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Played Character Mercia

This character is actively played.


repairing the gens
Staff member
Jun 5, 2016
Reaction score
Korok Forest
maggy art forums.webp
art by @LadyLekku
Character Information
  • Full Name: Mercia Willekind​
  • Heritage/Culture: Kissut Eronidas​
  • Age: 29 years old​
  • Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her​
  • Religion: Draconism​
  • Occult: Daiana Godborn, God Magic​
  • Character Occupation: Servant, warrior​

Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Intense sulfur yellow, dark grey sclera
  • Skin Color: Copper
  • Hair: Copper red
  • Height: 6'8
  • Body Type: Muscular
  • Additional Features: Sections of vitiligo on various parts of the upper body

Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents:
  • Mechanics: Eronidas Mechanics, Daiana Dreamborn Mechanics
      • Eronidas can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders, etc.). They also gain +5 in out-of-Combat dice roll Strength competitions.
      • Eronidas are barely affected by Alcohol that gets other people drunk, needing insanely high proof, and always being able to keep their drinks down.
      • Eronidas have hardy physical digestive systems, capable of eating raw and spoiled foods and drinks without any issues or risk of illness.
      • Eronidas have two independently beating hearts, meaning that even if one heart were to stop (damage/heart attack), the other would keep them alive.
      • Eronidas, however, because of their two hearts, have a faster heartbeat, resulting in a quick temper, and their bleeding being more profound (this does make them die faster).
      • Archon can manifest Wings (of any design: Fairy, Draconic, or Mechanical), which while not in Combat, allow (Elytra) flight (including the use of Rockets). Combat or Ability usage immediately disables flight.
      • Archon can Point Buy Magic Point Buy Packs, re-classifying their Abilities to Dragon Magic. They cannot make use of the Sinistral Mechanic.
      • Archon can Cleanse a (willing) Mage of Magic. If they can become an Archon, they do. Any Magic/Faith packs are refunded and can be re-spent. This grants the Archon doing it 1 Static Divinium.
      • Archon can perform a Cleansing Ritual that cleanses a (willing) Undead, to either pass onto the Afterlife or become a Primal Revenant. Any Magic/Faith Point Buy Packs are refunded and can be re-spent.
      • Archon can see backward in time (coordinate with other players to tell their past) or see glimpses of possible futures in multi-time thread theory (just make them up, there are thousands of possible futures).
      • Archon can live much longer than non-Archon, empowered by Dragon Magic, meaning they can live three times as long as their maximum. (Making an Archon 300+ years old may require ticket consultation).
      • Daiana Godborn are elementally bound to the planet, meaning they have aesthetic control over the elements of fire, earth, and water, with specific uses for each.
      • Daiana Godborn cannot be Dragonkin (this Godborn lineage cannot be combined with the Dragonkin heritage in Character Creation), but gain Dragonkin Mechanics 2 & 3 for free. Additionally, they count as Dragonkin when interacting with Dragons and Dragon Sites even though they are not.
      • Dragonkin can control elements that are closely associated with their Dragonfall. Dijara Dragonkin can control sand and sunlight. Dramarys Dragonkin can control snow/ice and starlight. Aerun Dragonfall can control silver/gold and crystals. Velkaryn Dragonfall can control shadows/darkness and the wind. Control can be defined as moving around, shaping into objects, summoning, extinguishing/radiating, and more.
      • Dragonkin are closely aligned to Dragon Magic. Being made of pure life, they live extended lifespans beyond what is normal. The Immortal War has hardened Dragonkin against Mystech, causing them to take -1 HP Damage (instead of -2 HP) from Attack Emotes. However, they are threatened by beings of pure death. If a Character that has Ordial Alignment would do -2 HP Damage, they do -3 HP Damage instead.
  • Languages: Anglisch, Common, Vasar

Backstory/Plot Hooks
  • Mercia appeared in an Anglian hamlet five years ago, where she sought to become its next Alderman.
  • The vampires in Anglia ruined the dream. The Central Matron and countless allies swarmed and killed the vampires, leaving Mercia with nothing to rule over.
  • She left it all behind to pursue her purpose. Eventually, she ended up in Ryker Lampero's employ serving in his Iron Dukedom. Still, she cannot help but feel it is not the exact path for what she must accomplish.
  • [LOCKED to IC interaction] Mercia's purpose: █████ █ ███ ██████
  • Outstanding goals include: Destroy the objects that allow immortality to common men, denying the use of Sinistral Magic, achieving her purpose, acquiring Ryker Lampero's favor on a personal scale, influencing Ryker Lampero, and dismantling his court of untrustworthy peoples, as needed.
  • More goals are TBD.
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 7
Defense Stat: 5

Strength: 1
Break Down (Free)
Building Smash

Constitution: 5
Bulwark (Free)
Thick Hide
Iron Will
Rage Counter

Intelligence: 1
Safeguard Pack
Wisdom: 0

Faith: 7
Divine Stance
Divine Antimagi
Divine Savior
Divine Aura
Divine Burn
Divine Smite
Sacred Portent (Free)
Sacred Judgment
Sacred Martyr

Magic: 1
Magic Warp Pack
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