Preserved Sheet Merayne Lancaï

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Scribma Male
Staff member
Sep 4, 2013
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where the elf things are
Character Information
Full Name:
Merayne Sca'elle Lancaï I'larae Ilsuviianeth nel-Alloa anaë Enna-hal-Sareyne bel Talant Ilha Faial
translates as:
Merayne, Thousand Spears in Sca'Elle's Glory, Westward-eyed Friend to Alloa, son of Enna-hal and Sareyne, of Talant Ilha Faial
Race: Altalar
Culture: Fin'ullen
Age: 67 years.
Born: 3rd May, 242AC.
Sex: Male.
Eye Color: Hazel.

Core Concept
Merayne is a devout follower of the Faith of Estel, professing the divinity of Estel and Talea, strictly adhering to its tenets and directives. He follows Sca'Elle in particular, placing great emphasis on the quality and strength of his works of all kinds.
Merayne is a Fin'ullen Altalar general and metalworker, whose priorities lie in upholding Altalar culture, representing his people well, and performing at his best in all things, existing to advise and command his contemporaries at varying intervals.

Proficiency Information
Core: 4 Proficiency.

4 Spear Combat
Special: 5 Proficiency.
10 Strength Training (5 Prof + 5 Boost)
Hobby: 14 Proficiency.
14 Painting Art (10 Hobby + 4 Prof)
5 Winemaking Art
5 Sculpting Art
Point-Buy: 27 Proficiency.
18 Metallurgy
Weapon Pack
Armor Pack
Finecraft Pack
Iron Family
Daen Family
Rich Family
6 Linguistics
3 Roguery
Honed Skill 3

Physical Stat:
10 Strength + (18 Metallurgy/2) + 4 Spear = 24 Physical Stat.

Progression Information
3 General

Ability Information
Altalar Racials (Fin'ullen):

Weapon Summon
Ranged Immune
Great Force 1
Gate Smash 1

Common (free)
Altalar (native)
Allorn (linguistics)
Suvial (linguistics)
Ancient Altalar (free from linguistics)

Appearance Information
Merayne has no mutations.
Merayne is a taller Fin'ullen at 6'3", with a broad-shouldered but otherwise streamlined body shape, most like a swimmer. His hair is midnight black and his eyes are hazel. His face and head are typically adorned with various earrings and other such jewellery. He commonly wears more pragmatic clothing in colours of white and shades of blue, most often adorned with a pair of decorative golden bracers.

Life Story
Merayne was born to Enna-hal and Merayne in Talant Ilha Faial in early May of 242AC. Being Fin'ullen, he was expected to enlist in local military.

Merayne's childhood was relatively free, receiving education in literacy from his parents and then generally being allowed to exist without further guidance until the age of 13. He found here that he took better to logistics and command than to boots-on-the-ground conflict, and so pressed himself as quickly into the ranks of the officers as soon as able. During this time, he took to employing himself in other manners than conflict, volunteering to assist in producing the necessary arms and armour for fellow soldiers; during this period, he developed a deep appreciation for crafting, eventually becoming an adherent of Sca'Elle, the Master of Magnificence.

He spent much of his life as such, developing a respect for the Suvial strategists, receiving an education in command from the Mizalaan College for War at age 26, and then again at the Solsanthëa Silverhelm Commandery academy at age 38, employing his considerable education to command against Dread Empire incursions in the south and Eronidas ones in the west, typically as an officer or advisor to the main general. In his free time, he took an interest in the finer things in life, developing a talent for painting, as well as a taste for wine.

At the time of the resurgence of the Allorn Empire and the Empress Talea, Merayne chose to make his way to the Regalian Empire, intending on increasing his prestige in other parts of the world, as well as seeing the Ailor way of life for himself.
Last edited:
req re-review; updated app to fit with new altalar racials; removed bodycare; added honed skill 3, sculpting art, and added points to painting art