Preserved Sheet Meriel Morfiel | The Elder

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Feb 25, 2019
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"Never, no, did nature say one thing, and wisdom the other."
| Theme | Pinterest | Playlist | Voice Claim |


"Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person you always should have been."
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Name | Meriel Morfiel

Middle-Altalar Name | Mènis'ovdrîel Morâfon'fièawiel
Aliases | Meri, Mural, Trinket

Age | 553
Gender | Male
Race | Circle of Aiel Cielothar
Preferred Weapon | A Happy Smile
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A 6'10" tall Wooden Staff, topped with a Maraca Ball
Countless Bells & Trinkets adorning his robes
Numerous Bags of Seeds, Dirt, Leaves, Pebbles & Kibbles
An intricately carved Dwarven Pipe
A vibrantly decorated Satchel Bag
A Needle & Thread
An assorted collection of Mushrooms & Fruit
A collection of Knitting Utensils & Wool

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Regalia | Meriel's business in the Holy City is unknown, even to himself, after landing here during his travels across new lands. Although a relatively new resident of the city, Meriel is determined to gather his kin and begin spreading goodwill in the name of the All-Mother (albeit, with discrete). He carries little-to-no coinage on him, so more often than not, relies on the kindness of other's to get him by, which he will return to them tenfold.
Upbringing | Meriel was raised in the Cult of Cielonia during the reign of the Allorn Empire. As such, many of their values are subconsciously ingrained into his mind, despite understanding it was the Empire to blame for the events of the Cataclysm (which continues to haunt him to this day). The Elder's family is extensive, and over the centuries, he has lost essentially all contact with them, for better or for worse. He does not mourn this, understanding that we all have our own paths to walk, and such cannot, or should not, be punished.
Ambitions | The Elderly Cielothar has long since abandoned selfish goals, now looking towards the betterment of others in his advancing age. He wishes to pool together the Cielonians in the city, and work towards educating them, aiding them and getting them to aid others as he seeks to do.


"The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness."
Total Points | 70 | 45 from Age +10 Hobby Points +10 Talent Points +5
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Talent Group Proficiencies

+5 Vocal Singing (from Talent Points)
+5 Woodwind Instrument (from Talent Points)
Art Group Proficiencies
+15 Husbandry Art (5 from Racial Boost)
+10 Pathfinding Art (10 from Hobby Points)
+5 Needlework Art
+5 Gardening Art
+5 Wooden Art
+6 Fabric Art
+5 Cooking Art
+5 Baking Art
Point Buy Group
+6 Estellian Ritualism
+3 Sorcery Levels
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Body Shape
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Physical Stat | 5 (from Pathfinding Art halved) +2.5 (from Gardening Art halved) +2.5 (from Wooden Art halved)= 10
Body Shape | Slim
Body Fat | Extremely Low
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Plains Elven | Being a Cielothar, Meriel quickly adopted this as his primary tongue as it was formed. He will default to this whenever he can, and is both literate and fluent.
Middle Altalar | Meriel's early life was amongst the Cult of Cielonia Altalar in the Allorn Empire. As such, he was raised in this tongue before any other, before eventually adopting the Plains Elven Language. He is both literate and fluent in this language.
Common | Common was a language learnt rather late in the Elder's life time, having to speak it to communicate with neighbouring Ailor settlement, and the odd Avanthar tribe who had forgone their Plains tongues. He is both literate and fluent in the tongue.
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Nature -- 2 Levels

Brambling -- Ability
Soothe the Beast -- Ability
Evergrowth -- Aesthetic
Wood Singing -- Aesthetic

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Ritualism -- 2 Levels
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Beast Warp -- Ability
Garden Ward -- Ability
Exist Mutationism -- Aesthetic
Ritualist Growth -- Aesthetic

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Racial Abilities
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Lightblessed Familiar
Sense of Compassion
Light Blooded
Wind's Cradle

Circle of Aiel
Restore to Grace
Radiant Soul
Familiar's Shape | Fantail Pigeon
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"Wrinkles should merely indicate where the smiles have been."
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Eye Colour | Green
Hair Colour | Greyed, almost Stark White
Hair Style | Messy, receding, long and filled with braids
Skin Colour | Tanned and Flushed
Clothing | A multi-coloured rainbow coat
Height | 6'2"
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"Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your good is better than your best."
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Character Alignment | NG
Personality Type | ENFP
Character's Religion | Faith of Estel 10/10 (Cielothar Variant)
Meriel is married to Estel, boasting an unquestionable faith towards the religion. He isn't quite fanatic enough to try and indoctrinate all he meets to his beliefs, however, will try to nudge a lost soul down, what he believes is, the right path. His faith extends to the Fated Faith of the Yanar, believe them as Estel's chosen.

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How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?

Meriel is a glee-filled soul, rarely seen without an unnaturally wide smile, paired with his equally joyous demeanour. When happier than usual, the Cielothar can be seen humming away to himself, knitting or sewing some new clothing either for himself or others, or even breaking into spontaneous dance despite his advanced age. Meriel will also be known for taking a quiet stroll through the wilderness when at peace with himself, seeing to the well-being of whatever animal or plant that needs tending to.

How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
Meriel is a fearful man. Being rather submissive in nature, the Elder will quiet down in the presence of an intimidating stranger; receding into himself and doing whatever is asked of him. In more tense circumstances, it isn't unknown for the older man to just shut down, becoming frozen in his steps, before pleading for mercy, rarely wishing to engage in a straight conflict unless forced.

How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
On the few occasions when he feels stressed, Meriel is known to disappear for a few days; hiding away in recluse to meditate and tackle the stressful thoughts himself. In the circumstances this is not possible, Meriel is known to quieten down, and lose great amounts of confidence in himself.

How does your character view Law and Authorities?
Law and Authorities are fickle things. He is more than aware of their existence, and the repercussions he will face should he act against them, but the elderly man can't help but act in ways that he perceives as correct, even if it means incriminating himself.

How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
Everyone is good, and those who aren't just need a helping hand and guidance to see the light. He does not discriminate between the races, regardless of their thoughts to him, and will invite anyone into his abode with welcoming arms.

How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
Meriel is married to Estel, boasting an unquestionable faith towards the religion. He isn't quite fanatic enough to try and indoctrinate all he meets to his beliefs, however, will try to nudge a lost soul down, what he believes is, the right path.

How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
He is entirely indifferent to most forms, rarely discriminating against others. Meriel wears great respect for those who harness magical and arcane gifts, and wants nothing more than them to use their power altruistically, despite how impossible it may seem for some.

How does your character feel towards their Family?
To Meriel, his faith and community is his family, caring for nothing more than their safety. The elder will do all he can to treat and protect those close to them, and values their input just as much as his own. He will respect their requests, although, if he believes that more can be done from going against them, he isn't unknown to go ahead and do what he wants anyways.

What is your character the most Proud of about themselves?
His faith. Meriel's faith is indomitable, almost to a point of ignorance, and takes great pride in such. For Meriel to betray Estel would be an incredibly difficult, if not, impossible task, as the thought never passes the elder's mind for an instant.

What Motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
Given the advanced age of the Cielothar, his goals are not set on his own self-betterment, but the self-betterment of others and preservation of the wilds. Meriel spends almost all of his time tending to local wildlife, or teaching others his way of life, in hopes they carry on his legacy after he passes on.

What is your character's biggest Insecurity?
Meriel fears that others may not deem him an adequate spiritual leader, due to his cowardly and submissive nature, even going as far as to call himself pathetic in the worst of times. When thoughts like this build up enough, he will seek refuge in the wilds, and think on it, as well as converse with the local fauna.

What is your character's biggest Fear?
The death of his fate, and another void invasion. Having vivid memories of the Cataclysm, and his devotion to Estel does not do him any favours in settling such an overbearing thought.
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"Morality comes with the sad wisdom of age, when the sense of curiosity has withered."
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Early Life

Meriel was born February 14th, 246BC in Daen, as a child to two followers of the Cult of Cielonia at the tail-end of the Mage Wars. He grew-up surrounded by the Estellian teachings of his predecessors, and in amongst the fields of his people. The Cielothar soon took a rather fond shine to a nearby river bank, regularly venturing out to merely watch the wildlife drift by. The fresh-water Otters drifting in the waters peaked his interest incredibly, which was his first gateway into his fascination with the living world. Around this time, his parents began to train them in their healing ways of life, something he took to like a moth to the flame; using it along with his nature care, tending to the wounds of whatever he came across. In time, his family took him from the wilds, as they ventured out to some of the great cities of the Allorn Empire, showing the fresh faced Meriel a whole new lease on his otherwise sheltered life.
The young Cielothar was soon separated from his kin and family, as he watched the Night of the Fallen Star unfold before his eyes. Such atrocities had never crossed the naive Neflin's mind, and even whilst watching this all unfold before him, he struggled to believe. By some stroke of luck, he managed to stagger his way free from the tragedy, yet it would haunt his dreams for centuries to come.

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Mid Life
Meriel followed the rivers for the next few weeks, aimlessly wandering with no real goal in sight. Terrified to return to any semblance of civilisation, he looked to the lands to learn to live. He began preaching himself the philosophy of a symbiotic relationship with the land, only taking what he needed, and returning his due. For the next decade, he continued this way of life, before encountering a wandering Yanar, coming to warn him of the ensuing Cataclysm. Joining them on their pilgrimage, he assisted the Yanar in gathering the remaining Ceilonian Altalar, and placing them in the forests of Daen; marking the formation of the first Cielothar Villages.
The Cataclysm came and went, Meriel acting as a medic to the defending soldiers during that dark time. He turned to aiding his Yanar allies in regrowing the burnt forestation of Daen, wishing to return it to its once lucious state. Meriel continued to aid in setting up more and more of these settlements across the forests, as more and more Cielothar began to spring into existence. Soon after came the Avanthar, acting as their staunch protectors. With this new found commune of the three races came the Plains Elven Tongue, which quickly became the Cielothar's primary tongue. Soon, they ventured from the Plains to explore the neighbouring Ailor cities, doing all sorts of work for the next few decades. He explored as many faucets of life as he could, travelling across the continent until he could no longer fight his craving to return to the natural world.
In time, he returned once more to the Cielothar Villages, encountering a plathedra of new faces, and a handful of old. He once more took on the mantle of directing his people, ensuring they never allowed the bountiful lands to become overpopulated and torn apart from overuse. Soon, he established himself as a Healing Elder, as well as Sage Adviser, to the village he helped erect many moons ago; Eilianu. He settled down, and started a family with a young Avanthar, until, in time, they past and he started once more.

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Late Life

The Fortunate Period of the Cielothar soon came to an end, bookmarking a time of hardship for Meriel's generally easy-going peoples. Altalar began arriving demanding that Eilianu joined their empire once more; their farmlands began to be infiltrated by Wolond, before pillaging all they could from the fertile lands. Soon, the forests they called home began to disappear; a direct result of the growing greed of the Ailor. Soon, thanks to happenings of the Ranger Crisis, his long lived settlement under assault on the regular. The Elder tried all he could to talk he and his kin from the brewing conflict, yet, with little-to-no success. He accepted the help of nearby Avanthar, Qussrakon and even Yanar in defending the settlement, he and others tending to their wounds.
Following the short lived conflict, Meriel once more ventured out from his home, making his way to the city of Daenshore to try and discuss the recent happenings, and find a more permanent solution to the misfortunes of his kin. From here, he found himself travelling from city to city, learning what he could to bolster protection, as well as open his eyes more to the outside world. During his travels came the Bone Horror Crisis, with Meriel trapped in the middle of it all in the city of Hallonq. He did all that was possible to safe guard and shelter the innocent, and with some good luck gifted by Estel herself, the Elder managed to survive through the atrocity fully intact. He ventured back to his village once more, to spread tell of his adventures, before longing to see more of the world, making his way off to the Holy City of Regalia.

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Hey, I'm claiming this for staff review, expect a response in 24 hours or less!
Heya, the only thing I need you to do is put down how many of your points are going into magic in your proficiency section, please!
@Nesstro Updated Meriel's proficiencies, as well as adding in his hobby points. Needing a re-review whenever you can, thanks!