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Played Character Merellien, The Starry Beast

This character is actively played.


Failure is the mark of a life well lived.
Staff member
Aug 10, 2015
Reaction score
Tyberia and Westeros also once named (Blackfyre, Eden, Halbinsel)
The Fallen Tyberian Empire

Character Information
Full Name:
Machatl Zitlal (Nātl/Family Name), Merellien (Altalar/Public Name)
Pronunciation: Mah-chah-lu See-lu-ahl, Meh-rel-ian
Race / Culture: Sentli Maquixtl
Age: 111
Gender / Pronouns: Male, (He/Him)
Occult: Exist Arkenborn (Loyalty), Howl Marken
Religion: Estelley (Mana, Patron Deity)
Guild: Gloomfolk Order, Preacher

Core Concept
Machatl is a carefree and calm individual who values family, companionship, and love. As a result, he sometimes finds himself in troublesome situations while protecting the ones he cares for as best as he can. He's more likely to throw the second punch in a fight rather than the first, unless he has no choice.

Appearance Information
Merellien looks to be a very muscular Maquixtl with ginger hair and beard. He has the Loyaltyborn eyes of his father and wears jade jewelry to compliment them.

Point Buy: 14/14

Strength: 7
  • Brawl Stampede Pack (Free, Maquixtl)
  • Force Toss Pack
  • Bruiser Stance (Free, Stance)
  • Bruiser Slam Pack
  • Bruiser Feint Pack
  • Bruiser Parry Pack
  • Bruiser Agony Pack
  • Careful Fighter Pack (Free, +4 Melee/Bruiser)
  • Concussive Blow Pack
  • Diving Tackle Pack

  • Rage Counter Pack
  • Interception Pack
  • Debuff Endurance Pack
  • Breather Pack
  • Rebound Pack


Wisdom: 0
  • Technique Parry Pack (Free, Maquixtl)

Dexterity: 2
  • Close Save Pack
  • Soft Landing Pack
Faith: 0


Mechanic One: Loyalty Arkenborn can declare a chosen temple to their Faith as their territory, granting them a +1 to Attack Stat (break cap up to 11) while fighting within and around it.
Mechanic Two: Loyalty Arkenborn can grant the Enduring Ally Enchant, binding a soul-contract for a person to remain loyal. If they betray the Arkenborn, they take massive damage (discuss in Dm's what this means).
Mechanic Three: Loyalty Arkenborn can grant temporary aesthetics of their choice to any willing allies they fight alongside. For those with the Enduring Ally Enchant, they also gain +1 Defense stat, which does not break cap.

Mechanic 1: Marken have enhanced senses, even when not transformed. They can see better (even in darkness), or hear quieter sounds from further away. (Consult with Event DM if this would reveal any new info).
Mechanic 2: Marken have a danger sense that borders on precognition, and are "warned" of their possible impending death during Combat or Events, allowing them to prematurely disengage or avoid fighting something.
Mechanic 3: Marken, if at a God Summoning of the God that cursed whatever Marken infected them (however far back), can possibly be given "Redemption Quests" to free them of the curse or help them master it. (Not Guaranteed, at Discretion of Lore Staff).
Mechanic 4: Marken fare better in extreme temperatures and climates (cold or hot), and are not hurt or slowed down where other people might be, but this only applies to weather.
Mechanic 5: Marken can declare Rental/Estate/Shop/Base Region or a Wilderness Cave as their "Territory" granting them +1 to Attack Stat (break cap up to 11) while fighting within and around it. If another Marken declares the same area their Territory, neither gets the bonus, and they must fight over the area, with the winner getting the bonus.

Howl Marken Mechanic 1: While in Quartermarken Form or greater, while out of Combat, can scale walls (using Ender Pearls) and the sides of buildings as long as they are not a perfectly flat surface.
Howl Marken Mechanic 2: While in Fullmarken Form, a Howl Marken can stare down another Fullmarken to potentially make them back down. Both players /roll 20, best out of three. The loser is forced to look away, deferring to the winner for that one instance.

Fullmarken Mechanic 1: Fullmarken Forms cannot make use of weapons or armor at all, instead their body (fists, claws, teeth) is their weapon, and their thick hide counts as Armor.
Fullmarken Mechanic 2: Fullmarken Forms are forced to use the Warrior Combat Style, and gain +2 Strength and +2 Constitution. Additionally, they have any Dexterity Proficiency converted to Strength capped at 7.
Fullmarken Mechanic 3: Fullmarken Forms regress into a more instinctive mindset, barring them from abilities. While in Fullmarken Form, they may only use point buy abilities from Melee, Shielding, Tanking, Bruiser, Athletics, Training, Cutthroat, or Roguery.
Fullmarken Mechanic 4: Fullmarken Forms are unable to speak (but they can still understand others). They can produce bestial noise Marken Speech, which any other Marken can understand, even while untransformed.
Fullmarken Mechanic 5: Fullmarken Forms are not constrained by any environment they have to fight in, whether that be Underwater or in frozen wastelands, they can use Attack Emotes or Abilities like normal always.
Fullmarken Mechanic 6: Fullmarken, if they are not in control of themselves, gain +2 Attack +2 Defense Stat (breaks cap up to 11/9), but must attack anyone and everyone around them without discretion. This Mechanic does not work if they have no allies present.

Common (Fluent)
Nātl (Fluent)
Altalar (Fluent)
d'Ithanie (8/10)
Réginyelv (6/10)

Life Story / Plot Hooks
Born in a Sentli commune to a caring mother, Machatl was raised to be a strong and capable individual among his people. His mother was a fighter and a farmer, and taught him everything she knew before he was old enough to seek out other mentors in his community on his own. He wasn't just taught combat, he was also educated in philosophy, history, and the wider world and what he might come to expect from its people and their gods.

He'd eventually found himself in Regalia after the Allorn Empire Expansionists came to raze his village to the ground, displacing him and his community. Those that were able to regroup with one another and were tired of having to rebuild decided to band together and seek asylum in the capital.
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