Character Information
Attack Stat: Dexterity.
Defense Stat: Wisdom.
Dexterity [7]
- Full Name: Meimo.
- Heritage: Roamer Maraya.
- Age: Nineteen.
- Gender: Female [She/Her].
- Religion: ???.
- Occult: None.
- Eye Color: Light green.
- Skin Color: Light blue.
- Hair: Dark purple.
- Height: 5'2".
- Body Type: Skinny/Low body mass.
- Hobbies and Talents: Cooking, Far-range shooting.
- Languages: Shalota (Fluent), Common (Fluent), Skodje (Fluent).
- Maraya Mechanics.
Attack Stat: Dexterity.
Defense Stat: Wisdom.
Dexterity [7]
- Deadeye Stance [FREE]
- Deadeye Execute Pack
- Deadeye Doubletap Pack
- Deadeye Pinshot Pack
- Disguise Pack
- Close Save Pack
- Dirty Fighter Pack
- Escape Artist Pack
- Aria of Weakening Pack
- Aria of Harming Pack
- Elegy of Headwind Pack
- Sonata of Purity Pack
- Elegy of Tailwind Pack
- Sonata of Justice Pack
- Sonata of Sanctuary Pack
- Bardic Harmony [FREE]
- Interception