Preserved Sheet Melokh Vharkeniirn

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AKA SilentEndurance
Apr 12, 2014
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Melokh Sanra Vharkeniirn Mor'kiir Raz-Arratokh
  • Race: Kathar - Cult of Pride
  • Age: 74
  • Gender: Female
  • Eye Color: Fiery Orange
Core Concept
  • Melokh is a rather carefree Kathar, enjoying the pleasures of life rather than to focus on any one particular goal. One could say her main 'goal' is to feel pleasure, which often manifests in her manipulating others to get what she wants. Aside from this, she takes well to magic. Being somewhat of an expert with it. The main deity she worships is Onu the Warper.
  • 14/14 Spent
  • Strength: 0
    • N/A
  • Constitution: 1
    • Training: Physique
  • Wisdom: 4
    • Scholarly: Affliction, Mineral, Dimenthist, Soulrend
  • Dexterity: 1
    • Roguery: Parkour
  • Magic: 7 (Void)
    • Spell: Displacing, Enchanting, Mimicry, Disruption, Casting, Alteration, Illusionism
  • Charisma: 1
    • State: Diplomat
  • Spell Abilities:
    • Arcane Knockback
    • Enchanted Buffer
    • Reflection Strike
    • Link Disrupt
    • Magic Throw
    • Area Wall
    • Altered Self
  • Greater Mage Spell Abilities:
    • Magic Blink
    • Magic Bolt
    • Illusioned Self
  • Spell Specials (21 Bought):
    • Surfwalking
      Sanctum Vessel
      Blood Crafter
      Arcane Mastery
      Rune Smithing
      Dueling Brand
      Emote Infuse
      Prison Break
      Chain Break
      Evil Tongues
      Arcane Wardrobe
      Fire Element
      Stone Element
      Blood Element
      Flesh Element
      Shadow Element
      Dark Element
      Heat Immune
      Lightning Immune
Common (Free)
Pannarokh (Native)

Appearance Information
  • Melokh has quite a few mutations. Firstly, her eyes are a fiery orange with snake-like slitted pupils. She has various cracks on her skin which open to reveal a sort of orange magma-like texture. They often give off wisps of steam in lower temperature environments.
  • Melokh stands at a rather average 5' 10, with an average yet alluring hourglass body build. Her hair is a dark ashy gray and is often worn loose, falling just below her chin in length. Her skin is on the lighter side for a Cult of Pride Kathar, appearing almost a bone white.
  • Melokh's soulrend form is that of a succubus. In this form her skin warps to a devil-red color, and her legs become digitigrade and furry. Resembling the lower hair of a satyr. Along with this, she has a pair of horns that curl back and around her ears. Resembling a goat's. With a spaded tail and bat-like wings that spring from the base of her spine.
Life Story
  • Melokh was born in the Dread Empire to Wyverokh and Chadryl Vharkeniirn on June 20th 236 AC. She was also raised by her parents, oddly enough for a Kathar. And often got along with others her age.
  • Adolescence was full of debauchery and pleasure for her. Making herself well known with the Kathar around her. She also took an interest in magic during this time.
  • Her teenage years seemed to extend well into her adulthood. Having no clear goal or purpose in life, other than to train in magic. Though eventually she began to simmer down and get into Kathar politics.
  • She played around in the political scene for a while, continuing to study magic on the side.
  • Came to Regalia along with the rest of her family. It being a possible avenue for the family to explore.
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This all looked fine. Approved!

I will say though, placing the "Abilities" section into a spoiler would be good for formatting's sake. It also wouldn't hurt to indicate that Melokh was born in the Dread Empire in the life story, which seems to be the case.