Mestu-zara's Herbs


Jun 16, 2016
Reaction score
Stole the barriers from @seoulmate
Mestu-Zara's Herbs
A herb shoppie


Located near spawn, where the poor district used to be.
First you go to spawn and turn partially around to your left
Then you walk up to the gate where the poor district entrance used to be (rip)
Then you turn right, then left again until you see this arch way
Then you walk forward a bit and turn left onto this street
And lastly you walk down that road until you see this building
Fayllen Mestu-Zara ~ Owner ( @HelloFroyo )
Fazzar Mestu-Zara ~ Co-Owner ( @Biggums9001 )

~Not hiring~

~Shop Description~
Mestu-Zara's herbs is a small family run business that mainly sells cooking, healing, and decorative herbs. This shop is run and operated by House Mestu-Zara. Everything sold here is IC unless you request renamed/ lore items, which will cost more.

~What we sell~
~ Positive Flora
  • Dagruhn's Clove (5r per 3 leaves) - The leaves of Daghrun's Clove are used as a stimulant. When consumed, these leaves will force the body's heart to beat faster, increase the blood pressure of the combatant, and muscle strength, creating a more capable warrior. Many people do not use the Clove in combat, rather, train with it in order to be better. It is very easy for one to acquire an addiction to Dagruhn's Clove.
  • Lady's Shine (4r per flower) - Although commonly harvested for its natural beauty, Lady's Shine is more notably exploited for its medicinal properties, as it is the main ingredient in Avetyaben's Grace, a healing potion that serves as a counteract to virtually all poisons. The flower itself can stave and slow the adverse effects of most poisons, but only the consumption of Avetyaben's Grace will counteract and heal the effects of poison.
  • Hempaben's Herb (6r per leaf) - Hempaben's Herb is used primarily as a supplement for the immune system and, with frequent administration, can help ward off minor diseases such as colds. If taken while one is ill, it can prevent the sickness from recurring, though will not speed up the current infliction.
  • Ruby Flower (5r per flower) - The Ruby Flower is used primarily as a medicinal herb. The plant is most known for its regenerative capabilities; it helps the body restore itself to a normal and healthy state by boosting the body's own healing abilities while also reducing pain. Simply pressing the flower against the injured area is enough to soothe minor pain.
~ Utility Flora
  • Lanarra's Hand (11r per fruit) - Once peeled, cut, or seared in a burner, it can make a delightful perfume. This perfume is often used by older women and many female Old Gods worshipers due to it's pleasant smell.
  • Magebane (7r per leaf) - Magebane, when crumbled into foods, can dull the abilities of mages down by one rank. Experts would find themselves with the capabilities of a Mage, a Mage to a Caster and so on. Novices, when facing a concoction based upon this flower, will find their abilities hampered to a point where they may be unable to cast at all. This hindrance lasts for about a half hour.
  • Fly Orchid (3r per flower) - The Fly Orchid usually grows to a height between 30-40 cm, 11-15 inches, and possesses an elegant green stem leading to a collection of frail, small flowers. A deep mossy-green shade, they fan out in a very specific pattern. Protruding from within the flower itself come three pale filaments, each complete with a wispy golden anther. Deeper into the flower exists it's sweet sticky nectar, which attracts and traps bugs. Those that get caught in it are very slowly digested over time back into the same goo that trapped them, which often can be found in lighter amounts on the flower's petals.
  • Stranglers (8r for one plant) - Gardeners have been known to keep smaller breeds of Stranglers in specialized pots that let the roots and tendrils hang down. Stranglers are often kept as a curiosity or to catch small pests in one's home.
~ Culinary Flora
  • Honey Ball (2r for 3) - Honey Balls are most often used as a high-end ingredient in succulent culinary goods. The sweet blue substance is most often used in upscale candies or candied fruits. It can also be used in glazes or sauces. The crust is inedible as is the root.
  • Roughvine (5r for each vine) - Roughvine's only use is as a consumable. While it can be eaten raw, the most common use for it is to be cut up and added into soups. Sometimes these recipes make use of the whole vine - given the exterior of the plant is edible, despite its tough texture or only the mushy inside of the plant. Another more recent use it taking and cooking the vines to eat.
  • Corpse Weed (4r for each weed) - Corpse Weed is exclusively employed through culinary means. It is most commonly consumed by the Maiar tribes that occupy the coastal areas where it flourishes, but is also harvested at the hands of Chi'en-Ji who utilize it. It is usually used for seasoning, though can also be consumed as it is after being boiled and dried.
  • Dragonflower (4r for each flower) - The Dragonflower is primarily used for cooking, though it does have some minor uses that are not as commonly found. The flower is sometimes crushed to produce a brilliant scarlet dye, often used in dying clothes. It's tasking to make as it requires a large amount of the flowers, and typically sells for a large amount of coin. The most common use of the flower is in the production of a potent spice. Easy to make, the spice is sold for a low price in sharp contrast to the dye the flower can create.
~ Flora Ingredients
  • Falconet's Jewel (6r for 10 berries) - The fruit Falconet's Jewel is popular for both its rarity and its bitter taste. The latter is not enjoyed by all, but chefs seeking to add to their masterpieces often seek out the fruit to add a prestigious edge to their creation. The most common use however is in the creation of juices, jams, and jellies. They can also be used in their entirely to top various pastries and some even use them as the fruit base for the creation.
  • Shademarsh Mushroom (5r per 2 mushrooms) - The Shademarsh Mushroom has two uses, each tied to it's ability to overdrive the heart and mind with stimuli. One is as a poison to push someone's mind and heart over the brink. This can be accomplished through eating the mushroom or inhaling the fungus dry.
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