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Men Of Brissiaud

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Men of Brissiaud!

Anglians have come to take your homes! They march into Brissiaud land with their dragon flags, and seek to put a pretender, a man with no blood relation to my late father, on the throne! House Kade has the entire Anglian lands, the Imperial swaths across the Empire, a Sovereign Princedom! Haven't they enough? Yet they cite a weak claim with someone who holds no blood to our land! Crown Prince Renly hasn't stepped a foot in Brissiaud, he is an Anglian! A Kade! House Ravenstad won't allow these foreign armies and invaders to sack the lands of our forefathers. House Ravenstad forged this land since the Hecarian Wars! There has never been a day where the Raven Flags have not flown over Vieux-Provence! So I call upon you! Loyal Leutzman! Man of our fair Kingdom! Strike down this foreigner! Fight him in the streets, fight him on the coasts, fight him in the forests, and fight him in the moors!

I remain

King Xavier of Brissiaud, First of my name, Duke of the Hinterlands
"He bids rebellion. What horrors his people will be witness to if they have his resolve." Count Krupp would say.
To the Men of Brissiaud loyal still to Crown and Country,

Brothers, there comes a time where every man must make a decision. Xavier Ravenstad, usurper - a leper cursed to walk in the shadows, far-flung from the grace of the Imperial Spirit; it is this man who now lords over our fair Brissiaud. He claims to be sovereign over the Leutz people, yet he is not whole - his flesh rotting away, covered in pustules and all manner of unholy blemishes. Not only has he brought war to our people, but this usurper stripped the rightful sons of Albaer of their lands and titles. I bid you stand against this tyrant. His claims are not founded in the law, but in the 'merit' of his birthright, derived from a title which was stripped of his late father by Emperor Cedromar himself. Strike your banners and rally behind our new king, Renly Kade, for to stand against the Crown Prince is to defy the Imperial prerogative he wields, and thus the Spirit itself.

Folcard Larrecin Ravenstad​
Meanwhile somewhere in the backlog of an estate in far end of Regalia, Renly reads the announcements made by his uncle and just says:

"What, dude"
Matthias Heinrich
Matthias simply looked to the notice, a grin encroaching on his face. "Ravenstad has actually lost his mind... You do not attempt to fight the Kades, boy. Spirit help the people of his lands, for Ravenstad himself is already dead."

With that, Matthias continued on his way.