Preserved Sheet Merrick Felwinter

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Apr 7, 2021
Reaction score
Basic Info:

  • Full name: Merrick Hugh Felwinter
  • Age: 26
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Nautilaan Alior
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual

Skill information:

  • Light Ranged Combat (+8 skill points)
  • Heavy Ranged Combat (+16 skill points)
  • Dagger Combat (+7 skill points)
  • Perception Training (+5 skill points)
  • Pathfinding Art (+4 skills points, +5 hobby points)
  • Sailing Art (+5 hobby points, +5 racial boost)
  • Drawing Art (+4 skill points)
  • Wall Climb 3 (+3 skill points)
  • Rogue Gift 4 (+3 skill points)

Vampirism (Alais Bloodline) (Disabled)

Body Shape:

  • Physical Stat: 30 (Nautilaan Physical Stat Limit)
  • Body shape: Athletic
  • Body fat: average


  • Common

Visual Information:

  • Eye color: dark green
  • Hair Color: dark brown
  • Hair style: parted
  • Skin color: light tan
  • Clothing: embroidered trench coat
  • Height: 5'8'

Question List:
  • How would you express Happiness and Contentedness?

He rarely does show any signs of a "happy go lucky" attitude but he does seem happy its hard not to notice.

  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?

For the most part he handles it with a calm and steady attitude.. unless it becomes too intense for him, then he will meet with force as a last resort.

  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?

Handles it in a calm manner depending on what it is that's stressing him out, other things can sort of just annoy him.

  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?

He respects them for how they act, not simply because of their status.

  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?

He doesn't care for the race of others, he will treat them the same as his own.

  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?

He doesn't personally believe any kind of religion but will respect others religion if required of him.

  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?

He doesn't mind it, though he does get agitated when he is confused for a wizard..

  • How does your character feel towards their family?

Even though his father was a pirate he is proud to be his son.

  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?

Managing to get back up on his feet despite the events that happened in his life.

  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?

That he may not be good enough for his lover.

  • What is your character's biggest fear?

Losing the family he's finally managed to gain after so many years.

Life Story:

Merrick Felwinter came from a family of pirates, his mother abandoned him to his father soon after he was born, his father's name was Grayson Felwinter, but better known as "The Iron Ghoul" due to his iron skull like mask he wore. Merrick spent most of his life on growing up on the ship known as "The Javelin" learning Cartography and pillaging ships as well as learning from the crewmates his father commanded.

Fortunately his actual identity as well as his crews were never identified due to the fact that not only did his father conceal his identity but so did the crew, the masks the crew wore were made of stone, skull like masks.. although not quite as flashy as his fathers mask, they were called his "skeleton crew" they attacked at night to ensure to drive fear into their enemies as they fought, however things eventually didn't go according to plan as they had one ship that always hunted them known as the "Nighthawk" it always seemed to inch ever so closer to discovering them during the day until one point, it succeeded and launched a surprise attack from behind, cannon fire blew clean into the back of the ship as the Nighthawk roared closer to the Javelin, closing the gap. The crew were woken from their slumber and quickly set out for combat.

There was no escape from the Nighthawk at this point, the Javelin didn't have enough time to ready its sails in hopes of escape so the only option was to fight, before they knew it the Nighthawk had its claws bare deep into the ship as it clashed against it's side. Cannon fire struck the hull of both ships in a desperate attempt to sink the other, the Nighthawks crew had started to board the Javelin, attacking all in their path, on both sides mercenaries and pirates were being cut down alike as the ships raged on in intense battle. Eventually they both struck a deadly blow to the other, one hitting the ships more explosive precious cargo and the other hitting it dead center into the hull taking in water fast, as the Nighthawk erupted with an extreme explosive it broken clean into the hull of the Javelin, causing them both to fall into the depths of the sea, but not before blowing both Captains off onto the nearby island and Merrick straight into the water.

Merrick in a desperate attempt to find his father swam straight to the island, he could hear clashing of swords nearby as he swam ashore, he saw in horror as his father was impaled when he reached them, he was on his own it seemed as the Nighthawks captain approached Merrick he drew his dagger and went straight forward into the fight, trying his best to wait for an opening as he fought for his life against him, however he was too weak to continue on, he collapsed from a hit straight to the gut from the hilt of the Captains sword, he ended up on the ground crawling back to where his father was as the man approached him now with his flintlock pistol aimed at Merrick's head he could only hope for death to be swift, fortunately his father wasn't quite dead just yet.

With a quick motion Grayson Felwinter pulled his flintlock pistol out as well aiming it dead center at the Captains forehead he quickly pulled the trigger, the bullet going clean through his skull. The man fell back, dead. Although they had won the cost was too great, his father told him to carry on without him with his dying breath, handing him his mask. That day Merrick had to bury his father on that very island. Merrick managed to eventually secure himself a ride back onto a more populated region and started venturing his way around for eight more years until finally reaching Regalia where he is now attempting to start a new life.
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Hello, I have claimed your application for review, expect a response in under twelve hours.
@Z0mbieslayer2013 After reviewing your application, a few things need correction.
  • You have currently overspent on points, please review your points.
Once you have made the appropriate changes, tag me and I will review your corrections.
@Z0mbieslayer2013 After reviewing your application, a few things need correction.
  • You have currently overspent on points, please review your points.
Once you have made the appropriate changes, tag me and I will review your corrections.

I specified where my points came from, hope thats what I needed to just do @Follower please let me know if it isnt the case.
@Z0mbieslayer2013 Sorryfor the Delay, I fell under the weather. Everything seems to be in order, Approved.
@Follower I was fixing the title for the application and lost the approved tag, could you fix that please?