Preserved Sheet Melynaliem Aolymequil

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AKA SilentEndurance
Apr 12, 2014
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Melynaliem Aolymequil
  • Age: 43
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Haat-Maraya
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Dagger
Skill Information

Total Points: Melynaliem has 33 points because she is 43 years old and is infected with the Anterrin Bloodline.
  • -10 Anterrin Bloodline
  • +10 Rogue Training (from Racial Boost)
  • +10 Underworld Knowledge (from Racial Boost)
  • +10 Athletic Training (from Points)
  • +8 Fast Blades Combat Skill (from Points)
  • +15 Alchemy Sciences (from Points)
Body Shape
  • 8 Fast Blades + 10 Athletics x 2 = 28
  • Melynaliem has an athletic body build.
  • Melynaliem has average body fat.
  • Shalota (Native)
  • Common (Learned in Regalia)
  • Anterrin Bloodline:
    • Spirit Shift
    • Adapting Sight
    • Racial Shift
    • Holy Flight
    • Grave Grip
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Red with Orange limbus.
  • Hair Color: Stark Black
  • Hair Style: Long and flowing
  • Skin Color: A pale pink
  • Clothing: Fashionable
  • Height: 5' 9"
Personality and Abilities

  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
  • Melynaliem lacks quite an amount of courage. When she experiences fear she is more likely to flight than fight. If she absolutely has to, she will fight. If her life comes into question she will usually devolve into pleas for her life.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
  • Melynaliem becomes a little devil of her own when experiencing stress. She is often to lash out at others, or become highly irate when she is under stress.
  • How would your character express feeling Happy?
  • When Melyna is happy she is at her best. She usually expresses this feeling by becoming rather cocky or arrogant. Feeling confident in herself and a bit controlling and manipulative of others.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
  • Melyna is quite fearful of authorities, mainly because she disregards the law and does what she wants. She views them as the 'party crashers' putting a damper in her attempts to achieve pleasure and happiness.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
  • She generally despises any race that opposes void mutants or Kathar, and loves the races that embrace the void. Outside of that she generally doesn't care much for any other races unless they become a threat to her.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
  • Melynaliem generally despises Unionism and other religions meant to counter void worship. She's not too religious in her own right, feeling as it restricts her freedom.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
  • She feels that magic is a gift, having her own magical abilities and mutations that come with her vampirism. She's a lot more lenient with other magical entities, and despises all that oppose them.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
  • Melyna is very manipulative and controlling of her friends and family. She acts rather selfish towards them and she feels like they owe her. She can be kind and forgiving to them, only when they owe up to their transgressions or mistakes that were made against her. She treats them in a more objective manner, rather than as equals.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
  • Melyna's biggest insecurity is that she'll be rejected by others who share her traits. She fears being left alone without anyone to hide behind or people to throw in the way of her and potential threats. She mainly acts out of selfishness, and because of this she is afraid she'll have to give away something of her own to save her skin.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
  • Melynaliem is mostly proud of her vampirism and her physical void-related traits. She feels as if she's been bestowed a gift between these two items.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
  • Personal gain mainly motivates Melynaliem to move forward with her life. If there is anything she could do to better her living situation, she'll take it. Another motivation that keeps her going is pleasure. She will do anything that will give her the most pleasant feelings, whether or not it's at the expense of others.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
  • Melynaliem's biggest fear, like most other Haat-Maraya is death. She has found a way to negate death by becoming an Anterrin vampire, therefore turning instantly undead if she was killed. Though going off of that, another fear of hers would be losing her vampirism as it acts as a safeguard for her.

Life Story

Childhood (0-12)
Melynaliem Aolymequil was hatched from her egg on the 4th of January 264 AC. She was born healthy and without any problems, being raised by both a mother and a father. She had much of a normal childhood life, although with a lot of influence by the Kathar culture as she lived on the southern edge of the Dread Empire in a Haat-Maraya colony. Evil acts therefore were praised and encouraged by her parents and surroundings. She developed much of her current personality during this time.

Teens (13-20)
When she reached her preteens her parents thought it fitting to teach her how to use knives in self defense. She quickly took to this, enjoying the harm and pain she could inflict in such a quick and easy manner. However, her interest waned in combat and she grew a passion for alchemy. She being trained in the skill under a local alchemist, taking to concocting various poisons and detriments that could inflict pain and suffering upon others.

Adulthood (20-Current age)
When she reached adulthood, she became obsessed with the undead. Her fear for her life starting to develop as she wished to cling onto it. She began searching for an Anterrin vampire, hoping to gain a second chance after death because of the rumors surrounding the bloodline. She eventually found one and convinced them to infect her. She didn't initially know what she was getting into at the time, and later began to enjoy being a vampire, reveling in the various powers it gave her, especially over the undead.

While she enjoyed coexisting in her Maraya Colony with the Shenath and the culture in the Dread Empire, she became bored of the place. Having it being the only place she had known all her life, she grew desires to leave and explore the rest of the world. She set off on a local ship, eventually ending up in Regalia, residing in the sewers and avoiding contact on the surface in fear she will be killed.
Last edited:
Just fix your age on the top from 45 to 43, approved.
@Carlit0o Updated the personality section to the new format. In accordance with the character sheet update I also added Preferred Weapon in red.