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Played Character Merrick Felwinter

This character is actively played.


Apr 7, 2021
Reaction score

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(Tierravera Culture)



Eye Color:
Dark Green

(Nerocanto Bloodline)

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Core Concept
Merrick Felwinter is a working mercenary and cartographer, his former life of piracy abandoned after the passing of his father and the loss of his entire crew. He has no beliefs as far as religion goes but will respect others' beliefs without question.


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All Ailor Mechanics
Vampire Common Mechanics INACTIVE
Nerocanto Vampire Mechanics INACTIVE


Strength: 4
- Building Scale Pack
- Steady Body Pack
- Concussive Blow Pack
- Gut Punch Pack

Constitution: 2
- Rage Counter Pack (Free)
- Bulwark Pack
- Iron Will Pack

Intelligence: 1
- Wardrobe Pack

Wisdom: 0

Dexterity: 7

- Cutthroat Stance (Free)
- Cutthroat Backstab Pack
- Cutthroat Flank Pack
- Cutthroat Evasion Pack
- Disguise Pack
- Escape Artist Pack (Free)
- Dirty Fighter Pack
- Improvised Attack Pack
- Fate's Wheel Pack

Faith: 0

Magic: 0


Common (Free)
Droque (Native)

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Appearance Information

Merrick stands at 5'11" with an athletic body build, he wears an embroidered black trench coat with gold trimming and has a messy dark brown parted haircut. The Daen bares a large scar in the dead center 0f his chest along with multiple smaller scars on his hands from practicing knife tricks with his dagger. In terms of jewelry, Merrick is not one to adorn himself. Despite this, hidden beneath his garments he wears a leather necklace holding a silver ring of mid to low quality.
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Merrick was born at a port somewhere in the continent of Daen, just a small village with no name although this childhood was not long spent there as his mother abandoned him to his father, to which he would take Merrick out to a life on the open seas, a pirate captain raising his beloved son.

While time was spent on the open seas moving from port-to-port Merrick would soon enough gain a half-brother, although life was not fortunate for either of them it seems as the mother died in a fire caused by the other villagers when they learned just who the father was, Merrick would spend his time helping care for him while also spending some free time learning cartography from one of the crew members as well as combat training.

Early Adulthood:
By now Merrick Felwinter was second in command to the Javelin, he'd order the other pirates to act and they would follow without question, although he was on a short leash from his father due to Merricks ruthless attitude he gained while out on the ocean, soon enough though things would fly south and fall apart as their old enemy the Nighthawk would find them when they least expect it, causing utter destruction on both sides, Merrick supposedly being the only survivor after being flung from the boat into the sea, he'd experience the worse moment in his life as his father would die in his arms from a duel against the enemy captain, this moment would change him forever.

Why Merrick Came to Regalia:
His fathers last words to him were simple, to live a better life, he took this to heart and abandoned his life as a pirate seeking a place he could go to remove himself of such a life, in his journey he found Regalia and has decided to make his mark there.


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The two daggers holstered onto the crow cannot be used in combat, however, they may be used by the crow to poke and prod innocent civilians. Beware. The dull blades may also be used as letter openers for anyone who receives a letter delivered by this creature, though it is requested that the daggers be placed back into their holder after use, it's the polite thing to do.
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(Previous Sheet revamp by @cucumber_ranch)
(09/23/2024 Revamp by @SearchSolace )
Last edited:
@Yurs Hello!

Just an aesthetic update along with more elaboration on the appearance information, and the addition of the spoiler at the end.
@Yurs If youre available can you give me a hand here? I think I've been doing this wrong the entire time by failing to put to "Needs Review/Help" I'm not sure if my points are correct or not.