Preserved Sheet Meursault Valeur

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Tomato Boy
Jun 29, 2013
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Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Meursault Timothée Valeur
    • Timmy is a common nickname that he dislikes, but he doesn't go out of his way to tell people off for using it.
  • Age: Twenty-five
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor - Leutz-Vixe - D'Ithanie Roots
  • Main Ambition: To establish his name in the leagues of Ailor and Unionist history.
    • One of the smaller ambitions related to this is to build his relationship with the Unionist Synod and so forth while he's staying in Regalia.
Skill Information (Required)
  • Proficiency Points to Spend: 25
    • +10 Halberd (+10 School of Lancyon)
    • +10 Drixon Spear (+10 School of Lancyon)
    • +10 Unionist Seminary (+10 School of Lancyon)
    • +10 Unarmed Boxing (+10 from Points)
    • +5 Battle Command (+5 from Points)
  • Cultural Points to Spend: 25
    • +10 Body Care (+10 from Points)
    • +10 Instrumental Music (+10 from Points)
    • +5 Dancing (+5 from Points)
  • Languages:
    • Leutz-Vixe (Native)
    • Common (Fluent)
    • Dressolini (Fluent)
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Emerald Green
  • Hair Color: Auburn
  • Hair Style: Well Kept and Trimmed.
  • Skin Color: Warm Beige
  • Clothing: Robes and attire fitting of Leutz-Vixe court.
  • Height: 6'1
  • Body Build: Muscular
  • Weapon of Choice
    • Halberd & Fists: It's rather obvious that he involves his halberd skills in most of his combat. In most cases he'll use it to keep range against his enemy and try to provide crippling blows his target. But in the cases where he isn't able to use his main weapon he'll use his boxing training to beat his opponent down to the ground. He doesn't wish to kill anyone whenever he fights, but he's more than willing to cut them down or pulverize them with his fists.
Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • Outer Perspective | Impatient Conservative | In most cases Meursault is seen as an impatient and impulsive person. He does what he wants whenever he wants with only his faith and ideology holding his actions back. He's extremely opinionated but favors conservative doctrine as others group him up with many of the conservative nobles and politicians. Even his positive characteristics are hampered by this. Sure, he can be sociable and somewhat humorous, but he's not easily accessible to those who don't share many of his ideologies. There is also the fact that his opinionated and impatient nature makes him a difficult person to converse with on certain topics, or if said person isn't able to keep up with the pace that he sets in the conversation. Otherwise he is very agreeable with those that share his interests or those that uphold the conservative ideologies of the Crown Isle. He tends to feel at ease in situations with these individuals and is a capable socialite. Other individuals he agrees well with are those that have a sense of adventure, or those with a rough spot that don't exceed social norm too much. This is more so because they have some resemblance to him.
  • Inner Perspective | Pugnacious Helerian | Meursault is rather blind to most of his faults. He doesn't see his aggressive tendencies as anything to be worried about as he believes that he has to act this way to make his way to the top. He's actually very confident in most cases even whenever he's being told that he's been in the wrong, but this more so is only possible whenever he's in a mob mentality type of setting. For the most part his other actions are done in the name of his doctrine and for the established government that he serves. He's sure that if he listens to the orders of those with power that he'll never be to fret, but there are times where he worries that he might be sold down the river for their own gains.
  • Friends & Family | Honest Disciple | Whenever it comes to the Valeur family he's blunt with his honestly, but does this out of his appreciation for the family. He loves them dearly and focuses a lot of his efforts around keeping them in the good graces of those with power. There are limits to this behavior as he'd never commit treachery or heresy in their name and would easily snitch on any of their activities. For his friends he'll tend to have a banterful relationship where he finds comfort in dangerous activities and drinking. He's always very willing to place most individuals in this friendly position as he doesn't place a barrier between random strangers and his friends. The only chance that this would happen is if the individual is known to support Jacobist ideology or something that holds negative views of what he holds close to him.
  • Morality | Zealot Apostle | For the most part Meursault believes that loyalty is the center of morality and that those who have it don't commit evil. Even if their actions are seen as dastardly he at least respects that they're putting their all into something. For those who are corrupt he believes that they are committing the most heinous crime and deserve no mercy whenever they are being punished. There is also the fact that he thinks that justice is an essential part of society and that it should not be wishy-washy whenever applied to any situation. He doesn't go out of his way to commit evil, and if the person deserves it he'll be good to them, but this all depends on the crime they committed and if it is worthy of anything.

Life Story (Required)

| Birth & Childhood |

Meursault was born on the 15th of February in the year 281 AC. He was born to his mother and father Nero and Cercei Valeur. He was born in the Crown Isle, but his childhood and whatnot was not centered there as his parents were extremely fond of traveling. He made his way through Ithania, Brissiaud, and other areas of the world as he was brought up. His education early on was centered around his culture and mannerisms of the court. The boy was even lucky enough to receive the attention and care that some noble children lacker from their parents. These early years didn't expose him to much outside of the basic cultures of Ithania and Regalia, so he had a xenophobic ideology as a young lad. He didn't respect many of the lesser races and didn't find any redeeming qualities in them. He barely even respected the other cultures that he didn't have any experiences with except for a fleeting moment here and there.

This was more so cut short as his mother's death shook his family when he was only the age of ten. She had suffered a bought of illness, and now with her death he was sent to the Havre-sur-Bastillion to undergo further education that his father couldn't provide. Nero believed that this semi-religious education would do wonders for the boy and would allow him to have ample opportunity in the world.

| Adolescence & Education |

With his education beginning at the age of ten he was thrown into a mature world at an early age. He was force fed more Unionist ideology and easily fit the mold that the School of Lancyon supported. His training didn't encompass many of the luxuries he experienced as a child. This didn't stop him from achieving what he wanted as he struggled through the more physical education. His adolescence was full of trials and trainings that would eventually bring him up to par with the rest of his class.

The rest of his stay in Basta was met with the Dressolini and Unionist culture. He was exposed to a multitude of backgrounds he didn't get to understand well in Ithania and the Crown Isle. This is when he grew to appreciate the idea of other Ailor cultures. He picked up on other essentials of the local culture through instrumental music and dancing. While at the same time he had to learn how to take care of himself in order to appear fit enough for this respected education. This was also the time that he started to experiment with the vices of life. He spent his time with other debaucherous students of the academy and made many friends with the less virtuous individuals. These mixed backgrounds did provide him a new experience with how to treat others and how he could easily befriend anyone with a simple drink.

| Early Adulthood & Recent |

Once the boy graduated from his class he stayed around the Havre-sur-Bastillion to conclude his stay there. This'd allow him to take in the last bit of the local culture through his stay as a Sergeant-at-Arms. This process lasted for about three years until he left for other parts of the Unionist world at the age of twenty-three. This led him across the known world on mission trips to the north and other times he'd be closer to home as he guarded reverends and curates on internal affairs missions. And with the reinstatement of the Crimson Inquisition he'd take up the torch and move his way to Regalia. Now he is attempting to forge the bridge between him and the Crown Isle Synod and find his place amongst the most revered of his faith.
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+0 Tailoring (+5 from Culture, -5 from Player Choice)
Just simply omit this, no need to even list it.

Some of the more positive aspects that others can pick up on is that he's sociable and finds humor close to his heart.
With his impatience and impulsiveness, as well as heavy emphasis on conservative values: Would his socialness and ear for humor be dampened when around those with opposite political ideologies. Also, does his impatience often hamper his own social interactions and capacity for humor? I feel there is a slight confliction here that these questions can address.

There were some other, similar conflictions in following paragraphs, but if you address them in the first paragraph, it'll all tie in very nicely and you'll be good to go.

Make edits in purple and tag me when done. @Sebbysc
I'm gonna have to have this rejected since I'm shelving him for now.
