Preserved Sheet Merist Fordun

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Right Proper Bastard
Mar 26, 2014
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Merist Fordun
  • Race: Scripters Qadir (Phantom Undead)
  • Age: 136
  • Visual Age: 24
  • Sex: Male
  • Sexuality: Homosexual
  • Eye Color: Faintly Glowing Green
Core Concept
  • Merist is/was Agnostic, with no real interest in Religion.
  • Merist is the phantom of a man who once served a noble house faithfully, however he can no longer recall who he served and has lost a fair portion of memories of family and history while at least retaining his knowledge of how to properly serve. A jack of all trades when it comes to service and maintenance of grounds.
Proficiency Information
  • Gardening Art: 10 (+10 Hobby Points)
  • Needlework Art: 5 (+5 Core Points)
  • Perception Training: 10 (+5 Core Points, +5 Racial Boost)
  • Cooking Art: 10 (+10 Core Points)
  • Baking Art: 10 (+10 Core Points)
  • Writing Art: 5 (+5 Core Points)
  • Horticulture Art: 10 (+ 10 Core Points)
  • Husbandry Art: 2 (+2 Core Points)
  • Linguistics: 3 (+3 Core Points)
  • Physical Stat: 0
Ability Information
  • Phantom Abilities:
    • Dead Shell 3
    • Haunting 1
    • Arcane Mastery 1
    • Darkness 4
    • Magic Sight 3
  • Common (Free)
  • Faraddi (Parent)
  • Altalar (Linguistics)
Appearance Information
  • Merist's form is vaguely transparent, tinted pale green and glows (though not enough to cast light).
  • Merist is a 5'4'' refined looking young man whose hair is always neatly kept, he had a toned build and is always dressed in a refined attire.
Life Story
  • Merist Fordun was born to a family of unknown servants to a family of unknown nobles.
  • In his early years and teens Merist spent much of his time learning how to be presentable and how to properly serve. How to cook, clean, garden, perform and various other maintenances.
  • Into his early adulthood he spent his years serving the family to which his own was sworn to, he did not mind much and in fact took pride in his work. Though he never learned to defend himself as his sole goal was to attend an estate and to serve the upper-class. This was perhaps the reason of his early end of life and beginning of undeath.
  • Merist has lived in Regalia for as long as he can remember, he hasn't a clue as to why, only that he lived there before and he 'lives' there now. His name isn't even Qadiric.
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