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Memorandum For All Regalian Nationals


Partnered Streamer Pog
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
"You will support my unification... or you will get... Nothing."


(music for your enjoyment to read with)

Foreword: This document has been made public for the people of the Empire to bear witness to the legitimacy of this Covenant. This is a document submitted to the State Council and shall be kept for fidelity. The Cabal shall be later defined and explained at a grand length once we have reached an accord.



FROM: Cro-Zzhin Yaotl of the Digmaan Yaotl, Archon of the Cabal​

SUBJECT: Preservation on the Kade & State Council Covenant: Review of Commitments and a Grand Coalition​

DATE: SEP 4, 306 A.C.​

On the 4th of September 306 AC, organizations in and parallel to government sought to exploit administrative disarray to secure seats of influence and power. Their treason was quickly revealed, and representatives of the Digmaan Yaotl sought to rendezvous without delay with legitimate Imperial authorities despite enemy subversion. The Digmaan Yaotl immediately asserted its situational control and coordinated with Kade representatives to draw terms of support.

The Digmaan Yaotl has reaffirmed its committed defense of the legitimate institutions of Regalian Imperial government. In times as troubled as these, the Digmaan represents a critical bulwark between the weakened Regalian Empire and her enemies. Representatives of the House Kade promised a series of concessions to the Digmaan Yaotl to bolster its efficacy in debilitating enemies of the State. Accordingly, the Digmaan Cro-Zzhin reviews these concessions as they were promised and presents the following set of demands to the State Council.

  1. The Digmaan Yaotl demands the immediate administration of the land promised to it, already adjudicated by the Kade Council. The Digmaan Yaotl identifies Svetlost as its provincial concession. The Digmaan Yaotl expects immediate positive adjudication by the State Council.

  2. The Digmaan Yaotl declares a grand confederation of Alorian races - designated 'THE CABAL' - already conceded to by the Kade Council, and expects immediate positive recognition by the State Council.

  3. The authority of the Cabal and the borders of the Cabal and its coalition races will not be infringed upon.

Upon the fulfillment of these demands, it will be resolved by the Digmaan Cro-Zzhin that a state of war exists between the Cabal and the Regalian Empire's internal and external adversaries.

  1. The Cabal will act decisively, at its discretion, in destroying the greater evil threatening the Regalian Empire with grand prejudice.

  2. The Digmaan Yaotl will coordinate the actions of the Cabal.

  3. The Digmaan Yaotl will organize the Cabal in such a way that the coalition races function at their utmost efficiency for the Empire.
There is no room for evil and corruption in this world. The Cabal will be a center of gravity for the defense of this magnificent Empire and will serve to protect the cultures and interests of the diverse races of Aloria. In return for the aforementioned concessions, the Cabal will rain down every sliver of agony it can muster upon those enemies that seek to destroy your home. It will parade on the corpses of whatever evil has spirited away your friends and family. This coalition will feed any individual who belittles this Empire to a murder of crows and salt their fields with their bones.

Through these efforts, we will pave the road to a more prosperous Empire.

In lieu of a signature is an inked claw-mark.


Digmaan Cro-Zzhin Yaotl
Member of the State Council
Archon of the Cabal

"This... was our Radiant Destiny... all along."
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