Memories Of A Madman Pt. 2

The old man was exactly where he was when you had left last time "So,your back." He says "Come to hear my tale of woe some more?" He let out a small bit of laughter and starts coughing "Where did I leave off with you last time..oh yes that's right." He looks you in the eyes "Well as my humanity disintegrated so did my health, as my wrinkles grew and this blasted cough worsened there was one man who tried to help me. His name was Pan, I'll never forget what happened. He tried to convince me that it was the amulet doing this to me, and I should throw it into the sea and never look back. I can't say what I did that night was right but the amulet. Had a hold over me, so in the night I snuck in and stabbbed him and dumped the body overboard,my crew didn't mutiny because they couldn't prove it was me. Anyway when we came to Regalia they all left me, soon I need money or I feared the gaurds would seize my possessions including the amulet. So I found the Mossy Possy as it was called then, not this Magdalin rubish. I began the dangerous business of the black market, but that's a tale for another time." He shoes you away