. The thief, who had once been poor and dressed in little more than rags, quite enjoyed shifting himself into fancy, expensive clothing.
I would recommend elaborating a bit more on the sudden shift, it seems like his former mentor began going after him, why?

0-10: He grew up with a poor maid in Farah'deen, that being his mother of course. She taught him how to move quietly through the shadows, and he rather quickly took to it, amassing a hoard of shiny items.
How did he end up in Farah'deen? Or his parents? Varran are mostly native to Daendroc/Ithania, Bakrran and Rakrran are native to southern Hyarroc.

Full Name: Michael Kharrena Sarn
I would recommend looking up a more fitting name, like InDogsWeTrust suggested!

over-all, delightful read! Be sure to tag me and highlight edits in blue when you're done.
nakul is the name of a prominent varran, would change it to something else. Could go for something like Miki'ael or something more Varran-y. their custom is sort of egypt whatnot.
Ahh, all right. It just sprang to mind. Changing it to Miki'ael
@Caelamus I fucking kid you not
I just came here to ping you.
Your timing is impeccable.
50 Rogue Training (+30 Vampirism, +20 Bakrran)Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Vampirism:
  • Guile Tree: Blood's Lust
  • Feeding Delight
  • Shadow Flight
  • Disguise
  • Shadow Mask
  • Terror Panic
  • Hidden Home
  • Innocent Guise
  • Shimmer Mask
you have 9 muters, consider adding another to bump it up to thirty but as it stands he should have the +27 bonus rather than +30
@Caelamus Hey, just realized--I completely forgot he was supposed to be good at singing too.
Sorry for an edit so insanely soon! Just mixed his profs!~
  • Common (learned in childhood)
  • Zcorr (Learned later on, from 20-30)
  • Daen (Learned in childhood)
languages work differently now, they may learn up to one cultural language and common without having linguistic points, unless their parents had different cultures. please indicate the source and stuff!
languages work differently now, they may learn up to one cultural language and common without having linguistic points, unless their parents had different cultures. please indicate the source and stuff!
All right, thankyou!~ Removed that!