Amontaar Mercenary Companies

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tacit and refined evil
Staff member
Feb 17, 2019
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Mercenary Companies are a System relevant to Massivecraft's 2024 Amontaar Plotline. Mercenary Companies represent the defined "player groups" taking part in the storyline. Having a Mercenary Company, or being a part of one, is not required to take part in the Plotline, however it helps Lore Staff DM the event and understand group/player demographics. In exchange, Mercenary Companies are offered unique Mechanics/Events and only Mercenary Companies can participate in the Skirmish System.

Requirements for Registration:
  1. At least 7 Unique Players (1 Leader / Contact Point + 6 members)
  2. Group Name
  3. Group Theme
  4. Group Unifier
  5. Group Purpose
  6. Group Backstory

Players cannot be part of multiple Mercenary Companies. Even on different characters. Players can leave/join Mercenary Companies, they are not locked into one, but if a player too frequently swaps between multiple companies, we may disbar them from further swaps without a penalty. You do not need to register all members at the start, you can add more members later, but you need the bare minimum threshold.

When registered, Mercenary Companies will receive a custom "Kit" of unique mechanics + 1 ability that they can use in Amontaar only. Here is an example of what the Mercenary Sheets will look like. All Mercenary Companies are recorded on the Custom Kit Repository.


What if my RP group isn't actually a group of mercenaries?
That's fine, the term "mercenary company" is mostly OOC. You can register as a group of scholars, religious zealots, or criminals.

Do I need to register a group/be a part of one to do things in Amontaar?
No. But. Mercenary Companies will have more options, and also if you are part of a company, we can better track NPC opinion of you. It is easier for us to track how NPCs feel about 5 groups of 10 players each, than how NPCs feel about 50 individual players. We encourage players to join Companies to have a group to do things with proactively, but if it is not for you, it is not mandatory.

Can I register a Regalian Knightly Order?
Yes. But. There cannot be 2 Aelrrigan Orders or 2 Lothar Orders. So, if you are going to do this, make sure you are doing it with the full assent of the other players in your order. If there are conflicting applications, or if some players don't like how other players are running that company, I will just pull the plug on both for fairness' sake.

Can my Mercenary Company ally with another?
Yes, with caveats. Mercenary Companies can work together in Amontaar, if they wish, however there are two important "buts" to this. The first is, many Mercenary Company "rewards" will only be for one company. So, if two companies collaborate to win, only one of them gets the reward, it can't be split. Secondly, there is an express benefit to having multiple companies, because you get your own abilites/mechanics. If we as the DMs feel like multiple companies are "voltroning" too hard, we will force a merger.

How many people do I need to register?
Seven is the absolute minimum. We will not accept companies with a player # below this. Larger companies are ideal. In an absolute perfect world, there would be around 5-6 9~ player companies who are all vying for control/resources.
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