Preserved Sheet Melody Valor

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Dec 2, 2014
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Basic Information

  • Melodie Adelaide Valor is a 21 year old female Ailor

  • Melodie was the third child born of Rickton and Alena DuVent. Before her, her sister Thalia and brother Daniel were born. Thalia passed away at the young age of 10 when Melodie was 6 and when Daniel was 13. The rest of the children are still alive and well.

  • Melodie originally comes from Ithania, as does her family. Though currently, Melodie lives with her husband Ryland Valor in the Regalian Colony in Fendarfell; Valorian.

  • Though it may sounds bizarre to most, ever since Melodie got her first cat, she developed a profound love for them. She wishes to see every cat placed in a loving home. Because of this goal of hers, she now owns nine cats which she keeps in the Valor Manor. If she ever managed to make a little pet store to sell cats -both rare and common-, and give them homes, she would have completed something she's wanted to make a reality for a long, long time.
Visual Information

Body Description

  • Melodie is 5 foot, 5 inches tall, and weighs 110 pounds. Her body fat percentage lies around 14%, making her small, quite slim and relatively light. Most of her body fat is located around her bust and bustle, making her waist narrow, her shoulders and collarbone relatively visible, and her arms and legs slim. Though she doesn't look strong, her low body fat percentage makes her muscles more noticeable. Her arms are quite weak, but her legs make up for that. Being one to fancy longer walks and strolls, her legs are well developed and stronger than the rest of her body. She has no scars and no poorly healed fractures or broken bones.

  • On the skin tone scale, hers' lies around nr. 12, making it quite fair. She has no burn marks, scars or tattoos, though her face is mostly covered in freckles, as are her shoulders and forearms, but not as much.

  • Melodie hardly has any body hair. You'll find near to no traces of hair on her arms and legs.

Head Description

  • Her head shape is somewhere between oblong and oval, giving her face smooth curves and soft edges. Her lips are naturally glamorous looking, soft and large. Her eyes are both droopy and almond- like with an eye colour of vibrant green. Her nose is quite average and so are her ears. Being a calm and caring person, her regular facial expression is often soft and soothing.
  • Both her eyebrows and hair have a dark red tinge to them, giving a nice contrast to her green eyes. Her hair reaches around three-quarters of the way down her back, though she usually wears it in front of her busts. She also has a fringe, though it's quite long so it is usually swept to the side. Her hair is medium thick and slightly wavy. During rainy days, it might curl up at the edges. Aside from wearing it up front, she may fancily braid it, adding some pins and jewellery. In the summer, however, the shade of her hair might turn slightly lighter.

  • On a daily basis, Melodie finds it absolutely necessary to wear ear rings. She considers facial jewellery to be a sign of beauty and classiness. The jewels she uses most are rubies and emeralds.
Clothing and Accessories
  • Melodie's wardrobe was exponentially increased in content once she married Ryland. The colors are mostly turquoise, green, blue and occasionally red. During the winter, she will wear red and orange dresses for the contrast. The fabric of her dresses is mostly Ithanian silk, and also heavier fabrics from Daendroc. Depending on the weather, her dresses will be light or thick. Her favourite dresses as of now are shown below.

  • Being a most spoiling husband, Ryland often buys Melodie jewellery, knowing she fancies them so. The necklace in the picture above was given to her by her mother, and is her most precious heirloom. Most of her jewellery is made of gold or silver and will often have intricate gems in them. Wearing these items make her feel appropriate and glamourous, adding to her beauty.

Behavior Information

Personality Traits
  • (-) Clumsy
    Melodie often daydreams, mostly when out for a long relaxing stroll. When she does this she basically loses all awareness of her surroundings and becomes extremely clumsy, she will likely accidentally walk into a puddle or bump into someone. This also happens when she's eager to get somewhere or towards someone, likely tripping over her own feet.
  • (-) Short-tempered
    Melodie highly dislikes inconsiderate or judgemental people. When it comes to an argument involving these kind of people, she will likely burst into anger out of the pure frustration.

  • (-) Spoiled
    Melodie may have been the child of a parent who felt being generous with gifts and toys as much as possible would positively contribute to Melodie's personality. In some ways, yes, but she may have suffered from a tendency of being desensitized to kind gestures, or seeming unappreciative. Her husband, too, enjoys spoiling her.

  • (-) Gullible
    Similar to a child, Melodie will believe almost anything that she's told. Despite falling for it many times, and being told, she never seems to learn her lesson and fails become a little more sceptical. If someone tried to convince her that it once rained potatoes, she would likely believe them.

  • (-) Forgetful
    Melodie has a tendency of either not responding to urgency or taking it too seriously, meaning she won't always prioritize certain things. This may also lead to her forgetting the smaller things.

  • (+/-) Altruistic
    Melodie truly cares about the wellbeing of others, she will do whatever it takes to make others happy, this makes her seem very kind and approachable. However, if someone doesn't stop her from doing too much, she's likely to give everything she has away, making her in the end, unhappy.

  • (+/-) Vain
    Melodie is quite obsessed over her appearance, meaning that she will always look her best wherever she goes. Even so, it can take a lot of time for her to be satisfied in the way she looks, her clothes must match her jewelry, her hair must be perfect. This can take up to a couple hours.

  • (+) Loving
    Melodie has a great passion for everyone she cares about especially her husband and her cats. Her gestures, processes and actions are often made with those people considered, and she will often make decisions and do things which result in the betterment of them, rather than her own.

  • (+) Curious
    Melodie loves knowing everything possible about people, she's not much of a gossiper, but she doesn't mind the knowledge. Often, when overhearing two people in a heated argument, or in a quiet, tense time of secret-sharing, she'll try her best to eavesdrop.

  • (+) Quick Learner
    Being curious contributes to her ambition and natural talent to learn quickly. Especially something which interests her, she will learn faster than an average person.

  • (+) Open-Minded
    Melodie is relatively open minded, taking everyone's perspectives and opinions into consideration. She feels being stubborn with one's own opinion often results in conflict, which is something she would rather avoid. She'll reflect upon and study what people say to understand better.

  • (+) Expressive
    When engaged in conversation, Melodie will to the best of her ability attempt to elaborate on every single detail of the topic in a lengthy, detailed discussion. She enjoys to inform people of her opinions and reasoning. Even if it doesn't interest them, talking about the things she loves makes her happy and quite smiley.
  • Strolling/Taking walks
    You might often find Melodie wandering the streets of Regalia on her own, seemingly in thoughts as she passes people by. Mostly thinking about the future or the past, she prefers these walks of hers alone, not influenced by other people's opinions or perspectives.

  • Horseback riding
    Melodie was introduced to horseback riding by her mother when she was younger, but as she grew up, her time was spent elsewhere. Once she married Ryland and was introduced to Victoria Valor-- who spends a lot of her time horseback riding when the opportunity strikes--, horseback riding was again introduced to her. When Melodie has time, she will join Victoria on trips around the Fendarfell terrain.

  • Spa/Bath House
    A soothing, warm and relaxing session at the Bath House of Regalia or Valorian helps calm Melodie if she feels stressed or strained. She loves feeling fresh and smelling the fragrance of flowers on her skin. Enjoying a glass of wine and little delicacies while bathing with Victoria or other friends is something she enjoys quite a bit.

  • Shopping
    As mentioned earlier, Ryland loves spoiling Melodie. When they both have time, she will often drag him with her to Regalia to buy things, such as new gown, shoes or jewellery, or even little delicacies. If her Regals, friends or her husband are at home, she will also enjoy window shopping alone.

  • Cats
    Melodie doesn't just 'like' cats, she has an obsession towards them. She finds them utterly adorable. When she sees one, she sometimes lets out a slight squeal of excitement and goes towards it go give it a little hug or treats. She not only loves cats, but anything small and cat-like. So she would think the same of M'tyaka. She doesn't think M'tyaka as vermin or anything similar, just as regular, fluffy pets. There is also a M'tyaka in the Valor's family, and she owns a few too many cats, and she spoils them all with treats and love.


  • Inconsideration
    Though not angered or frustrated by it all too much, Melodie prefers people not be treated inconsiderately. If they are, it may upset or annoy her, and if she feels it to be necessary, she might step in and attempt to help solve the matter at hand. When she was younger, her close friend was being treated unfairly and unjust for simple reasons; he was not upper class, not wealthy, nor Nobility. The bullies felt they had a right to treat him poorly. Melodie did not agree with this policy and did what she could to shield her childhood friend from their behaviour.

  • (Boring) Meetings
    The few times Victoria Valor has asked Melodie to join her on conferences or meetings, Melodie has politely declined her requests. Sitting still for longer amounts of time, listening to people talking about things she isn't particularly interested in bores her. Her father spent countless hours talking her ears off about things which didn't interest her from she was very young till she left the house. This still affects her today. Generally listening to topics uninteresting to her bores her, and this includes listening to politics.

  • Tight Spaces
    One could even say she suffers from slight claustrophobia. Being in the middle of large crowds or forced in tight spaces will make her anxious and slightly paranoid. The feeling of being locked in a little space she can't get out of reminds her of a time she accidentally locked herself in a cold, little loft for hours at a time while no one else was around. She was eventually found the next day, frozen and hungry.

  • Entomophobia, Fear of Insects
    For no specific reason, Melodie has an unusual fear of insects and bugs; especially spiders. Being bitten and poisoned are thoughts which also make her anxious. Their shapes, sizes and creepy selves simply don't appeal to her liking. They disgust her. Her older brother may have stuck a large spider in her bed when she was younger.

Abilities and Disabilities

  • Evasive
    Melodie is neither large, tough or physically intimidating to any opponent. If in a physically challenging situation, she will use her little self to evade what she can; strikes, getting out of a cramped space by sneaking, or talking her way out of something.

  • Determined
    Even if the odds shouldn't be in her favor, she will attempt to complete whichever task is bestowed upon her, fight and argue for what she believes in, though she would much rather use convincing words over a weapon. Also when learning something she's interested in, she will devote her time and patience to the given subject.

  • Curious
    Melodie has always been the one to peek around corners, take a little risk by getting extra close to someone whispering, taking the the few remaining inches before an edge and reading the following chapters of a book without pause. Her curious nature may have gotten her in trouble a few times, but she always finds it worth it, gaining that extra knowledge.
  • Disoriented
    Melodie is disoriented. Having little awareness of her surroundings, she has tendencies of being clumsy, maybe break a few things accidentally at times, or fall over.

  • Little sense of time
    On top of being disoriented, Melodie has little sense of time, rendering her either too early or too late for both meetings and appointments. This is mainly so because she has difficulties remembering things which don't particularly interest her.

  • Short-Tempered
    She's quite short-tempered, making her prone to arguments. She has argued with her brother over many things as a child. Most of them originating when her brother wouldn't stop poking her as to annoy her where she would respond by hitting him or pulling his hair. She's gotten in trouble multiple times by her parents for such outbreaks.

  • Weak Arms
    Melodie is not the strongest of people, meaning she can't use heavier weapons effectively, though her endurance is quite impressive. While wielding daggers, she can be a fearsome opponent. Swords, archery or anything similar is a disadvantage to her if she has to use them.
Combat Styles
From when Melodie was ten years old, her father taught her how to use daggers. A few hours a week, they would practice playfully outside, though when she grew of age, the training would take a more serious tone. Her size and strength, however, limit her towards her opponents, making her quite vulnerable towards bigger people. Though she is quick and evasive, chances are she will most likely not take down an opponent. She will rely on her speed to avoid strikes and cunningly strike in open areas. If she sees an opportunity, she will make a run for it, hopefully having cut the opponent beforehand so they will have difficulties pursuing her. As of now though, she hasn't been involved in any such events.

Weapon of Choice
  • Melodie's weapon of choice is a superbly well-sharpened knightly dagger, the one she was trained with as a child by her father, Rickton DuVent. This dagger is around 14 inches long, the hilt consuming 5 inches alone.

  • The hilt was of a dark ash, almost black colour. The blackened handle was forged into a spiral type design, making it easy to get a good grip on the weapon.

  • The sheath was of the same colour as the hilt; it had intricate designs molded into it, overall the pattern looked a little like a rose.

  • Ryland Valor (Husband) - @TheNocturnalGMR
    Melodie and Ryland met a few times after having gracefully bumped into each other that chilly fall evening. Their conversation had a naturally harmonic flow, and they both seemed to enjoy their conversations. It didn't take long before they both fell hopelessly in love with each other, and a year later, they married in the Regalian church. As of now, they both live together in the Valorian Manor in Fendarfell.

  • Victoria Valor (Cousin In Law) - @Satisarah
    While taking a stroll in Regalia, one chilly afternoon, she got lost in thought. Not noticing the lady and gentleman in front of her, she accidentally bumped into the lady. The book she held fell to the ground, and Melodie apologized, picking it up. While handing it back to her, she realized she had read the very same book. She introduced herself, and vice versa, and they began having a conversation. Ryland Valor was there as well. It turned out they got along quite well, and a friendship emerged, strengthening with time. After she married Ryland and moved into the Manor, they spend quite a bit of time together; enjoying a cup of tea, strolling around in Valorian, horseback riding together, and perhaps going to the Bath House together.

  • Jeamil Alanoa (Friend) - @LlamaDelRey
    Melodie and Jeamil are relatively good friends. They met one day, a week or two before Melodie's wedding when they were both out taking a stroll, as they were both lost in thought, they accidentally ran into each other. Jeamil, being socially awkward, was quite embarrassed, yet Melodie just laughed it out. She was kind towards Jeamil and bought her lunch. They started talking about everything and nothing, became good friends. From time to time Melodie takes Jeamil shopping and they always have a nice gossip.

  • Daniel DuVent (Brother) - NPC
    Daniel DuVent was always an overprotective brother towards Melodie, especially after his sister's death, Thalia. Yet as all brothers do, he would also prank his little sister. Placing spiders or other creepy-crawlies under her pillow, poking her until she had a fit... things of the sort. Daniel now lives in Ithania, running the mining business his father owns, though he would visit his little sister in Regalia on occasion. When he did so they would act like when they were children once more. When Melodie saw, him it'd always bring up childhood memories which she always treasured.

Life Story

~Quality Family/The Caring Family~

The rocking chair swayed back and forth calmly as Alena hummed a lullaby to her daughter. Melodie, tucked neatly in her mothers arms and her legs hanging lazily over her mothers lap, had closed her eyes, calmed by her mother's tunes. While knitting a scarf for the winter, Alena would occasionally stroke her daughters smooth, red hair, thinking back at the time when Melodie's older sister still lived, and she would do the same to her. She missed her daughter Thalia, and the accident was most unfortunate, but it had only left the effect of her loving Melodie even more.

Her husband Rickton barged in the front door, greeting them both with a wide grin, seemingly quite satisfied with something. His excited tone had Melodie snap from her former relaxed state, and she ran towards him for a cuddly hug. He kissed her on the forehead, pinching her cheeks with both hands, telling her how much he loved her. Alena smiled in their direction, enjoying the lovely view. In a high voice, he told them both of what a productive week Daniel had at the Mining Site in Ithania; their resource stock having increased by nearly four percent, although it only was his first month working there alone. Rickton walked the few steps towards his wife and kissed her passionately, to her surprise. He smelled the air for a brief second, asking what was cooking. Dinner was steaming, already placed on the dining table.

While eating, Rickton spent most of the time talking about their family business, and how excited he was about its progress. Towards the end of the meal, he paused for a moment before suggest he alone move back to Ithania to work together with his son. Naturally, Melodie's response to his suggestion filled her with fear, thinking she wouldn't see him very often, or ever at all. She had already been through quite a bit recently; losing her sister, moving away from her friends in Ithania and moving to Regalia where she knew no one. Having his father vanish on her too was a thought she dreaded. As she began crying, and asking why, her mother quickly tended to her, attempting to calm her down by assuring he wasn't going anywhere. Rickton's enthusiastic mood was quickly dampened by Melodie's response. A pout spread across his face as he lowered his head. Having noticed this, Melodie jumped off her chair and hurried to her father who seemed to be in conflict, but also saddened. She did what she could to brighten his mood up, setting aside her own feelings.

~10th Birthday~

Melodie sat in her room in Ithania, the young little girl fiddled with her hair as she read the new book her mother had given her. Her brother, Daniel, barged through the door, startling her. She was quite positive he'd come to play another mean trick on her, like throwing a giant spider on her bed, he'd done it before. Instead he smiled, and in his arms was a little kitten. Melodie's eyes widened as she reached for it, Daniel passed it to her a grin plastered on his face, "Hey Mel, guess what? We're having it for dinner!" he said joyfully. Melodie, believing him, was horrified and let out a little screech "What!? No! Don't eat the kitten Daniel! What are you thinking?" Melodie had started to get teary, she believed her brother, right up until he let out a laugh and comforted her that it was just a joke. "I'm just kidding Melodie, don't worry. She's for your birthday. Happy birthday!" The kitten's black and white pelt was as soft as silk as Melodie pressed the kitten against her cheek and squealed in delight; she moved forward to give her brother a hug, however she tripped over her own feet and almost squished the cat, luckily it was unharmed however Melodie couldn't help herself but to apologize a thousand times to it and cuddle it the rest of the day. It was one of the most adorable cats she had ever laid her eyes on. She hadn't even noticed it was already nightfall after what seemed like only minutes of playing with the new family member, and at the end of the day she choose a name for it, Pixie. For the next few years to come, Melodie spoiled the cat, and played with her as often as she could. When Melodie moved into the Valorian manor, she brought Pixie with her.

~Swift Daggers~

Melodie fell to the ground with a light thud as her father pushed her from the side. With a smirk, he chuckled effortlessly. He commented on how she wasn't quick and evasive enough, and told her to get up and try again. She groaned behind her teeth, brushing dirt off her forehead and got up, stubbornly. A few moments passed before her father dashed towards her, a duly sharpened edge clashing into her own dagger. Being pushed backwards, unable to withstand his strength, she timed her evasive step to the side in order to tag an open spot under his arm. He let out a groan as the hilt of her dagger hit his ribs. He backed off, his hand rubbing his ribcage in slight pain as a silent curse escaped behind his clenched teeth. He admitted some compliments before they continued for a few more rounds.

They both sat down with heavy breaths, bodies worn from duelling as their sessions was over. Over all, Rickton was quite pleased with Melodie's performance, despite her size. He was confident she might actually have a chance if attacked. Melodie looked towards her father, a sense of accomplishment flowing through her, as she thanked him for teaching her how to use daggers.


Ryland kneeled carefully on the cold, stone floor while holding Melodie's delicate hand in his own hand. Her eyes sparkled as she realized what was happening, and covered her mouth with a light gasp. He shyly smirked as he calmly spoke the words, and offered her a silver ring embroidered with a small, sparkling diamond placed in a little, black box.

An eager nod followed by Melodie, and she leaped onto him once he stood up. Her positive reply was heard throughout the Valor Manor.

People gathered in large numbers- both friends and family- to attend the wedding of Ryland and Melodie in the magnificent Regalian church. They all sat excited on their places, curious about her dress, the music about to play, their voices low and murmuring. Her mother and brother sat in the front seats together with Rylands family.
The large entrance door opened with a long creak, and there stood Melodie with her arm tangled in her father's. They walked slowly towards Ryland who stood by the priest as the music began playing. They all turned to gaze upon her beauty, though it was Rylands stare that stood out the most. As she walked the final steps, she placed herself next to him, and the priest began to speak his words. After all was said and done, the couple exchanged rings, and finally kissed. Applause and cheer rang and echoed throughout the church.

~Present Day~

In recent days, Melodie spends most of her time doing what interests her, whether it's spending time grooming and taking care of her precious cats, enjoying a lovely cup of tea alone or with friends, spending an afternoon in the bath house, or taking a stroll. If necessary, she will also assist her husband in occasional tasks she is able to participate in, for his sake.


~ Melodie Adelaide Valor ~
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I am reviewing this character!
  • While I get housely duties and gender roles and all that loveliness, I would suggest one big thing for melody; a goal indendpent of anyone else, even her husband. Even if she doesn't openly work towards this goal, there must be something she wants. It's the only thing I'll ask you to do, but think real hard as to what Melody would want in this world, independent of her husband. Tag me when you're done @CatGoddess

Progress: Pending!