Preserved Sheet Meredith Lessauer - Arcane Extraordinaire

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elf appreciator
Jun 6, 2016
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under your bed



ᴋɴᴏᴡʟᴇᴅɢᴇ ɪs ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀ

|♪ ♫|
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ʙᴀsɪᴄ ɪɴғᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
  • Full Name: Meredith Lessauer [Born Cië'ollá'elloëss'á'ei'ssolei Ll'avella]
    • Nicknames: Mere, Merrie, Elf, Cië'ollá
  • Age: Seventy-one summers.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Central-Altalar.
  • Religion: Unionism.
  • Main Ambition: Knowledge. Meredith seeks to understand herself, and the world around her.
    • Meredith seeks to find her Arken parent once more, as unlikely that will be.
    • Meredith most importantly seeks to find her place in the world. With the end of her stay in the Inquisition and her relocation to the Violet Order, she finds herself at a loss as per her purpose.
    • Finally, Meredith wants humanum, and to be able to rise above her class as an aberrant. It pains her to be restricted in her ability to progress within the city, and to be kept separate from those who she holds dear for a condition out of her control. She wants to conform, plain and simple.
  • Meredith came to Regalia expecting only a brief stay, not the decade that she has endured within the city. While first an Azure Scholar, she is currently Grand Matron of the Medical Regiment. As of now, she resides in a small home tucked away in close proximity of the Black Tower, hidden in plain sight.
  • Meredith had a pleasant upbringing, with luxuries not always available to the typical Central-Altalar. She was born to Ll'evalossei, her father, and one of the various incarnations of the Compassion Arken, resulting in her silver eyes. She has an older half sister, Solla. Her extended family on her mother's side is unknown, however Meredith has numerous members on her father's side, though she does not know them all personally.
  • While breaking the shackles of her status is Meredith's primary goal, a hidden ambition of hers is to start a family. Her own family left something to be desired, and the thought of settling down and raising a child has some strange appeal to the Nelfin- Someone she can care for, teach and watch over.

sᴋɪʟʟ ɪɴғᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
  • Proficiency: 70 points total (-22 due to magic).
    • Knowledge:
      • +40 Magical Knowledge (+30 from Points, +10 from Race)
        • Arkenism Info
        • Sanguinology Info
        • Demonology Info
        • Dimenthism Info
        • Racialism Info
        • Afflicthism Info
        • Eventism Info
        • Artifactism Info
      • +12 Linguistics (+12 from Points)
      • +10 Historical Knowledge (+10 from Race)
    • Arts:
      • +10 Musical Arts (+10 from Crystal Muter)
      • +10 Literary Arts (+10 from Crystal Muter)
    • Science:
      • +6 Medical Sciences (+6 from Points)
  • Languages:
    • Modern Altalar (Native)
    • Middle Altalar (From 6 Linguistic points)
    • Plains Elven (From 12 Linguistic points)
    • Common (Free Language)
  • Body Stat: Toned, Low Body Fat
    • 0 Combat Points + 5 (Literary Points x 0.5) = 5
  • Special Traits:
    • Exist Silven
      • Crystal Muter
      • Benediction Muter
      • Muterblock Muter
      • Valeia Muter
    • Spellbook
ᴠɪsᴜᴀʟ ɪɴғᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
  • Eye Color: Glowing silver with blue limbus.
  • Hair Color: Light blonde.
  • Hair Style: Messy twin braids.
  • Skin Color: Peach.
  • Clothing: Flowing blue and silver mage-esque scholar robes with a brown sash, or a simple purple gown with a crimson red sash tied around the waist.
  • Height: Five foot, eight inches.
  • At first glance, one would find nothing out of the ordinary about Meredith's facial features that set her apart from the standard Altalar. The Silven possesses typical, sharp Nelfin features, delicately formed as if carved from marble. Her head is heart shaped, and she possesses thin, high set cheekbones, typical of most Altalar. Large long ears jut out from the sides of Meredith's head like knives, uncut and adorned with a single pair of silver earrings. She has average sized eyes, almond in shape, though what sets them apart is that of their unique color; Silver, with a blue limbus, the mark of an Exist Silven. Meredith generally wears a calm and plain expression, typically leaning on the more cheerful side of things, though not always. Meredith's hair is a light, pale blonde, usually tied into twin braids, twisted into a bun, or let down flowing free down her back, accompanied by two small braids in the front. Around her neck lies a blue and gold collar set with one stone, marking the Nelfin as a Silven. The collar is seamless, and sits flush to the neck, making it both un-intrusive, yet impossible to remove without some extreme effort.
  • Unlike the the typical towering Nelfin that one might find, Meredith sticks out like a sore thumb due to her height at a mere 5'8. While the exact reason is unknown, Meredith blames defect and distant Cielothar breeding on her father's side. Meredith possesses a skinny body type, unsurprising for both an Altalar. Her skintone can be described as a fair, light peachy tone, sensitive to the touch of light. Curiously, Meredith lacks a large amount of body hair, as the Altalar had formed a habit of regularly shaving it off.
  • Meredith is one fond of simple clothing, often wearing plain dresses or even pants if the situation allows for it. She is fond of the color lilac and it shows in her wardrobe, with her clothes being of similar color. Also notable is how conservatively the Nelfin dresses, taking care to cover her skin. Out of everything however, Meredith is likely to be found donning what can only be described as 'scholar' attire, and a simple purple gown. Carried with her more often than not is her satchel, holding things such as her sketchbook, charcoal box and a spare notebook for notes on aberrants and magic alike.
  • Meredith possesses a soft tone of voice, a tone that one could associate with a caregiver of sorts. The Nelfin takes care to speak in some sort of refined manner, careful to avoid the usage profanity in her conversations. Meredith, can initially come off as reserved, though as she grows more comfortable she can ramble on, talking particularly fast when excited. As far as accents go, Meredith has curbed her Elven accent in her common speak, the tone of voice only coming back in full force when she speaks in her native Imperial and Middle Elven tongues.


ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀʙɪʟɪᴛɪᴇs

  • Outward Perception | Ambitious Aberrant: While originally a shy, withdrawn individual when she first arrived on the shores of Regalia, this description suits her no longer as time had passed. Once introverted, Meredith now exhibits more confidence, and can now be described as an ambivert, if not leaning towards extrovert. Of course, with such confidence can come reckless actions. In Meredith's case, while she does come off as for the most part friendly, she's discovered her tongue and formed a habit of talking back, which has lead to some less than desirable situations. Faults aside, any can see that the Silven has a strong sort of ambition within her. Meredith strives to please and to accomplish, in hopes of someday reaching a higher standing and ascending from her forsaken status as an aberrant. What shines through the brightest about Meredith though, is her empathetic nature and how she cares for others. Even just by peeking at her magic, it can be seen that she wants to help and defend others, putting sometimes even strangers before herself. This can leave her in situations that can either mark her as brave, or plain stupid.
  • Inside the Mind | Caution Advised: Internally, Meredith is at war with herself. Once proud of her Silven heritage in her youth, her studies and her stay in Regalia have lead to the realization of a grim reality, and self-rejection. In light of such a case, however, it has pushed the Altalar to be diligent in their actions, to work hard for a chance at something better- Unionism certainly had a heavy hand to play in this, with the concept of reincarnation and rebirth serving as a life line for the Elf, bearing the weight of a rather unfortunate existence. In her seventy years, she's developed her patience, which can be particularly attributed to her Silven condition, ironically. It takes a good amount of prodding and irritation to set the Altalar off, and even then, she is restrained in her actions, and what could be described as her 'lashing out' would be merely harsh words. As aforementioned, Meredith possesses an empathetic nature, which while it helps her to understand others, can quite simply come back to bite her. She can have trouble separating her feelings from others, being easily overwhelmed by another's strong emotions, whether it be seething anger, or wallowing depression, and it can leave her rattled for days.
  • Relationships | Hanging on Tight: Family was never truly a strong force in Meredith's life, not nearly as impactful as her friendships - She never had a tightly knit unit to call her own, and her lack of of a motherly figure leaving something to be desired. Meredith, despite being much more social at this point still keeps but a small ring of close, trusted individuals. It's not that she doesn't want to have many, simply she still retains the introvert trait of being reserved. For her friends, she does what she can for them, within reason. She will prioritize them above herself, however, to a point. There comes a point where she will stop and acknowledge there is nothing she can do, or that she truly should not act and ought to remain out of the situation.
  • Moral Compass | Preserving Order: Meredith can be said to lie somewhere around a neutral standing, though not entirely so. While she does try to do what is right and proper, she will take underhanded actions to get where she needs to be if she must. She is no fighter, and tries to avoid the act itself, even though she is perfectly capable of doing so- She'd rather heal the wounds of others than inflict them herself. Though when her hand is forced, she will defend herself and others, and she will not hold herself back.
  • Meredith has a habit of stuttering when she becomes nervous. She'll often fumble over simple words, or end up repeating herself a numerous amount of times when she is put on the spot.
  • When stressed or upset, Meredith develops a tremble in her hands. Depending on the severity of her situation, it can range from a mild annoyance to the point where she cannot hold an object without dropping or breaking it.
  • The Nelfin's ears have some degree of movement, and can reflect her moods, such as drooping down when sad or disappointed, or perking up when surprised or excited. It's nothing drastic, more or less a subtle change in position.
  • Sketch Artist: While she has certainly put a good amount of time into drawing, Meredith does not consider herself a talented artist. In fact, while she is fully capable of finishing pieces proper, the Nelfin prefers to sketch small objects and their basic form. After all, she took up sketching as not only a hobby, but to provide a basic visual representation to her notes.
  • Penmanship: As a scholar, Meredith has found notes to be a very, very, important thing to have. With that understanding, the Nelfin has refined their handwriting to be clean and precise, regardless of the language being written, whether it be Elven or Common.
  • Tea: Ever since her youth, Meredith had found herself to be drawn towards the delicate flavor of tea over the harsh bite of alcohol. It was a major habit of hers to always brew a fresh kettle whenever studying, or when she have a large night of work ahead of herself. While she generally like all types, her favorite would have to be that of mint tea, evidenced by the majority of her supply within her house being of a sweet mint.
  • The Arcane: The Arcane has always been something special to Meredith; After all, she only took up the study to discover more about herself, originally. She was drawn in even after she found what she wanted, ironically. When the subject is brought up, the Nelfin will gush about what she knows, igniting a flame of passion within herself. She is aware that she is specialized in a niche topic, and it brings a sense of accomplishment when she is able to lend what she knows.
  • Kathar: Meredith reserves a special hatred for the Kathar out of all other races, taking disgust in the void-influence of the race. With very few exceptions, the Altalar will distance herself from those of the race, and even become snappy if forced to work with one. While ironic and likely hypocritical, she views them all to be evil and twisted, not unlike how others view her as a Silven.
  • Excessive Violence: As a healer, Meredith is one who seeks to alleviate pain, not to cause it. While she is fully capable of fighting and holding her own, Meredith believes there should be strong reasoning behind the notion of hurting another. Torture, for example, sits uneasily with the Nelfin- While it is a norm in the Inquisition, she is having a hard time adapting, at times breaking down after the fact and wrenching up her stomach's contents. It doesn't inspire an anger as much as it does fear and sadness, feelings of which can easily overwhelm Meredith.

  • Mae Draylas [ @Lumiess ] - One of Meredith's friends that she had met in the midst of the Arken crisis. Mae had done a great deal for Meredith, even getting herself arrested for the Silven's sake. Unfortunately, the two had a falling out early on, to which Meredith could only validate to herself by belittling the woman's Kathar lineage. As of now, the thought of Mae still pops into the Silven's mind here and there, and she wonders if what had happened was truly worth and warranted.
  • Valarie Decimar [ @Narrju ] - A rare exception to Meredith's hate for Kathar. Meredith views Val as a reliable friend, stuck in unfortunate circumstances like herself. She enjoys Valarie as a mage and practitioner of Soul magic, and an old partner, fond of the memories they had in the Azure Order. Her only grief is how the Kathar ended up joining the Vigilants, and not the Hightowers.
  • Edmond of Brilonde [ @Fatherland ] - Edmond of Brilonde has come to be a poor taste in Meredith's mouth. While she acknowledges his superiority over herself, she despises his brutal treatment. Time and time again she finds herself belittled and degraded by the man, resulting in a mix of resentment and fear in the man. Even so, Meredith still desires to find a common ground with the man and to earn his respect.
  • Gena Livanov [ @DelendaEst ] - A fellow Inquisitor who's seemingly apathetic demeanor has caught Meredith's interest. She holds respect for her superior since finding some semblance of common ground, but even more than that, she fears him more than the rest. Gena was the Silven's first glimpse into the world of the Unionism Aspects, and a particularly brutal one as well - The Aspect of Divinity, the Order of Submission. Such a power and its use struck a nasty cord in Meredith, and she is left unsure how to feel, or how to act towards the Inquisitor Prefect. Whether or not to try and continue to try and be friendly, or to avoid him like the bloody plague has yet to be decided.


ʟɪғᴇ sᴛᴏʀʏ
Birth and Early Childhood:
  • Born in Ës'l Sälarna to the Compassion Arken, and her father, Ll'evalossei. While she was indeed born out of wedlock, her lustrous silver eyes made the Altalar forget what brought of her, only what she was.
  • Meredith is showcased off by her father as a blessing from Estel to all who would listen. She had no issue in getting what she wanted, even as a child.
  • The young Altalar is tutored in Middle Altalar and Modern Altalar from the young age of seven. She began other basic studies as well, though nothing terribly advanced.
  • Meredith discovered her magic inclination at the tender age of eight, namely when she began to manifest celestial candles, which she promptly used for reading. This was the beginning of the years she would spend honing her newfound ability.
  • At the age of ten, her crystal muter emerged, in the form of a talent for singing and the literary arts.
Teenage Years
  • Meredith's youthful teenage years were fairly uneventful. She began to resent the attention that was brought upon herself because of her eyes, finding that she had little to no privacy. Here she began to withdraw and spend more time alone, killing her time reading old Elvish stories.
  • With some persuading, Meredith convinced her father to allow her to let her travel the world along with a mentor, a family friend, in order to study the arcane, at the youthful age of twenty. While not impressed by the magic she had encountered, the Altalar still wanted to learn about the craft. What mainly enticed her, however, was the potential knowledge of Arken. Meredith wanted answers about her lineage, and deep down, she had a childish desire to find her mother.
Young Adulthood
  • Her twenty years of traveling and studying the realms beyond were truly eye opening for Meredith. She met many new people, and discovered the existence of things that challenged what she knew. Entranced by her studies, she would go on to dedicate another twenty years to the pursuit of the arcane knowledge.
    • In the midst of this traveling, she discovered her benediction muter- Desperately trying to stop another from slipping into death from a wound, she froze.. but found they were able to stay alive.
  • Age thirty brought two muters to emerge- the muterblock, which Meredith used when she saw Silven in conflict, near violence, and then the great Valeia muter, which had emerged to save her life numerous times.
  • Despite all that she had learned about Arken, Meredith had not found any answers regarding her mother, or who she could be. She is left to wander, justifying it as for studying, though truly it was due to the innate desire to seek out the parent Arken in Silven.
Later Adulthood
  • Meredith's travels lead her through many Ailor settlements - Settlements were she was welcomed less than kindly. She was alone for the first time, and she was met with discrimination and hatred. One notable incident was where she was bagged and beaten in an alley, screamed at with a wide variety of slurs all aimed at her off colored eyes and sharp ears. She truly thought she was to perish that eve, but by a stroke of luck, the thugs' attention were drawn elsewhere and the Elf was left beaten and bruised in the alleyway. She learned from that moment on to keep her head down, and out of the way.
  • Meredith was introduced to Unionism, to which she eventually was converted fully to.
  • The Altalar eventually found her self in the grand city of Regalia where she settled down quietly, scouring the city for all and any information she could come by about the topics she sought. She had minor success, but without being in a scholarly order, she couldn't get far.
  • She took up the name Meredith, abandoning her Elven name.
  • Meredith finds herself wondering that with all the Arken appearing on the stage, if one is her mother. She has not encountered any female Arken herself yet, though that hasn't hampered her high hopes in the slightest.
  • The Nelfin, in midst of her stay in Regalia found herself in conflict with the house of Brilonde. In a chance at redemption and reeducation, she found herself unexpectedly in the church's services, being plucked from the Azure order and placed as a scribe for the High Reverend, and as Albus of Brilonde's Inquisitor assistant, despite her protests. With this new position, Meredith finds herself at a turning point. It seemed like the first step in rising up above her aberrant status.
  • Meredith retired from the city along with Albus of Brilonde, out of the public eye. She took to reading books on the arcane and medicine, just like old days. She kept to herself during this time, enjoying time away from the hectic city.
  • Meredith has now returned to the city along with Albus, curious to see the change the city has undergone in her absence.
  • Meredith is brought in to serve under the Violet Order, and becomes Grand Matron of the Medical Regiment. Now, she looks to gain respect, or at the very least a positive reputation.
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Let's get right into it then!
Makes these changes in blue and tag me when you're done.

  • Though this is just a suggestion on my part, I highly recommend removing all expanded and optional information that is currently found in spoilers, if you, in fact, do not have the sections filled out.
Skill Information
  • There is no such thing as reaching Scholar level in the Discipline of Planar Knowledge and the Discipline of Arcane Knowledge. There is only Graduate and Expert.
  • Though this is just a suggestion on my part, I highly recommend removing all expanded and optional information that is currently found in spoilers, if you, in fact, do not have the sections filled out.
I'm going to simply leave them in for now because I'm planning on filling them in very soon. I don't think they're really looked at as part of the review so I should be fine, though I'd tag you anyway.

Anyway, fixed the skill section.
That's fair and no, it is not looked at, but like I said, just a suggestion!

If you could now spoiler your Skill Information, seeing as you're not applying for a Special Permission and your character did not attend a combat school.

Haha, didn't expect to do this so soon, but I've made a few edits:
  • I've bumped up her age by five years.
  • I've upgraded her to Expert in the Discipline of Arcane Knowledge.
  • Minor clothes edit. not really important but it's an edit
  • I've edited her strength of knowledge accordingly with Expert level, and also added points I missed from the Planar description (Possession and racial abilities).
  • Modified Witchblood's bullet due to IC proceedings (figure I might as well if I'm updating the rest).
  • Modified the life story accordingly.
I've marked all relevant changes in purple.
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Re-review, please.

Summary of changes:
  • Added Void/Exist knowledge, Expert.
  • Added Aberration knowledge, Expert.
  • Added two spells, Hayvann and Kaitis, Ellon form and Barrier Light respectively.
  • Life story has been adjusted accordingly.
  • Oh yeah and the formatting lol.
@Staff Roleplay

My reviewer is no longer a staff member. Requesting a re-review. Here are the summarized changes.
  • I added some cultural proficiencies.
    • +10 in Tailoring.
    • +5 in Dancing.
    • +5 in Cuisine Cooking.
  • I rewrote her personality.
  • I changed her Ellon because of the personality change.
    • Quiet ➞ Strong.
    • Cat bird fish monstrosity ➞ Lion-Owl
  • Added to the life story, clarified her religion. Not that it matters, just for flavor.
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Claimed for Review

For starters I am going to need you to change the text to all be black. I'm going to do a complete review and reading a blue paragraph is jarring for the eyes. Tag me once you have that completed so we may begin. @Suzzie
Sorry for the wait, I see nothing wrong with the application so you're approved
@Staff Roleplay
Howdy ho can I have this moved back into review, and the previous responses cleared?

Side note. This character had magic at one point, and kinda contributed to her development. I intentionally left the mentions of magic vague to just healing (because that's what she did) and made it so that she cannot cast at all. If anyone has any temporary alternative ideas (I plan on applying in the future), lay them on me please.
@Staff Roleplay
Howdy ho can I have this moved back into review, and the previous responses cleared?

Side note. This character had magic at one point, and kinda contributed to her development. I intentionally left the mentions of magic vague to just healing (because that's what she did) and made it so that she cannot cast at all. If anyone has any temporary alternative ideas (I plan on applying in the future), lay them on me please.
I do not see you on the Special Permission Registry, did you apply at all to have the permissions for Silven and Mage on one character? If no, then please remove any and all mention of these aspects from the Character Application before tagging me. If you did and were approved, please inform the Spreadsheet head so that they can correct/change your username information.
I do not see you on the Special Permission Registry, did you apply at all to have the permissions for Silven and Mage on one character? If no, then please remove any and all mention of these aspects from the Character Application before tagging me. If you did and were approved, please inform the Spreadsheet head so that they can correct/change your username information.
I'll make sure to have that cleared up (I should have Silven), but for magic I simply put it that she lost casting and left it vague because I don't really know how to replace that. I heard that exorcism can result in a loss of magic? I'm not too sure on that (so I left it to sickness). While I'd rather not void things, I can and definitely will until I can apply for it proper. I was just going off the old trustee system where I saw someone losing their permission would state that the character could no longer cast, but Magic's really different now, huh?
I'll make sure to have that cleared up (I should have Silven), but for magic I simply put it that she lost casting and left it vague because I don't really know how to replace that. I heard that exorcism can result in a loss of magic? I'm not too sure on that (so I left it to sickness). While I'd rather not void things, I can and definitely will until I can apply for it proper. I was just going off the old trustee system where I saw someone losing their permission would state that the character could no longer cast, but Magic's really different now, huh?
At the current moment, there is no way to sever someone's connection to Magic once they have one. Magic is very different now, yes, and it is unfortunate that it is the case, but it is. You'll have to adjust certain aspects of her life and all that to make it work.
At the current moment, there is no way to sever someone's connection to Magic once they have one. Magic is very different now, yes, and it is unfortunate that it is the case, but it is. You'll have to adjust certain aspects of her life and all that to make it work.
Ah, woe is I. I'll make the edits and tag you when completed + registry is updated. Thanks for being patient though, things are a little headscratching since I've last been.
At the current moment, there is no way to sever someone's connection to Magic once they have one. Magic is very different now, yes, and it is unfortunate that it is the case, but it is. You'll have to adjust certain aspects of her life and all that to make it work.
Removed mentions of magic. - @Percuriam can confirm I have the permission.
Removed mentions of magic. - @Percuriam can confirm I have the permission.
My sole point of review is that her Life Story goes almost 100 words over the 900-word limit, please make the appropriate edits to condense this section of the application.
@HydraLana Done.
I removed a paragraph and replaced it with mentions of her muters emerging, but it should be 834 words now.

Also does the +10 from the crystal muter for literary arts count into the body build factor? I know racial bonuses don't, but I just wanted to make sure.
@HydraLana Done.
I removed a paragraph and replaced it with mentions of her muters emerging, but it should be 834 words now.

Also does the +10 from the crystal muter for literary arts count into the body build factor? I know racial bonuses don't, but I just wanted to make sure.
No. Knowing how to write good poetry or sing will not add points to her physical build as sitting at a desk/standing still and singing learning such a skill does not grant someone exercise or hard, physical work. In addition, all factors that affect someone's Body Build Calculation can be read here:

Regardless, Approved.
No. Knowing how to write good poetry or sing will not add points to her physical build as sitting at a desk/standing still and singing learning such a skill does not grant someone exercise or hard, physical work. In addition, all factors that affect someone's Body Build Calculation can be read here:

Regardless, Approved.
Under the link you provided it says that Literary arts does contribute, but I was wondering if it counted towards the build despite being from the Silven boost, because the Altalar boost does not contribute.

Sorry for the confusion.
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Under the link you provided it says that Literary arts does contribute, but I was wondering if it counted towards the build despite being from the Silven boost, because the Altalar boost does not contribute.

Sorry for the confusion.
Sorry, let me rephrase the question then: Is your character engaged in dancing and said aspects of the general category of Literary Arts that would allow her physical exercise?
Sorry, let me rephrase the question then: Is your character engaged in dancing and said aspects of the general category of Literary Arts that would allow her physical exercise?
Yes to the dancing. I put it vaguely in that bullet because I'm sort of teetering on going into overdetail with the life story.
Yes to the dancing. I put it vaguely in that bullet because I'm sort of teetering on going into overdetail with the life story.
Then feel free to make the appropriate calculations to everything to include it. No need to tag me, the change will be very minimal.
@HydraLana Shuffled the Altalar boost into her Magical Knowledge stat to maintain the +40 points and specified what she knows. I don't think this needs a re-review, but I figured I'd tag you anyway.
I removed Meredith's combat proficiency and replaced it with Magician spells. Adjusted her body build accordingly.
From what I can tell, everything with the update into a Magician is good, re-approved.

*Cracks knuckles*
Meredith has been updated for magic.
  • Removed her Medical, Parlour Magic and Cooking proficiencies (-22).
  • Leutz language has been swapped for Piccaron.
  • Added her spellbook.
  • Meredith is now pure Altalar, and her smaller height is a magic mutation.
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