Preserved Sheet Melisende Florentia Reinard

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❤ Confy ❤ - Mrs. Massivecraft
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Somewhere Over the Rainbow


Theme ⇤​

Full Name: Melisende Florentia Reinard née d'Esclat
Nicknames: Mel, Mellie, Lis, Flossie
Age: 77 years old
Gender: Female
Race: Ithanian Leutz-Vixe Ailor
Main Ambition: Melisende wishes for popularity and high social standing, and to help her family be respected amongst Regalian nobility.

Proficiency Points: (60 total)
+ 25 Diplomacy
+20 Commanding Speech
+15 Espionage​

Culture Points: (60 total)
+25 Tailoring (+5 Leutz-Vixe Proficiency Boost and +20 Cultural Points)
+15 Painting
+15 Pastry Cooking
+10 Bodycare​

Leutz-Vixe - Fluent (Native tongue)
Ithanian - Fluent (Learnt from childhood)
Alt-Regalisch - Fluent (Studied from when she was 19 into her thirties)
Common - Fluent (Learnt)

Eye Color: Powder Blue
Hair Color: Ivory, was once a pale gold
Hair Style: Tied back into elegant updos
Skin Color: Pink-splotched cream
Clothing: Full-length, elegant, conservative gowns with high collars
Height: 5 feet 4 inches with her back hunched over from old age
Body Build: Skinnyfat
Weapon of Choice: Her scolding words and a slap to the wrist


⇥ Within moments of an enchanting conversation with Melisende, most would see her as a charismatic, poised, proud, and eloquent lady. Although her current state is marked with frailty as she goes through the last stages of her life, Melisende with her voice alone is a strong, self-assured, and confident speaker. For those who hear of the elderly woman on the street, they will either hear of whispered rumors of a glamorous youth or the latest disrespectful, young noble facing the force of her stern, scolding manner. Her mannerisms consistently have a matronly undertone that has become increasingly prevalent as she's grown older.

⇥ Despite her outwardly proud, poised, and confident demeanor, internally Melisende lacks a sense of true fulfillment. All her life she has put on an act of being the ideal lady to uphold her desires to be of high society, however, this is at a deep cost of her genuinity. As a young girl, she strived for others' adoration, respect, and recognition. This ambition to become popular and beloved caused her own family to steer Melisende towards an aristocratic way of thinking. The desire to become relevant and of higher standing cultivated Melisende's materialistic desires, an obsession with and self-consciousness of her looks, and a vanity that subtly appears when she reminisces. At an older age, Melisende recognizes and is frustrated by her own choices to suppress her curiosity for the unknown and her adventurous longings for information and travel, and envies other members of her family that pursue their own adventures and scholarly activities to uphold their personal integrities and morals. At heart, Melisende is shaken by the realizations that she never truly has felt fulfilled in her life, and often reflects back with remorse.

⇥ Melisende is always shining with amiability to acquaintances, friends, and family. She displays a warm, kind hearted, and nurturing attitude towards those she holds dear. Melisende always offers advice, even when it is not asked for. She comments and consuls those around her, often acting as a figure of guidance. She strives to be a mentor and ideal role model for others to aspire to be like and it shines through with her interactions with friends and family. Towards her family, she is incredibly loving, offering all she can give. However, Melisende expects greatness from her kin and will be bluntly honest with them if she is displeased or disappointed. She adored her beloved Alexander more than anything and fell for his idealistic views and charismatic nature. Melisende was incredibly affectionate towards her late husband and is very protective of their four sons and of her grandchildren. Unlike those she does not know well, Melisende will set aside her mask and be more open and honest with her closest friends and family on what she thinks and feels. She consistently takes a "mother knows best" attitude out of wanting to ensure her family's prosperity. If her family acts in ways that she views as detrimental to their reputation, or if her friends do not do what she wants, Melisende will use subtle guilt-tripping to guide them down the path she initially intended them to pursue.

⇥ Melisende has a lawful neutral morality. She believes in following the law, being a good citizen, a devout Unionist, and a proper lady. She also believes in doing good for others in all aspects of life, but Melisende's first priorities lie in the success of her own family, and often justifies her actions required to ensure her family's prosperity. There are actions that Melisende will not commit, such as any intentional physical harm against others, or larger sins. Melisende tries to be just and fair in her assessments of others, but will hold biases and grudges based on those she favors. She is highly critical of others' corruption... Unless it benefits her in some way and then she turns a blind eye from it to blissful unawareness.

Silks and Extravagance -
Romance and Fairytales -
Scandalous Gossip -​

Brutish Vulgarity -
Loud Noises & Yelling -
Boating -​


Alexander Reinard - Husband - Deceased - Alexander was dearly loved by Melisende who devoted all of her time towards making his home was joyful and pleasantly comfortable, as well as insuring his life functioned with ease as he worked. Melisende was deeply enamored by Alexander, and admired his genuinity. She often brings her late husband up in conversation and is incredibly fond of the time they shared together. Melisende embellishes moments in their life, including the exact time of their marriage to make it seem more dramatic and like the fairytale romances she so adores.

Leander Reinard - Firstborn Son - Deceased - Melisende sees the similarities between Alexander and Leander and was incredibly proud of her son. Since he was her eldest child, he was raised to lead and became a responsible patriarch. Despite Leander always being his "father's son", Melisende and Leander shared a mild nature and sharp intelligence that brought them closer.
Lothair Reinard - Second Son - Alive - Lothair has been a great source of pride for both Melisende and Alexander. As Lothair grew older, he was supposed to take an education that would help Leander as patriarch. However, he has inherited Melisende's prideful nature and instead went to a military academy. Melisende is incredibly proud of her son and fully supported his decision as she recognized that Lothair has the same ambition to bring glory to the family that she has.

Gotfrid Reinard - Third Son - Alive - Melisende's relationship with Gotfrid is ordinary at best. She raised him well and offered him motherly love and support as he grew older, of course… but Gotfrid grew into a reclusive academic who shut himself away to his studies. This did not really upset Melisende, who had three other sons to dote on. To this day she is fine with whatever Gotfrid is studying, and often will gloss over him in conversation.

Gregore Reinard - Youngest Son - Alive - Melisende positively adores Gregore, in some ways,even loving him more than all her other sons. Her last child, she often saw him as her darling little boy, and subsequently he got away with most things. To this day, Melisende sees him as her dear son who can do no wrong. Gregore always had very strong, passionate emotions and an incredibly charming demeanor that Melisende could see herself in. Gregore has always been her dashingly handsome son with an adventurous heart and sharp wit-- although Gregore was never the academic type. When he left home at 18 and received an early inheritance, it upset her husband and Alexander felt ashamed, however, Melisende has always been making excuses for and forgiving Gregore- often times not even recognizing his faults. Gregore has an alcoholism problem but if one were to ask Melisende on it, she would claim it does not exist.

Augustin Reinard - Dearest Grandson - Alive - @Eronoc Augustin has made Melisende incredibly proud, especially given her desires to rise of a higher social standing. His influence in Regalia has raised their family to a new social level that Melisende always thought they deserved. She speaks incredibly highly of him and frequently brags about Augustin's success. Melisende dotes on her grandson and shows him more affection and praise than her other grandchildren. As he was growing up, Melisende also doted on him with affection and gifts, she has always had a soft spot for her grandchildren. Now that she is more frail and feeble, the roles have been somewhat reversed as Melisende is going to Regalia to live in the Reinard estate-- but retains the matronly role as she also is there to find him a proper wife.

Blanche Reinard - Favorite Granddaughter - Alive - Melisende is upset that Blanche has decided to go off and leave and pursue her own interests. She feels that it is unwise, and the decision goes against everything Melisende believes in. However, when Blanche was growing up, she was delighted to dote on her granddaughter with dresses, gifts, tea parties, poise lessons, and general advice. She still loves and values Blanche, but is deeply hurt by her absence.

Aldrick Reinard - Grandson - Alive - @NoRezForYou Melisende does not know much on Aldrick aside from rumors of his scandalous behaviors. She intends to discipline the misbehavior and guide him into a proper young man. Currently, Melisende is furious about what she has heard of Aldrick's antics and sees him as a source of shame and embarrassment. Although, her wrath is somewhat softened due to Aldrick inheriting her physical features.


Genevieve Howlester - "A Model Lady" - Alive - @SpunSugar Upon meeting the sweet, dear, young Lady Howlester, Melisende was immediately impressed. She hopes to see the radiant and joyful, well-mannered woman again soon. In many ways, through even just one meeting, Melisende sees the value of Genevieve's moral character, her heart of gold, and propriety. Melisende looks forward to seeing more of her.

Siselle Haagenvig - "A Pleasant Surprise" - Alive - @AtticCat Siselle exceeds Melisende's expectations for Northerne aristocracy in the best way possible. She is refreshed by Siselle's hospitality, ambition, and traditional standards that juxtapose other Northerne ladies' ideals and desires. Melisende enjoys her company and expects her to go off and do great things for the empire.

Charles Ravenstad - "A Bright Young Man" - Alive - @Morpheus_Dream Charles has already gained Melisende's attention through his own ambition. She finds his company to be interesting and enjoyable, and appreciates that he does not seem to mind her prattling. Melisende believes that with his business-savvy techniques and charismatic ways, that Charles has a lot of success ahead of him. Although, in secret concerns to herself, she does fret on how much he drinks within a day.

Camilla Ravenstad - "What a Lovely Niece" - Alive - @ Melisende was so excited when Charles introduced her to the niece she had only heard about through letters. In many ways, their interaction was mundane and tame, but Melisende's secret longings for a daughter that were never fulfilled sparked again in her heart upon seeing Camilla. Her grace and polite demeanor shines through and Melisende hopes to get to know her better in whatever time is left.

Eleana Ravenstad - "Elegance Beyond Compare" - Alive - @CrysRazapple If there was one lady that Melisende could name was the jewel of Regalia, it would be Eleana. In a matter of an interaction, Eleana's kindness, respect, grace, manners, poise, ambition, diplomacy, and intellect shone through with vibrancy. Melisende feels incredibly fond of Eleana and is deeply proud to see such a brilliant Leutzwoman. Her heart swells a bit as she sees features of herself in the woman, despite not being blood-related much at all. Melisende looks forward to seeing Eleana more and positively adored her.

⇥Vulmar Ravenstad - "Charming Young Duke" - Alive - @Tiber_ Upon first meeting, Melisende was amused and flattered by the young man's charm and wit. She is incredibly impressed on his influence in the city and how well all of his family is doing. Melisende finds him to be an interesting young man, and hopes that her dear grandson Augustin can befriend such a successful and ambitious Leutzman (it would be 'good for him').


⇥ Melisende Florentia d'Esclat was born on the 8th of February, 229 AC in Carrois-do-Lions, Brissiaud. She was the second child and first daughter to Leofroy and Adenora d'Esclat. Her brother, Marcel, was two years older than her.

⇥ In 235 AC, her younger brother, Claude was born.

⇥ Melisende had a pleasant childhood. She played with Marcel and Claude often. A spirit of adventure became apparent in Melisende, who wanted to run about and explore with her brothers.

⇥ As Melisende grew older, her mother grew appalled Melisende's adventurous side and at the impressionable age of 8, her parents pressured and influenced Melisende to pursue the path of an aristocratic lifestyle.

⇥ The girl did not protest as she wanted to be loved by her family and everyone around her. She strove to make her family proud, and studied diplomacy, languages, teachings of poise and elegance, tailoring and fashion, and pastry cooking throughout her adolescence.

⇥ At seventeen, Melisende was actively pursuing suitors and often debuting at formal balls and banquets. Within the same year (246 AC) her younger sister, Violette was born.

⇥ Melisende continued her studies and attended every event held in hopes to grow in popularity. In 248 AC, she met Alexander Reinard who she instantly became attracted to.

⇥ After meeting Alexander, Melisende began to study Alt-Regalian in attempt to impress him. Alexander and Melisende courted and she wrote him passionate love letters much like the romanticized fairytales Melisende loves so dearly.

⇥ In 252, Melisende and Alexander Reinard were wed. She was incredibly thrilled to finally fulfill her "life's purpose" at his side.

⇥ Late into the year of 253 AC, Melisende gave birth to Leander. She was overjoyed and quite proud to give Alexander a son with their first child.

⇥ Alexander and Melisende's partnership was loving and fruitful as she gave birth to another healthy son, Lothair, in 255 AC.

⇥ Melisende spent most of her time raising her two sons and keeping order of the household, this kept her satisfied. Although something within was always longing for a little something more.

⇥ In 259 AC, Melisende gave birth to Gotfrid, and oversaw Leander's and Lothair's educations with tutoring.

⇥ Still trying to fill the longings for something more, Melisende assumed that perhaps she wanted a daughter like herself. She and Alexander conceived and she gave birth in 263 AC to her final son, Gregore. With only slight disappointment from the lack of a daughter, Melisende raised her sons, but grew to adore Gregore, her darling son.

⇥ As Lothair grew older he was upset with his duties as second son, and decided to go off to a military academy in 272 AC. Melisende was incredibly proud of Lothair's ambition.

⇥ Her eldest son Leander met Domitille, a woman that Melisende was not fond of. They married in 276 AC and Melisende was a bit displeased as she was secretly envious of Domitille.

⇥ Her displeasure with the match eased some in 278 when her first grandchild, Augustin Villenueve Reinard was born. She instantly doted on and adored the boy.

⇥ In the years 279 and 280, Melisende was granted more grandchildren. Lothair's son Willem was born, and then Gotfrid and his wife married early in the year and by the end had Aldrick. Gotfrid's marriage and son brought relief to Melisende.

⇥ In 281, when Gregore was 18, he decided to take his inheritance early and leave to travel. Melisende was upset by this, but her upset did not linger for long. Alexander was ashamed and Melisende kept making excuses for him. Gregore only visited them rarely over the following years which deeply upset her.

⇥ In 283, Melisende's first granddaughter was born, who she doted on with all the femininity, fashion and tea parties that she lacked by having four sons.

⇥ In her free time she continued to study her languages, diplomacy, even honing her skills in espionage to know everyone else's business.

⇥As she grew older, she began to dabble in painting as a hobby alongside her tailoring. Despite her fading beauty, she continued to keep immaculate care of her appearance as a part of her vanity. Melisende continued to keep an active social life and act as those she was of higher class than she is.

⇥ Her beloved husband Alexander dies at 66 years old in the year 287 AC.

⇥ Leander took over the patriarchy and made her proud, maintaining their social standing and leadership over the family. Melisende was an active influencer of her grandchildren's lives. Life maintains a pleasant status quo of her hobbies, social functions, and family life.

⇥ Her eldest son Leander dies a sudden and unexpected death at 53 years old from illness in the year 300 AC. This deeply shocks and hurts Melisende, causing her to go into a grieving period.

⇥ Her grandson Augustin Reinard assumes the role of patriarch.

⇥ Following Leander's death, her favorite granddaughter Blanche Reinard decides to travel and leaves in 301 AC, which hurts and worries Melisende.

⇥ Melisende grows upset, restless, and dissatisfied with her life as the family's cohesion undergoes a small but noticeable shift. She feels lonely and keeps in contact with her living siblings, including her younger sister Violette.

⇥ Melisende decides she needs more excitement in her life, and wishes to go meddle with her children's and grandchildren's lives. Augustin's lack of marriage concerns Melisende, to the point she decides that with her remaining time, she must ensure the Reinard lineage continues on.

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My sole point of review is that I ask that her Main Ambition be shortened a bit to one sentence or a few words.

Please tag me once the edit has been done in green @Miss_Confined